Now that says Merry Christmas! And I need to something like that...This is the part of Christmas I hate...It's over...All the planning, and all the work...The cooking...Then poof, it's over...Christmas night I'll be up late watching "Christmas Vacation" and any other Christmas movie that's on late...Just trying to hang on a little longer...I love this time of year...I wish we all could remember to be this caring and family friendly, all year around...But sadly, for many people, they need this December reminder...
We had fun, although Mrs. Beeze started getting sick Friday night...She felt lousy, but she made it through...But after our Christmas Eve party, she crashed early...The Santa duties were all on me...Holy shit these kids are spoiled!

Yeah, That's just what the mighty Santa did...Earlier Christmas Eve they were hooked up by their grandparents, and uncles...
The Little Beeze was up at 5:30 AM...We made him go back to bed and wait until 7:00...At 7:00AM exactly he waking up the house...By 7:30AM everything was unwrapped. He was thrilled with all the loot he got...He's always happy when he gets gifts, but this year we nailed it...It was great...His older sister was thrilled too...She didn't get the big money item she wanted from Santa, but she never mentioned it...She was really happy with what she got, and seems to be trying to hold on to the myth...Maybe just for us...
Then there was the baby...She isn't much for opening gifts yet...Christmas Eve she was over-joyed with a card...Walking around the house, waving it around, babbling with a smile on her face...Christmas morning she was a bit overwhelmed by it all...Up earlier then she wanted, and the chaos, and the extra people and noise was getting to her...She was digging this dog my wife got her...It laughs and keeps rolling over, back and forth...It cracked her up, but added to my Christmas Ale headache...
By at 8:30 I sent the wife back to bed, and got Molly down for a nap...After her nap she still didn't want to deal with this Christmas stuff...She kept going to the basement steps...So we went down there...Away from all the Christmas stuff, and away from everyone...She had a blast, just doing her thing, with the stuff she knew...
Later in the day I took the kids to my parents fro dinner, and more noise and chaos...We only stayed a couple hours...The baby wanted out, and I understand why...Back at home we watched the final showing of "A Christmas Story"...Kids had their baths, and crashed...With all the chaos, and a sick wife, it was still a great Christmas.
-Now that I covered that...How about some football...SHOCKING NEWS!!! The Browns lost Saturday to the Ravens! To be honest, I didn't even watch...I did see a bit of the Jets vs. Giants...Holy shit, can we all agree that Mark Sanchez is one of the worst QB's in the NFL...What an overrated, cunt...Just like his overrated coach, and overrated team...Just a whole room full of overrated cunts! After the Giants win, Brandon Jacobs let the world know what he thought of stupid Rex Ryan...
It's about time some one got in front of a camera and microphone, and said what we all think!
Hey, did you see what happened to the Broncos and Saint Tebow...They got their asses rolled for the second week in a row...All that Tebow hype is starting to quiet down, now that he teams Defense is getting schooled...Oh, and he's not that good of a QB!
Adrian Peterson's knee was destroyed Saturday...It's said he tore the ACL, and there seems to be trouble withe MCL...I guess he won't be the #1 fantasy pick next year!
-Now, I'm a huge Hockey fan...For those of you who may not be, if you want a good inside look into Hockey, and a great rivalry...Check out HBO's "24/7 Flyer/Rangers Road to the Winter Classic"...It's a great behind the scenes look at Hockey, players on and off the ice, coaches, and the build up for one of the NHL's biggest draws...
And before I go, I'm going to leave you with a Christmas Song...It's not a classic...It's different...And I kind of like it, although it use to annoy me...Give it a try...
Merry Christmas...Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.