Happy New Year!!!
Later, the BEEZE
How about Chad Weak Arm Pennington....He's gotta be loving it...I wonder what Mike Greenberg did after that game...Did he cry for his Jets? Or did he cream his pants for Chad?
"How about them Cowboys!!!" way to $h!t the bed boys...And to my friends in Philly...CONGRATS!!! The Eagles are back from the dead.
Number 2 on the list was Alex Ovechkin...and after what I've been seeing from him the last couple of seasons, he may be #1 next year....Number 3 was Gary Bettman....I guess he has "power and influence" but that isn't a good thing....dude is a top 5 douche....Speaking of Douche, and this is another thing that surprised me....Number 27 on the list was Sean Avery..."the most hated player in hockey"...the guy the league makes rules up for on the fly...the guy the league wants nothing to do with....A guy who The Hockey News hasn't always been a fan of...so why give him any ink?
This is what they wrote about him...."Avery,28, is the undisputed winner of the biggest mouth, smallest mind award. He casts himself, the league and the game in a negative light because of his poorly thought-out actions and comments - making this list for all the wrong reasons. The league came up with a new interpretation of a rule just for him."
So I ask again....If he is so bad for the game, and the league, why do you still keep giving him coverage?
I'll tell you why....Because with a dummy like Bettman in charge the league needs characters to help draw attention to the game. The NHL hates Avery, and many in the Hockey world say they hate him, but they keep writing about him....They can't wait for him to open his mouth, so the media will be talking about hockey....They know bad PR is better then NO PR....I hate Hypocrites, and hockey is full of them.
My family left, and we got the kids to bed....The in laws were here to stay...You have to understand a few things about them...they don't like each other...She just goes through life with blinders on....he can't shut the f**k up....Seriously these two could make anybody crazy...It's bad enough I didn't want them here, but my wife was bummed about it then me.
So the kids are in bed, and I'm playing Santa, and trying to watch the Irish...This a$$ won't leave me alone....He isn't talking about anything...He's just talking to talk...I'm trying to put stuff together, my wife is putting stuff under the tree, and what do we hear....the same $h!t we hear every year..."when you were kids we didn't get you this much stuff." All I wanted to say was, 'well that's cause we're not a couple of cheap, crabby, loveless, a$$holes.' But as always with grandpa, I bit my tongue.
Another problem when our favorite visitors come....I don't cum...Sex is off the table, or the bed, or the floor, or anywhere else....this is because of the one time when granny was staying with us, and she did the ole open & knock...You know, when somebody is opening the door at the same time they are knocking on it...There I was jack-hammering away on Mrs. Beeze, and something so important that Grandma had to get out of bed and tell us right then....She walks in and just starts stammering and then runs out...she didn't even close the door...Then Mrs. Beeze, who often acts like a child, just starts this annoying I'm embarrassed giggle....So ever since then...No love for Daddy.
I could go on about those two, but maybe I'll just save it for a special blog...just for them.
The kids had a great Christmas. They got everything they wanted and more...The Mrs. was very happy with all her presents, as was I....She got me too much...A Blow Job would have been nice though.
I hope You and Yours had a very Merry Christmas.
Have a good week.
Later, The BEEZE.
How about that guy CK ?
I like this one..........
Merry Christmas
Later, The BEEZE.
So this weeks tale is from back in my youth...My early 20s...I was a perv, and a loud mouth, and hit on everything that moved...So not much has changed.
There was this server...we'll call her Maureen...She was cool...Good looking...Liked to drink...Liked to poke some smot....We hung out, and had a friendly relationship....And when I say we had a friendly relationship, I mean there was some oral sex involved.
So one day I'm being a smart a$$ and I say, "Hey Maureen, you wanna go down to the beer cooler and let me tap your keg?" I know...It's a sh!t line....Whatever, I was f**king around. She says "I'll meet you in 5 minutes." Now I assume she's just f**king around right back.
A few minutes later I head down to the produce cooler to restock some stuff. The beer cooler attached to it...What do I see? Maureen waiting pants around her ankles, bent over a keg....'Are you sh!tting me?' is the thought in my head...The thought in my pants was 'Fuck Yeah!!!'Now Maureen had what a black friend of mine called a "ghetto onion." Which means she had a nice, big, firm, a$$. How could I walk away?
So I close the door and head on over to get to work....As i was moving her panties to the side, she says....."F**k me in the a$$." I believe I heard a choir of angels singing....Who am I to say no to that request.
So that piece of sh!t line worked, and I tapped that keg. We continued to screw around for a little while, but she didn't last long....She wasn't a very good server. I think she quit, because she was getting the sh!tty shifts...pun intended. Once she left I didn't see her anymore.
After all the fantasy studying this morning, we took the kids to see Santa. It was the first time my son wasn't freaked out by the guy...Actually he started talking the poor guys ear off. My daughter may be starting to catch on...She said "I don't think that was the real Santa...Maybe it's one of his helpers." My wife responded with a "you may be right honey." I wasn't getting involved.
After that it was full on football, although I did mix in writing about 10 Christmas cards...We try to split up the list, and I noticed the wife hadn't done hers yet...Anytime I'm not the procrastinator is good...It give me a small and brief advantage.
Now to some Notre Dame hockey news. First of all the Fighting Irish were on the NHL network Friday night, so that was sweet for me. Saturday nights game was aired this morning...It's always cool to see some college hockey getting love on TV.
The top-ranked Irish played a home and home series with Bowling Green this weekend.
Friday night at Bowling Green, Notre Dame won 3-1. The goal scorers were...Teddy Ruth, Ben Ryan, and Christian Hanson. Goalie Jordan Pearce made 19 saves in the victory.
Saturday night in South Bend, the Irish won 4-3, taking their season record to 14-3-2. The goal scorers Saturday were....Dan Kissel, Calle Ridderwall, and Christian Hanson-2. Hanson's two goals took his season total up to 13. Pearce made 18 saves in the victory.
In other Irish Hockey news, Tim Wallace '06 was called up from the minors Tuesday by the Pittsburgh Penguins. Wallace was signed as an undrafted free agent in '06, and has been in the minors for the last 2 seasons. He's one of 4 former Irish hockey players in the NHL right now...The others are Penguins teammate Mark Eaton, Red Wings defenseman Bret Lebda, and Blues forward Yan Stastny. With Wallace, there are now 15 former Notre Dame players who have seen time in the NHL.
Have a good week, I'm sure I'll be back ranting about something tomorrow.
Later, The BEEZE.
Sorry, You can't have Mrs. BEEZE.
Read and Respond.
Later, The BEEZE.
This time around I'm going to introduce you to one of the many freaks from the Fish House. Tonight we meet a guy by the name of Tammy Nova....Yes I said guy, named Tammy Nova. We'll get to why he has been given a female name in a minute.
Tammy is that guy...The guy who wants to be the man...And it's his desire to be the man, and willingness to do anything to help his standing with the man, that leads to the man using and abusing the $h!t out of him....He's a dummy....He's going nowhere....nobody likes him because he's a kiss-a$$ and a back stabber....And the man sees this crap, so he doesn't like him, but he uses the hell out of him, because Tammy doesn't get it.
Tammy is the guy that everyone rips on....They'll do it right in front of him, and he doesn't even get it...He stands there and laughs too....If there are 6 people in the kitchen, including Tammy, the other 5 will be in on the joke and dude just plays along like he's in on it too....Dummy you're the joke!!!!
Maybe this all sounds harsh....well it's a harsh business, with people who aren't cut out for the white collar world....we believe in only the strong survive...And Tammy has lasted a while now, so maybe his stupidity is what keeps him strong.
Now why do we call this dolt Tammy Nova? Well on his very first day at the Fish House he comes at us with this (I should first tell you that when he speaks he sounds like he has a mouth full of sh!t)....."Have you ever hooked up with a chick, and then found out she was a dude?" "What !!!" Along with a puzzled expression on our faces, was our response....He then replied with..."It's not gay, she's having all the right operations." Hold on a second dude...She isn't having the operations....He is!!! A dude is a dude, and you hooked up with a dude.
Strike One......okay we all make a mistake sometimes...we don't all hook up with dudes but whatever.
The next warning came a little while later when he told us about when he worked at Johnny Rockets and on Halloween the whole staff dressed up...He dressed as a chick.He's always done creepy gay stuff, and don't start getting PC on me....I work in the restaurant business, I know gay people, I have gay friends, the best male servers are gay, I'm all for gay marriage...Why should us straight people be the only ones to suffer.
Any who, recently Tammy hit us with this. See I run a Fish House Fantasy Football league, and Mr. Nova is in it. We all like to bust balls, and make side bets on our games....the $1000 pot isn't enough for us degenerates...So Tammy was facing this big dolt of a server...total meat head...We'll call him BD...short for Big Dummy. So Tammy wants to make a wager with him....He says to BD, "If I win you have to dress like a chick and go out with me to the bars." WTF!!! BD was like "what the f**k is wrong with you? F**koff."
Strike Three......game over....If the saying you are what you eat is true...Then dude is seriously hungry for a d!ck sandwich.
Every kitchen has that douche that nobody likes, ours just happens to be a closet case....Now we're all waiting for him to come out and see who he hits on first.
Tonight's recipe....Lobster and Goat Cheese Ravioli with Pesto cream sauce.
Now you can find pre-made raviolis at some good stores and specialty shops, but if you want to make your own here it is....
Get raw pasta sheets...we have a great place called Ohio City Pasta, they make great stuff. Layout the sheet, use a round cookie cutter, or ring mold, and press it down through the dough. Layout your round doughs and brush them with a little egg wash...then you put a little of your filling in the middle, put another dough on top, and pinch the edges together.
Now for the filling....take a pound of fresh chopped lobster meat, some fresh chopped herbs, (basil, chives, rosemary) some softened goat cheese (4-8 oz.depending on how goat cheezey you want it) salt & pepper. Mix in all together in a bowl...use your hands...get dirty...food is sexy...messy hands are sexy...sorry I get a little into sometimes.
Sauce...If you want to buy it that's cool, but if you want to make it here you go....Fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic, salt & pepper, a tiny bit of Dijon mustard, and spinach..I use the spinach to stretch it, and brighten the color up. Throw all that in a food processor, and slowly add olive oil as it is running....you just want it to be pasty.
Then you heat some heavy cream and whisk in your pesto.
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it. Also thanks for reading my other crap. the wife just caught up on my blog today...I thought I was going to be in trouble....But she's cool about me telling everyone everything...and she liked how I picked myself apart a little in the last Monday Moaning...Mrs. Beeze is the Sh!t.
Laterr, The BEEZE.
c. Teri Hatcher
e. The other chick
Or for the ladies.....
f. This dude.
Read and Respond
Later, The BEEZE.