Well 2010 is almost over...2011 is lurking around around the corner...What will the new year old for you? What will it hold for me? I've been trying to think about 2010, and remember all the big stories, and all the shit that has happened in my world, but it's all a blur...Maybe the new baby cutting into my sleep has scrambled my brain a little bit...Maybe having this new little girl has overshadowed everything else...
So instead of looking back on the year, I'll just look back at this last week or so...I'm losing my fucking mind! Not because of the baby...It's my mother-in-law...She offered to come and stay with us after the baby was born, to help out for the first couple weeks...It's been almost two weeks, and we're still waiting for some help...So far she has knocked back four 12 packs of soda, eat my food, take my son's room over, use way too much toilet paper, found ways to avoid her grandchildren, and always seems to be in the way...She has washed some dishes, but I have to rewash them when I get home from work...For some reason she uses her hands or dirty wash rag instead of one of the three dish washing brushes we have...
To be fair, she has done a good deal of laundry, but when I'm working a double at the Fish House, and the oldest is sick, and the little Beeze is, well, the little Beeze, and my wife is taking care of the baby, maybe grandma could jump in and help with the kids, or make dinner...We could give a shit about the laundry at that point...
Then...Back at Thanksgiving I made it clear to everyone, we weren't having people over for Christmas, and we weren't going anywhere for Christmas...I wasn't making a big dinner...We had no idea what would happen with the baby, and we didn't want any extra chaos...So on the 23rd, she invites my father-in-law, and brother-in-law over for Christmas dinner...Never talking to me about it...And it was clear she wasn't cooking anything...So off to the store I go on Christmas Eve to get shit to make a dinner...Because as much as I wanted to throw her in the street, and tell them if they showed up at my door, they would be laying next to her, I didn't...I love my wife, and she was just as frustrated as I was, maybe more...I bit my tongue...If she wanted to go off, then she knew she could tag me in...But she didn't...She's too nice...But she wanted to, and so did I...
Father-in-law, and brother-in-law, stayed a very short time...The pretty much ate and left...This was kinda nice, but it pissed me off at the same time...I scrambled to make them dinner, even though they knew I didn't want to do it, grandpa ran his fucking mouth, like he always does, and they left...Spend some time with the kids...Offer to help cleanup...Don't just eat and run! WTF!?! Clearly, based on my mood, no matter what they did, I wasn't going to be happy...
Grandma continues to make me nuts...She complained about having an upset stomach today...Then during the course of the day, ate chocolate cake, pumpkin spice ice cream, and killed some more soda...Seriously?
Okay, I should move on from this topic...
Those pussies in Philly are playing the game they postponed because a snow storm was coming...They only got 12 inches in Philly...What a bunch of twats! Actually, that's an insult to twats! Even the governor of Pennsylvania called out the NFL and everyone else involved, referring to them as wusses! Damn right Ed Rendell!
Now after this has happened, what does it mean next time there is a snow storm coming...What if some one thinks it's raining too hard...A bad precedent has been set, and the NFL is going to have to pull their collective heads out of their asses!
It's been awhile since I posted any Bill Burr...Here is Bill and his thoughts on the Jets, Rex Ryan, and Rex's love of feet!
It's still the Holiday season, so I decided to borrow some Holiday Hotties from one of my Favorite sites... http://www.hockeyhotchicks.com/
So on this fine Hump Day, which of these Holiday Hotties would you most like to give a yule log?



As always, Read and Respond...
And Happy New Year!
Later, The Beeze.