So I haven't written shit this past week...I have lacked any and all motivation...There has been plenty to write about...Football Free-Agency/Trade Madness...The MLB trading deadline deals...And of course, a topic I spent plenty of time watching...Those ass-hat, fuck-stain, bastards in DC...No, not the Redskins or Nationals, or Capitals...The Republicans, and the Democrats, and the Tea-party fuck-ups...Shit if I start there, I'll lose it...I'll close with those cunts...
MLB Trade Deadline...That's where we'll start...I'm not going to get into all the Bullshit...But I'm gonna get into the Indians...
First they trade some scrap for Kosuke Fukudome...An overrated, weak hitting outfielder...Okay they needed some one who could hit in the outfield, but they really need a power-hitting rightly...Then I was pissed when the Phillies landed Hunter Pence for a couple single-A players and 2 players to be named...Now those single-A guys are suppose to be top prospects...But fuck it, they are 2-3 years away from the majors...And prospects are just prospects...No guarantees in Baseball!
But the Tribe made a BIG splash Saturday night when they out-bid everyone for Rockies pitcher, Ubaldo Jimenez...The Indians did what they always say they won't do...They traded their top two pitching prospects...There are a lot of Indians fans who aren't happy about this...These are the same fuckers who say the Indians are always too cheap to make a big move...Shut the fuck up, they just did!
The Indians have fooled everyone for years that they are masters of young talent...But so many of these prospects never pan out, or they leave just as they are hitting their stride...Fuck it, sell them while they're hot! Look at Grady Sizemore...Bitch can't stay healthy and when he does play, he strikes out religiously...Stop crying about Double-A pitchers being traded, and be happy the Indians just landed a head-case, Ace...Yes, Jimenez told the Tribe he won't be able to pitch in Boston this week...He is emotionally beat up...Shit, he just didn't want to get beat up in Fenway by the Sox...
The Indians made another trade, that really bothered me...They traded Orlando Cabrerra to the Gianst for an outfield prospect...O. Cabrerra was the veteran this team needed...He kept people loose, and taught them as well...He is the guy that worked with Asdrubal Cabrerra and his swing, which has lead to a major upgrade in power...Oh, am I the only guy that noticed that no matter what team Orlando Cabrera is on, it always makes it to the post season...The guy has needed experience...
I was also happy for Pirates fans, who saw their team make moves to get Derek Lee and Ryan Ludwick...Those are a couple of bats that could really help the Pirates...I wish the Tribe could have landed one of those right-handed bats...
The NFL...Screw it...Players are going everywhere...Philly got Mental-case, Vince Young, so when Vick gets hurt, they're fucked...I don't care how many great corners you have93)...Those bitches can't throw!
Seattle is stocked up on backup QB's...W
ith Kevin Kolb going to Arizona, now we'll see if he's any good, or just another overrated twat!
Chad Johnson is finally going to be a winner, luckily landing in New England for a couple of late round picks...They also got Fat Albert Haynesworth for a 5th rounder...Dude is a fucking asshole, retard, dick-head, but not a bad risk...He he can't play for Bill and company, he'll be done in the NFL...
Now, for the fuck-stains in DC...Something has been made very clear over the some time now...This is no longer a "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people"...It is a Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations...I proved it to you right HERE...
This was backed up even more by this whole debt ceiling debate, and people's refusal to close loop-holes for huge companies, that pay little to no taxes, and get all kinds of tax-payers money in refunds...Cuts are great, but revenue is needed...And based on every poll I've seen a lot of people get that, but DC doesn't care about the people they are suppose to represent...
Another part of the problem, is certain Tea Party supporters and Republicans...Probably some Dems too...They believe in "The American Dream"...But their belief is different then many...To most people that means having a better life then your parents, and providing a better life for your kids, then you had...To these dopes, it's to become Millionaires...They think everyone, especially themselves, will one day, have millions fall in their lap...So they don't want to see taxes go up on the richest 2% or on huge profit making companies, because damn it, one day that will be them...
Hey, fucking idiot, NO IT WON'T!
There is nothing wrong with being Middle Class...If everyone sat at a desk playing Angry Birds, and collecting pay checks, nothing would get done and we'd all be out of work real soon...Those rich people you help get rich, and defend, and aspire to be....They don't give a fuck about you!
Over the last few weeks, I have lost any and all faith in every elected official in this country...What to do...I'm not sure, but I found THIS_SITE and I really like the idea...I don't know if it will work, but it would be nice if our voices were actually heard for once.
There's a Wolf Outside our Doors, and it's name is Our Government...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.