Well, not that Beeze...Yes, this feels like one of those wacky facebook notes, but I was inspired by my friends, B-DUB and -A...So here's my list...They both started with a fear of heights, so why not begin there...
1. I was always afraid of heights, so freshman year of high school I joined the Stage Crew, and signed up for the Lighting and fly crews...It didn't take long for me to get past the fear, thanks to the upperclassmen breaking my balls...Then when the railing of a cat-walk broke and I nearly fell to my death, I learned I wasn't afraid of heights, I was afraid of hitting the ground...Since then I've had no problem with heights, but I make sure I don't fall...
2. I can't stand roller coasters...That shit scares the hell out of me...I have little faith in anyone else controlling my fate...Hell I even had trouble enjoying a handy on a roller coaster...
3. I've started writing 3 different books...One all about me and my insanity, and playing shrink to myself...I had hoped to be done with it by now, but this shit in my head doesn't seem to stop! One that is total fiction...I'm not telling you about that, it's gonna be an Oscar winning screen play, and you aren't stealing it! The third was for my wife, explaining football, so she could possibly enjoy watching it with me...
4. I play guitar and write songs, but clearly since I sling fish for a living, I don't play and write well enough!
5. That picture is of the guitars I own...The fleet is missing 3 that I sold off to start college funds for my kids...I miss my 1962 Fender Jazzmaster the most...
6. I'm a bit of a "Star Wars" geek, but the 3 newest ones were a letdown...Although the 3rd one was much better than the first 2...
7. I've spent too much time ripping apart the 3 latest Star Wars films, and how they screwed up the time-lines, and other shit that I could go into for hours...
8. "The Empire Strikes Back" is my favorite...
9. Boba Fett was the shit, and the way they way they killed him in "Return of the Jedi" is a disgrace...

I just used 4 on my "Star Wars" geekdom...
10. When it comes to "The Flintstones" I was always a Betty fan...

11. That picture was my Fantasy Football team Logo last year...
12. I stay up late almost every night, for no real reason...It's almost like I feel like I'm wasting time if I go to bed...
13. Part of what keeps me up late, or all night is watching movies I've seen plenty of times before...If it's a Vietnam movie, I'm watching it...
14. I collect Baseball caps...Not so much of Baseball teams, but caps from anywhere...Although I do have 8 different styles of Boston Red Sox caps...7 different Notre Dame caps...3 different Fish House styles...
15. I drink too much coffee...Most after 3 in the afternoon...Minimum of 6 cups...
16. I follow politics closely, and feel that my opinion is always right, but I'm willing to listen to the opposing view...Something that most the dolts in DC don't do...I don't write about politics often, because it so often gets people too pissed off...Which leads to out next one...
17. I crave the acceptance of strangers and friends alike, clearly since I'm always posting blogs...
18. I wish I was sitting in Sullivan's Pub right now, eating a Rashers & Turkey Melt, and drinking a Christmas Ale...But we are on High Alert with the baby watch right now...Any day now...
19. I once had a girlfriend break up with me because this poster was hanging in my bedroom...

It made her feel insecure about herself...Me saying, "Well of course you don't look like the Playmate of the Year? I wanted to inspire you to lose weight" didn't really help things...A hour later she came back over, dropped and gobbled, and I agreed to put the poster in the closet...
20. I use to drink religiously...Seriously, too much...Once we started having kids I slowed that down...Now I have a few beers, a couple times a month...
21. My favorite word is FUCK...
Thanks for that video Frank!
I know many women hate it, but cunt is my second favorite word...It seems to have so much force behind it!
22. I dread going out...Every time I or we have plans to go anywhere, when it gets close, I just don't want to go...I'm well known for saying, "I'll be there" and then not showing up...But when I force myself to go, or the wife kicks me in the ass, and says, "we're going" I have a great time...It's a nasty mental hurdle I've had since childhood...Back when I was kid, I'd get sick all the time over going places...
23. I didn't have a computer, or the Internet, or anything until 4 and a half years ago...Now I'm a blogging, social media, geek, who can't believe how empty his life was without all this technology...
24. I love hot women in school girl outfits, and yes, two is better than one...

25. I am often anti-religion...Mainly because of religious fanatics who seem to fuck things up...By that I mean, they don't know what they are talking about...Seriously, it's your religion, you should have a clue...
I've also known very religious catholics, who have been the most unloving, unaccepting, intolerant, bigoted people I've ever met...
That all said, I quietly and privately hope that there is something out there that explains all of this...Or are we just left with DeNiro in "The Deer Hunter"?
Later, The Beeze.
I did not start even doing E Mails till 2005, Now the person who got me started might just regret all the stuff I do , Like blogging, E Mails, You Tube and Facebook.
I am also so inspired. I have been working on more This Year in Rage stuff, but this is something I could write and still have time to do the shitload of other writing this week. Thanks for the idea!
P.S. Very insightful!
I must write one of these. This was wonderful to read and very insightful!!
Glad the video made the post!
I guess I've been reading here enough I can say, "Nothing surprised me on this list." Thanks for confirming.
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