Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Time For Some Skull F***ing!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday Moaning
This week "The Great One" Wayne Gretzky resigned from the Phoenix Coyotes...It's about time Wayne...I don't mean to sh!t on Gretzky...He was the man, and I've always been a fan...But he proved something that has been proven many times before...Great players don't always make great coaches...When I say "don't always" I mean most the time!

When you're are so naturally gifted, and things seem to make sense easily to you...It's gotta be hard to translate that to people who don't have the same talent level...I always think of Ted Williams when I think of Gretzky...The science of hitting made so much sense to Williams...It came so much more easily for him then others...It had to make him nuts when he was working with a younger player, and they weren't getting the same results...
I'd like to suggest that Wayne and the Mrs. take it easy...Maybe take a trip to Vegas...We know how she likes to gamble!
Moving on...Saturday, after working a double at The Fish House, I got to enjoy a little Notre Dame football...God Bless DVR! Jimmy Clausen nutted up and the Irish beat Purdue 24-21...

On the topic of college football...This weeks games showed us once again that the preseason rankings are crap...And that any team can beat anyone else...As I sat in a little Irish dive bar after work, I enjoyed seeing Iowa beat Penn State in Not So Happy Valley...I know people love JoPa...Well guess what...I don't! He's old...Really f**king old, and often the game looks like it's passed him by...The old guy is a figurehead...It's time to hang those big old stupid glasses up and enjoy the last couple golden years you got left...
The Browns Offense sucked again...The Defense sucked again...The Coaches, sucked again...then they lifted Brady Quinn...

Derek Anderson came into game and made a strong statement by throwing an interception...Ahhh, Cleveland...Let the QB controversy begin!
In Beeze family news this week...My daughter now has short hair...She donated her hair this weekend to Wigs for Kids...There was no coaxing...She brought it up, and said she wanted to do it...She makes it easy to be a proud father...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bed...

That's what I was saying a couple months ago...
Let me start by saying, this is nothing sexual...Yes, sex is what started this whole problem, but this post isn't about sex...This first popped into my head after an old friend named Bridget had commented on facebook about the new found independence of her daughter, and a feeling of not being needed...It's amazing how Kindergarten changes them...
It got me thinking about my two kids, and how they've grown...And how hard it can be...Part of our job as parents is to have them ready for life in the real world...Yet when they start taking those steps, it can hurt...The first time you go away for a weekend, and leave them with grandma and grandpa...Those first days of school...Their first sleep over...And it's just gonna get worse as they get to the point of dating, and asking for the car keys...F**k that!
Lately, I've been dealing with some of these feelings myself...
There's a problem in our house with sleeping...I call it a problem, but I think my wife and I hold on to it...Maybe it's our way of feeling we're still needed...
When my daughter was born, and the first year or so, I was working an average of 67 hours a week...Her bound with my wife seemed even stronger then the typical mother daughter bound...She slept in our bed every night...Hell that's the most I saw her for awhile...Their bound hasn't been broken yet, and she ends up in our bed at some point, almost every night...
My son is about to be 5...I gave up on sleep almost 5 years ago...He had many problems as a baby...First there was a reflux issue...Prescription for Pepcid fixed that...Then there was trouble crapping, and getting gas out...This caused him serious pain and discomfort...The worst was at night when he was trying to sleep...He was constantly trying to push gas out...Crying and miserable...The only way he could get a few hours of solid sleep, was if he was being held...Every night, there I was on the couch with my boy...This went on for months...Even after the doctors put him on a formula that cost $40 a can...A can lasted a day...That was when we officially went broke...
He got in the habit of being snuggled...And I had gotten in the habit of comforting him...Up until a month ago, I would end up in his bed...He would be calling for me, and in I went...Why not...His big sister was stealing my covers anyway...But I felt we had to break these habits...Then he realized his sister was always ending up in our bed...So he started giving that a try...Now I was getting pissed...We've been working hard at it for a couple weeks now...He's doing better then his sister...He did the last 5 nights without coming up, or calling for me...I'm proud o him...
So now comes the strange part...I think I'm having more trouble adjusting then he is...All I've wanted was to get a good nights sleep in my own, wonderful, king-sized bed...Now I find myself, worrying about him...Wanting to check on him...I know...I'm f**king nuts!
I'm sure some of you are thinking, 'What a douche!' Maybe...I know I've changed since I've had kids...Something happens to you when you are there pulling a life out of the woman you love...It's the scariest and most amazing moment of your life...The wiring is a little different after that...
So I guess as our kids grow up, and grow out of things...We need to follow suit...
Later, The Beeze.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
U2 Full of Bullocks
Since then, U2's stage shows have gotten bigger and bigger...So has Bono's ego...And his mouth...I don't mind the ego...Front men have that...Hell, I think they need it...The big mouth was always kinda cool too...He used his celebrity to try and help people...he made noise about things that many people didn't want to hear about...I always thought that was great...
U2 has always been involved in humanitarian work...They've also never had a problem talking about the environment...Now listen...I'm no hippy dippy, tree hugging, the sky is falling environmentalist...I think there are some things that can be done to improve things...But really, we're all guests here on Earth...When it's done with us...We'll know....
"Global Warming" "Climate Change" "Green This" and "Green That" are more catch phrases then anything else...Scaring people about the environment and "fixing" the environment is becoming big business these days...But whatever...I'm not really here for a political debate...I'm just here to call out some hypocrisy....
U2 wants to talk about humanitarian work, and being more "Green"....Well then what the f**k is with this....

That's U2's Stage setup for this tour...Cost...$40 million...Little excessive, don't you think boys?
$40 million...You could do some good sh!t with $40 million...I know, lights and screens and all kinds of goofy sh!t is cool...You know what else is cool...Four guys, on a stage playing their songs without a bunch of smoke and mirrors....

Oh, and how do they get this massive stage setup around...with 100 tractor trailers...That's 100 big ass trucks burning diesel fuel...I think you could have trimmed the show down to maybe 50 truck loads fellas....

Oh, and in case you were wondering...Tickets start at $49 (nose bleeds) and go up to $250 (some what close to the mosterous stage) I've seen some packages for the seats right up in front for over $500...I've also read and heard that they aren't playing a number of the classic songs, because Bono is having trouble hitting the notes...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Monday Moaning
If you catch it in 3-D be ready to pay more...$34 dollars for the wife, 2 kids and myself...Then popcorn, and drinks, was another $25...WTF!
While we were there the two little Beezers found out they're re-releasing the "Toy Story" movies in 3-D soon...Better start saving up some cash...
So why was this the highlight...1) Because the wife fell asleep early and didn't give any up...2) The Cleveland Browns took the field against the Denver Broncos...It wasn't pretty...The Brownies went out there wearing their stupid ass brown pants...WHY? Well, I guess if you're going to play like sh!t...You may as well look like sh!t....
Again the Browns didn't get in the end zone, as they lost to the Broncos 27-6...Unreal!
Saturday was a little better as the Notre Dame Fighting Irish beat Michigan State 33-30...Yeah, they won...But I wasn't really happy about how they played...
Then there was my gambling Saturday...I had Toledo getting 20 from Ohio State...LOSS...I had Florida giving The Vols 29...Loss...I really thought the Gators were gonna kill them...To bad I didn't have Washington beating USC or Middle Tennessee upsetting Maryland...Then Sunday I got knocked out of my "Knockdown Pool" along with everyone else who had the Packers...How do you lose to the Bengals? Get it back next week...
In the Hockey World...Preseason games have started...I can't really get into it yet...I love hockey, but I have a problem with both hockey and baseball...Their seasons are too long...I'd love to see baseball cut some games...They shouldn't start the season until May and end in September...Hockey should start late in October and end no later then may...The Stanley Cup finals in June makes me nuts...the World Series being played in the cold fall nights of October is almost as stupid as opening day in April snow showers...But I'm spinning out of control here...
The big news in the hockey world was Phil Kessel being traded from the Boston Bruins, to the Toronto Maple Leafs, for first round picks in 2010 and 2011...and a second round pick in 2010...

The contract talks with Kessel have been a pain for the Bruins...And the media have taken some shots at him for not always playing to his potential...Word is, the Leafs and him have already worked out a 5 year, $27 million deal...
Good news for my New York Rangers this weekend, as they finally worked out a deal with their young, talented, center, Brandon Dubinsky...2 year $3.7 million...
Now, this week I'd Like to close with a song...the lovely and talented, Billy the Kid just put out a new video for her song "These City Lights." Hope you enjoy...
Have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Monday Moaning

Okay, so I'm adding on here at the end now...I just read about the stupid VMA award show, and saw what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift...If you didn't hear about it here ya go...
What a low-life piece of sh!t...People always try to throw that Karma BS at me when I get a little harsh...Well I don't believe in Karma...I think it's a way people try to explain sh!t away...I believe in me...And now I believe the world would be a much better place if Kanye West wasn't in it...F**k that douche bag...I hope he chokes on a c*ck!
Now I'm done.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Fighting Irish Fall to Michigan (38-34)

Thursday, September 10, 2009
In Case Anyone Forgot...

I don't forget...I won't forget...I can give you every single detail of my life that day...Where I was and what I was doing when the first plane hit...The phone ringing moments later...Not answering it...Listening to the message from my mom...Putting on the TV and being horrified and angry when the second plane hit...I remember everything...
I remember my wife hours later wanting to get out of our apartment, to try and get away from it...But we couldn't...Our first child was due in a few months...We stopped at a store and got a couple things, including a baby toy...We still have, and knowing my wife, we'll always have it...
We went to eat...TVs were on, with the volume all the way up...We barely ate...We fell asleep with the TV on...I'm sure we weren't the only ones...I got 3 hours of sleep and went to work...But none of us at work cared about doing our jobs...
Yes, I'm rambling...This is just me remembering something I can't forget, even if I wanted to...None of us should forget...That's just my feeling...So take a moment as you go through your day...And just remember those that lost their lives that day...Remember those who lost loved ones...And remember the greatness we saw in people as they were experiencing the worst moment of their lives...And be grateful for yours...
That said, I thought I'd share one of my favorite versions of The National Anthem...In 1968 when Jose Feliciano performed it...He was booed...He had stirred things up...Something that has always happened in this country, and has helped make us what we are...In my opinion, it's just beautiful....
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
More Ranting...
I've been hearing a lot about the new Beatles Rock Band game...My nephew plays the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games...I like video games, but this one makes me a little crazy...Are we going to have a whole generation of kids that know how to press buttons on a fake guitar, instead of actually play one?
Not if I have anything to do with it...Last year when we went to visit family in Boston...I brought a guitar...Know what I did with it? I gave it to my nephew...Time for the real deal...And you've got a better chance of getting a chick to do things to you if you play an instrument, then if you pretend to play one...
That's right kids, it's more fun to actually play guitar, then it is to pretend...Also learning to play, and make music is a much greater accomplishment then being a fake...Ask Milli Vanili!
Moving along, I guess Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina didn't read my post last night...I wish he would have...Maybe he wouldn't look like such a douche right now...I don't care that you disagree with the President on Health care...Have at it...But don't be that guy...The guy that you were tonight...What kind of dummy sits there as the President addresses Congress and the country and yells at him? Apparently you do sir...DOLT! Stay Classy South Carolina...
(Sorry B-Dub!)
Now let me touch on a little Sports...The Pittsburgh Pirates just this week, clinched their 17th straight losing season....REALLY? Why the hell do you even show up anymore...Not just the team...The fans too...Year after year of crap...This once proud franchise has won five World Series...They've appeared in 7...Greats like Honus Wagner, Pie Traynor, Roberto Clemente, Willie Stargell, Bill Mazeroski, And Ralph Kiner...
Now look at them...After looking into this more, I saw that the Pirates have a Home record of 36-34...By the way, PNC Park is a great stadium...But then when the Pirates hit the road...They are 18-50...WTF!!! What the hell are you guys doing on the road? Seriously...What is keeping you from at least playing .500 ball on the road?
Here's how we fix this...Either sell the team to some one who has an understanding of how to run a franchise...Hey, they're out there...The Steelers and Penguins are doing fine...If not that...FOLD...Baseball is too watered down talent-wise anyway...
And since we're sh!tting on the Pirates...Lets take out the Baltimore Orioles too...Yep...I said it...12 straight losing seasons and no sign of life in the future seems like reason enough for me...The Orioles with 3 World Series rings, and 6 appearances...Oriole greats like Brooks Robinson, Cal Ripken, Jim Palmer, Eddie Murray, Hoyt Wilhelm...And you know Earl Weaver wants to choke the sh!t out of some one about this!
It's sad to see this happen to once great teams...But I look at some of these franchises and wonder...Are they even trying? And before anyone takes a shot at me...I know the Indians blow...And if they even get close to 17 straight losing seasons...Believe me...I'll want them to fold too...
That's all for tonight...
Later, The Beeze.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's Everywhere
I think that image says a lot...But I've got some sh!t I need to get off my chest...
I hate to get political...But I've had enough with some of the bullsh!t that has been going on...First, I'm registered as a Democrat...Do I believe in everything that party says, or stands for? No...That said, I want the douche bag politicians and douche bag media on the right, to stop calling me a liberal, socialist, blah, blah, blah!
Listen you dolts...I can be a Democrat and not be a liberal puss...By the way my party has been slowly turning into a lot of pusses...There are people who own guns, don't like abortion, and are tired of their taxes going up, who are Democrats...By the way...I love the ass hats on the right who call me (for example) liberal, while they're in the closet with little Johnny...So will those idiotic talking heads on the right please shut up and suckle me...
Now to the douche bag politicians and media on the left...Feel free to suckle me also...I'm a Democrat...That doesn't mean I have to be so damn liberal, that I sit in the corner sucking my thumb, saying 'please don't hurt me'...Like so many of you sorry bastards do...So stop trying to tell me to be liberal...And by the way...Grow some stones...The Democratic party has gotten soft...The "leaders" say one thing, but always seem to back down...Not because their opponent is right...Because they're afraid to piss people off...Knuckle up!
The worst thing about most politicians...Then don't care what we think...They don't listen to the people whom they represent...The system is screwed, and so are we...
Since I'm going on about political bullsh!t...A number of schools in the Cleveland area didn't show President Obama's address to school students today...Why? No, seriously, I'm f**king asking why! There was no uproar when President Reagan did it...There was some stink after the first President Bush did it...Why is it we tell our kids to be aware of what's going on in the world...We make sure that they register to vote when they are 18 and still in high school...But then the President wants to go on the air and tell them how school is important...To work hard...Do what you have to, to achieve your goals...Take responsibility for yourself...Why and how could that be bad?
I read the speech Monday night...It was released ahead of time, because there were idiots in the media saying that he was going to feed our children socialist messages...Well he didn't...But it would be better then the lies and bullsh!t you're trying to feed us...
And when did we stop calling our Presidents...President 'So and So'? I'm I the only person bothered by the fact that for years now, not just average Joe, but the media, don't respect the office of the President...It's not just President Obama...Who is always referred to as "Obama." It was done to Presidents Bush and Clinton and Bush, and even some with President Reagan...This bothers me, and disappoints me...
Maybe it's just the way I was raised...You showed respect to authority...Even if you disagreed...You respected the flag...You didn't call the people who oppose you, and that you oppose, "assholes"...At least not in public, on camera...There is a growing lack of respect in this country, not just for those we disagree with...But also a lack of respect for ourselves...
I understand hate...It's part of life...But it seems like there is more these days...Hell I'm feeling some in me now...Go Figure! And some of this crap is fueled by the media...They love the controversy...Don't let them fool you...MSNBC and FOX love it when Olberman goes after Beck or O'Reilly...and vice versa...Hate sells...It's number 2, right behind sex!
Maybe I'm wrong...But I never think so...And if I did I wouldn't tell you...Maybe I'm just tired and stressed, and need to go to bed...But I can never sleep when the voices are screaming like they've been today...So I had to let them out...
I've been told countless times in my life, that I worry too much...Not just about big things, but small things too...I never thought is was that bad of a trait...With that, I'm going to bed...
Later, The Beeze.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Monday Moaning ( late edition)
Great food, atmosphere, and the beer is always good...
I head back to the Fish House Tuesday, I was off this past week and I enjoyed it thoroughly...I spent a lot of that time online...Finding things that pissed me off, or just writing about whatever was going on...Feel free to scroll down and check it all out...
Speaking of quarterbacks...
Okay, based on her...I'm going to Dunkin'...She's a gamer!
Since this is called Monday Moaning...Let's end with a little moaning...
Later, The Beeze.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fighting Irish Dominate Nevada (35-0)
In the second quarter Clausen hit WR Michael Floyd twice for touchdowns...The first was a 24 yard reception...The next one was a quick strike followed by 70 yards to the end zone as Golden Tate threw a good block that helped spring Floyd...

The Irish scored again in the second quarter on a 1 yard run by Armando Allen...Set up by a 19 yard run by Jonas Gray...
Clausen had started out completing 10 of his first 11 passes, for 184 yards, and 3 touchdowns...He would add to the numbers in the third by connecting with Floyd again on an 88 yard touchdown reception...
Clausn would finish 15 for 18 with 314 yards, and 4 touchdowns...Floyd had 4 receptions for 189 yards and 3 touchdowns...Golden Tate had 3 receptions for 59 yards...Allen rushed for 72 yards and 1 touchdown, on 15 carries...Gray had 50 yards on 9 carries...
The defense clearly had a great game, keeping the Wolfpack off the scoreboard...Kyle McCarthy and Robert Blanton both had interceptions and the defense also recovered a fumble on a dropped option pitch...

Final game stats for the Irish...1st downs: 20...Total Yards: 510...Passing: 332...Rushing: 178... 3rd down conversions: 6-12...4th down conversions: 1-2...0 turnovers...Time of Possession: 33:40
Great way to start the season...Next up...Michigan.
Later, The Beeze.
Friday, September 4, 2009
College Football Season Has Started....
After running his mouth leading up to the game...LaGarrette Blount didn't like what Boise State's Byron Hout had to say, after the Broncos beat Oregon last night 19-8...So Blount blasted him in the chin...Then he got into it with his teammates...Then some Boise State fans taunted him, and he tried to go after them, and had to be restrained by coaches, players and security...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This Is F**ked Up!
I use to say twitter was "gay"...Gay in that 6th grade way, that is you trashing something you know nothing about...Now, because of twitter, I learn something new every day...Including how twisted and f**ked up people are...So much so, that they make me look sane...Here is an example...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Beeze Reviews The Melting Pot (take 2)
Dan was very attentive and seemed to walk into some strange conversations...Like May talking about how romantic Bryan is when talking about sex...He likes to call it pu$$y pounding...Really, who doesn't? Dan got our vibe and was able to do his job and while adding his own two cents to whatever the conversation was...He understood we were there to have fun, eat, drink, and not afraid to spend money...He also gets the vibe of the restaurant...It's suppose to be a fun place...The servers are suppose to be interactive with the guests...I'm not sucking up in any way...If you've read me before, you know I'd be taking shots at Dan if he deserved it...But honestly, I felt like I knew the guy...That's a pretty cool feeling to get from a server...
Food wise, I think we all enjoyed it more this time...Partly because Dan was cool...Partly because we weren't waiting all night for it...And partly because we weren't all sh!t faced...
As they did last time we were there...The featured salad was the Caprese Salad...This made me laugh too, because it was one of the things I raved about from our first trip...3 of us had that...My wife had the Caesar...Cheese wise, we had the Cheddar, and the Swiss...Both were delicious...
Bryan and May had the Surf and Turf dinner for two...Split...She had the surf, he had the turf...My wife had the shrimp and steak...I had the French Quarter...Cajun seasoned steak, chicken, shrimp, and some Andouille sausage...It was great...I honestly enjoyed the food more this time...It was cooked the same...By us...I do love cajun, so that may have helped...But we all enjoyed it more this time...So I have to figure the biggest reason was the quality of service we got...
A little while later the manager came over and talked with us...He was great too...He also got our vibe, and wanted to make sure we were happy...He also informed us of a dinner they'll be having with Great Lakes Brewing Company later this month...A 4 course dinner with each course paired up with a Great Lakes Beer...We're in Eric!
We finished the night with some chocolate fondue, and bananas foster...It was at this point when I dubbed Dan as "cock strong" while he lit the table on fire...This was a nice bit of showmanship, that helps make The Melting Pot fun...
The Melting Pot hooked us up this time and made it a much better experience...We'll go back again, and we'll ask for "Thunder" Dan!
Later, The Beeze.
How's That Chicken Taste Now?
Is it Just Me...

Since I've started this blog, I think I've made it clear, that I'm not a Brett Favre fan...To be completely honest...I can't f**king stand him...He was my first inductee to the Skull F**k Hall of Fame...
Well now, I hate him a little more...After he threw a crack-back block this week, injuring Eugene Wilson...Crack-backs are a fine-able offense, with possible suspension...But considering how much the league and the media love to swing on Brett's nuts...I'm sure he'll just get a talking to...F**k that! The guy is a punk!
Just trying to use my hate of Favre constructively...
Later, The Beeze.