Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Honey Badger is a Bad-Ass!
What, you don't know about the Honey Badger!?! "Honey Badger don't give a shit!" Just ask Randall...
Like I said, he's a Bad-Ass!
Later, the Beeze.
Like I said, he's a Bad-Ass!
Later, the Beeze.
Honey Badger,
How Dare You Stand at a Football Game!
Crap like this started when the Browns came back and the new stadium was build...Some one decided that this should be some kind sunshine and lollipops, family friendly place...Seriously, it's a football stadium...But worse than that, is Stipe, like many others pays a lot of money for his seats...Let's remember, fans like Stipe had to pay for a Personal Seat License, which gave him the right to then buy his season tickets...Never-mind that most of these people had been season ticket holders for a long time...(Stipe has been a season ticket holder for 25 years)...So for the Browns and their security to toss any one out for simply being a fan is ridiculous...
It wasn't like he was chucking bottles and punching people in the face...He was standing! This is what happened...Stipe, was told by security to sit during the first quarter of Sunday's game when he was standing during a third down play...Then later on in the game, he was standing again and was asked to leave his seat...This due to a new rule that immediately kicks out second-offenders...
I am completely disgusted to be a Browns fan right now!
Back in the good old days...In the original Dawg Pound, everyone stood...They stood for the whole game, and they yelled at those who didn't stand, 'to get the fuck up!' I had the privilege to sit in the original Dawg Pound once...That's the place where fans threw snow balls at Boomer Esiason...Dog biscuits where thrown at stupid Mark Malone! You can't imagine the shit that was said about Elway's mother there...There was a guy dressed like Santa, only wearing orange instead of red...I saw him beating the shit out of a Steeler fan who came by to talk shit...
I'm not saying all of that is good...Hell, I'll be the first to say that a lot of those Dawg Pound people are not only nuts, but many are assholes...But shit, at least they are involved in the game...At least they cheer, and care about what happens...But now, they have some uptight assholes telling them they can't even stand...Christ, at high school games we stood the entire time...What the hell has happened to Cleveland!?!
Over and over again, people try to say what great fans Cleveland has...How Clevelanders are some of the best sports fans around...NO...It does have some great fans, but as a whole, most Cleveland sports fans are idiots...If you bitch about a die hard fans standing, you're an idiot, and you should be the one thrown out!
I hate the new Browns stadium...I've been there for 5 games, and I won't go back...I hate the design...I hate the vibe...The prices are insane...It doesn't feel like a football stadium...I miss the beer stained concrete, and dark walkways of the old Municipal Stadium...I miss feeling that every fan in the place was in this shit together...The times have changed, but they haven't changed for the better...
Later, The Beeze.
Browns Stadium,
Cleveland Browns,
Rob Stipe,
The Beeze
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tebow Has Been Replaced
Yes, Romo played with his cracked-up ribs, and banged up lung...He we all up in everyones' shit on the sidelines, looking like Johnny Leader...Dez Bryant even said he only played because Romo was going out there banged up...Suddenly Romo is the ultimate man!
Really, last I checked he still had his pinkie, and Ronnie Lott has his lopped off and went back in the game! Okay, I'm not trying to shit on Romo...Guy played well, while in plenty of pain...Yeah, it's nice to see a quarterback act like the rest of the guys in the league...But it is the amount of ball licking done by ESPN and other talking heads that makes me sick...
But enough about me...How the hell do you think Tim Tebow feels...Not only is he not a starting quarterback, but now this week no one is talking about him not being a starting quarterback...Tim you better get hurt at practice and then show up Sunday ready to hold that clip board all day...Shit, this is Tebow we're talking about...He better die, and rise from the dead...Then maybe ESPN will be back on his ball-bag and forget about Romo.
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Monday Moaning

Seriously, the past week pretty much sucked...Wednesday night the Little Beeze started getting sick...Fever, cough, congestion...We kept him away from the baby, and our oldest daughter...Because if she gets sick, she gets it ten times worse then anyone else...Luckily, they were okay...Unfortunately, Thursday night I started feeling like shit...Then the wife came home with a piece of metal stuck in her tire...
I pulled it out and put the donut on...I figured I'd get the tire fixed Friday...Friday morning I woke up feeling awful, with my wife telling me her tire was flat...WTF!...So I got the kids up and ready in a hurry...Took the wife to work dropped the oldest at school, and the sick boy, and the baby at the sitters...Then I dropped the tire at shop...Onto work...
Saturday morning came, and I was rocking a 102 degree fever and I had a double to work...I called my boss to see if there was a way out, but he didn't answer...He did work a long Friday shift and probably washed all the pain away with a 12-pack of Miller High Life...So I loaded up on Day-Quil and vitamins and went in...Thankfully he came in a couple hours later, got some one to cover the night shift, and sent me home...
I got home, poured some cough syrup down my throat, got in bed, and turned on the TV...Notre Dame was at Pitt...I was barley paying attention, when Tommy Rees threw another of his many interceptions this season...I rolled over and fell asleep in disgust...I woke up around 5:30PM had some soup, talked to the wife and kids a bit, and then I laid down with the baby for another nap...It wasn't until after 9:00PM when I found out the Irish won an ugly game...I'm glad they won, and I'm really happy to see the defense nutting up again...But it's time to get Tommy Rees out of there...The turnovers are a killer, and he's not built for this offense...
And let's be honest...The Irish have two losses, they aren't going anywhere...Yeah, if they keep winning, they land in a good bowl game, but this team isn't going to make the noise that we hoped...So let's get the kids in there...I prefer Crist over Rees, but Andrew Hendrix is build for Kelly's spread offense...And freshman Everett Golson has a strong arm and is a great runner...He is what Kelly recruited for this offense...So let's see what they can do...
Because of all the sleep I got during the afternoon and evening, I caught most of the Arizona State vs. USC game...I loved the way ASU played, and seeing USC lose is always good...
Now to Sunday...I did a lot of sleeping in the morning...Then just hung out with the kids...Did a bunch of make up school work with the Little Beeze...And then there was the Browns game...They didn't have Hillis, just their best player...Apparently he was sick too...
So I just heard a local TV anchor tease the Browns coverage saying, "The Browns get a huge win over the Dolphins!" (in that douche tv voice) Ummm ass-hat, they came from behind, in the last minute, to beat a horrible Dolphins team 17-16...That's not a huge win! They squeaked it out...They got lucky...They should be happy their defense played well...Although, again it was the Dolphins...And Colt McCoy looked like crap all day, until that final drive...And can some one please tell me how and why Brian Robiskie is on this team...How did he start the season as one of the two top WR's? Just for all you stat-hounds out there who are wondering why I am dumping on him...Dude has zero receptions...Please get the fuck off the field!
The Patriots lost to the Bills...Holy fucking shit Batman! The Pats showed they are one dimensional...They better learn how to run the ball or more teams are going to upset them like the Bills did...
Oh, and did you see Michael Vick pissing and moaning because, as he says, “Everybody saw the game, I’m on the ground constantly. All the time. Every time I throw the ball, in all my highlights and just watching film in general, every time I throw the ball, I’m on the ground, getting hit in the head, and I don’t know why I don’t get the 15-yard flags like everybody else do. But I’m not going to complain about it, just making everybody aware and hopefully somebody will take notice. The ref has to do his job and I’m not blaming the referees by any stretch. I’m just saying everybody on the field should do their job.”
So after he complains, he says, he's not going to complain...Never mind that you and the Eagles complained about this last year too, including sending video to the league to review....After he calls out the refs, he says he's not blaming the refs...Either that concussion was worse then we thought, or this fucking guy is an idiot!
Is Vick treated unfairly? Is Vick treated unfairly because he is such a running threat? Is Vick treated unfairly because the refs are dog lovers...I don't know if any of those are true...I'm just confident that Vick is being a bitch because he knows he's fragile...Fucking guy has always gotten hurt, and will continue to...
The last thing I'm going write about is Jim Thome and the Cleveland Indians...The Indians announced Friday that they would be putting up a statue of Thome, at the spot where he hit the longest home run in the history of Jacobs Field...I don't call it Progressive Field....I have to say, I'm not real excited about this, unlike many other Cleveland Indians fans...I refer back to THIS!
Yes, Thome was a huge part of a great period of Indians Baseball...And yes, I would say his numbers earn him a spot in the Hall of Fame...But I'm just not sold on the statue thing...The Bob Feller statue we have makes sense to me...Jordan in Chicago...Orr in Boston...Those make sense...But a statue for a guy who hasn't even retired yet??? Who left the team after saying he'd stay??? I just can't get behind it...And gashes, I don't think honesty makes me less of a fan...
And if Cleveland Rocks so much, read this...THIS!
Proposed ordinance 347-11 in the city of Cleveland, states in no uncertain terms that any entertainment venue; that's bars, restaurants, taverns, concert halls, coffee houses, etc. in a local retail district (which is pretty much all of them) may have not have live entertainment beyond unamplified acoustic instruments, or any other entertainment that exceeds the volume of unamplified acoustic instruments.
Doesn't sound like rockin' to me assholes!
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The NFL Needs a New Logo
That should work!
-So the NFL is trying to flex it's nuts again...Apparently they have sent out a memo to all 32 teams stating that if players continue to fake injuries, there's gonna be hell to pay...Talk of suspensions, fines, and possible loss of draft picks...
Who cares that this is something that has gone on forever...But if I was a NFL player, and the league tried to call me out for a fake injury, I'd get my lawyer on the phone, and I'd see their stupid ass in court...Listen Roger Goodell, prove I was faking it, you cock sucking douchebag!
Let me ask you this...What is the most common injury in the NFL???????
Cramps! How the fuck is the NFL going to prove that a player's leg didn't cramp up...Seriously, Goodell, eat a dick!
-People are salty that DeAngelo Hall has made it clear, that he is gunning for Tony Romo's fucked up ribs/lung...He also said he won't go low on Felix Jones, but instead he'll be going high, at Jones' injured shoulder...
Why is this shocking to anyone...Injury reports go out, and now targets are put on those injured players...Football is a violent game, and two teams are trying to win that game..."You play to win the game!" And that includes knocking the other teams top players out, if you can...
-Dunta Robinson has earned a rep for hard hits...Some hits to the head...He just got popped for $40,000 for this hit on Jeremy Macklin...

Maybe, it's high...Maybe there's some collision between the helmets...But football is played on high speed...It's not played in super-slow-motion...HIGH SPEED...Sometimes shit is gonna get rough...
Here's a couple hits from lower level college football...No penalties...No fines...Just good ole hard nosed football...
Did you see dudes mouth piece fly out...Nice!
How about this one..
That's Football kids...Like I said earlier...Goodell, eat a dick!
Later, The Beeze.
DeAngelo Hall,
Drew Yeargin,
Dunta Robinson,
Dwayne Hollis,
Roger Goodell,
The Beeze
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Monday Moaning

Then there was the Browns...Coming off of an embarrassing loss to the Bengals, and rolling into Indianapolis...Now the Browns won, but unlike many folks in Cleveland, I'm not getting my hopes up...I mean, other than two excellent defensive ends, the Colts defense isn't that great...And their offense is lost without Peyton Manning...So relax Clevelanders, the Brownies still lost to the Bengals...
And what happened to the Ravens...They took apart the Steelers last week, and then this week they got punked by the Titans...WTF!?!
Cam Newton threw for over 400 hundred yards again...But he was able to mix in 3 interceptions, to help the Panthers lose! (ouch B-Dub!)
Oh, and Tom Brady was out there again Sunday, just torching mother fuckers! (423 yards and 3 TD's)
But enough of that stuff...Let's get into this College Football shit that is going down...Awhile back, I predicted, along with others, that we would see 4 "Super Conferences" in college football...Well as the Big-12 seems to be losing members, now The Big-East is falling...Pitt and Syracuse are heading to the ACC, and rumor has it, UConn and Rutgers are next...It wouldn't be a surprise to see USF head that way as well...
Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas, Texas Tech...Look for all those kids to head to the PAC-12...I see Missouri, and Iowa State going to the Big-10, and then the Big-Ten will grab some Big East leftovers...The SEC already grabbed Texas A&M...They'll pick up some one else from the Big-12...
The big questions...Where do TCU and Boise State go...They're tired of being left out by the big guns...And, will 4 "Super Conference" telling the BCS to go to hell, and calling the shots in college football, finally force Notre Dame into a conference...Will the Irish even be invited?
If it all goes down, as I think it will...We may finally get the College Football playoff we've been dying for...And when it happens, how many will start bitching about the tradition of college football...What, the tradition of bitching every season about which team or teams got screwed...Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty to bitch about!
As for the happenings in my world...I spent Sunday morning at Chuck-Cheese with the kids, for one of their friends birthday...That, after watching our friends daughter over night Saturday...Some one is gonna get sick, I can feel it...
Here's my little girl, Saturday night around 12:30AM...Laughing and playing...She stayed up until almost 2:00AM...

Living the dream!
Sunday afternoon, I spent a few hours chopping a hedge that runs along our driveway...The city informed me it has to be no taller than 8 feet...So my 5'7" ass was on a shaky 6 foot ladder with electric hedge trimmers...One douche neighbor, who didn't offer to help, informed me that one of the things growing in this hedge, on my next door neighbors side, was poison oak...So if some one doesn't get sick, I'm waiting for some one to start itching...
Oh, and Mrs. Beeze starts her new job Monday...Going from one giant, evil bank, to another giant evil bank...But it's a really nice bump in pay...I'm one year closer to my goal of retiring by 40!
That's it for now....Have a week...I'm sure it's just gonna be great!
Later, The Beeze.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Irish Get First Win of the Season...

Saturday afternoon, in South Bend, the Irish defense finally nutted up, and took control of the game...Safety Harrison Smith was all over the place making plays...And the defensive line looked great...Lead by Freshman Aaron Lynch...Yeah, remember I mentioned him in my season PREVIEW...18 years old, 6'6" 265 lbs. and the kid was putting pressure on MSU Quarterback Kurt Cousins all day long...
he Irish gave up too many yards through the air for my liking, but holding a team to 29 yards on the ground is nice...
The Irish offense got two touchdowns from Cierre Wood, who has been rock solid for them now through 3 games...QB Tommy Rees did not put up flashy numbers like he did the last two weeks, but he has been consistent with turning the ball over...Adding another interception and another fumble to his tally...5 INT's and 3 Fumbles in two and a half games...So he has 6 TD's...5 INT's...and 3 Fumbles...Okay, Irish fans, lets stop acting like he's the greatest thing since Tony Rice...
Then the Special Teams...The Irish got a 89 yard kickoff return from Freshman George Atkinson III...I've been waiting to see this kid, and what a way to get people's attention...But then sure handed punt returner John Goodman fumbled a fair catch at his own 21 yard line...Luckily after that was when Blanton made his pick...
These guys need to seriously work on fielding punts...
I'll be honest, I kept my hopes in check this week...Even when the Irish seemed in control, I waited...After the first two games, I had no reason to be confident...Now I hope the Irish can build on this...But I'm not going to get my hopes up for next weeks game against Pitt...There are still plenty of things that need to get cleaned up...This is a good team, with plenty of talent...They just need to cool it with the brain farts!
Later, The Beeze.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Hey Tedy, Relax!
and now in his post-playing career, I think he does alright as an analyst...If nothing else, he's not afraid to say what he thinks...and he did it again...
After the Patriots Monday night beating of the Dolphins, Chad Ochocinco tweeted, “Just waking up after a late arrival, I’ve never seen a machine operate like that n person,to see video game numbers put up n person was WOW.”
For some reason, that sent Bruschi through the fucking roof...Here's what Tedy had to say on ESPN...“Drop the awe factor, OK, Ocho? Chad, drop the awe factor. You’re not a fan, all right. You’re not someone who’s on another team or watching TV. You’re not an analyst. You’re a part of it. They want you to be a part of it. So get with the program because obviously you’re not getting it and you’re tweeting because you’re saying, ‘It’s amazing to see’? It’s amazing to see because you don’t understand it. You still don’t understand it and it’s amazing to you because you can’t get it. Stop tweeting and get in your playbook. Wake up! If you’re just waking up now...I don’t know when this was, six minutes ago? Get out of your bed and get to the stadium and watch some film if you still think it’s amazing. If you’re in it and you know what you’re doing and you execute out there you don’t think it’s amazing. You know why? Because it’s what you’re supposed to do.”
Holy fuck Tedy! Somebody needs needs a blow job! Get the poison out and relax!
Heaven forbid Chad be impressed by what his new team did...Besides that, Chad knew he wasn't a factor in this beating, and surely knew some reporter would ask him about it...So he tweeted how impressed he was, which would hopefully deflect getting questions about why he wasn't targeted...Yeah, Tedy, Chad was being smart...He knows he's not locked into the system yet, and he was impressed at what a well oiled machine it is...
Ochocinco wasn't there with you back in the day winning titles...He's new to this tradition, and system, and had no off-season to get in-step with Brady and company...So Tedy, relax! Oh and Rodney Harrison added his two-cents also...Hey Rodney, you cheap-shotting, HGH taking, 'roid pumping asshole, shut your lying, cheating, fucking mouth!
Later, the Beeze.
Chad Ochocinco,
New England Patriots,
tedy Bruschi,
The Beeze,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The World Wide Leader in Shit!
Shockingly, this post isn't about Ron Jaworski saying "shit" during Monday nights telecast of the Patriots/Dolphins game...I'm annoyed so many people are bothered by that...Worse shit is said on TV all the time...Besides that, the guy had an honest moment, where he seemed to forget he was doing a broadcast, and felt like he was just talking football with the guys...Fucking people need to calm the fucking shit down!
But this post isn't about that...At the end of my MONDAY_MOANING blog, I mentioned how Joe Torre/Bud Selig/MLB refused a request by the New York Mets, to wear caps honoring 9-11 first responders on the the 10th anniversary of September 11th...I took my shots at Selig and Torre...Especially Torre since it went through his office, and I'd be willing to bet, that if it was the Yankees, he would have approved it...
But now, I'm going after ESPN...Why? Because I wrote about this bullshit Sunday night...ESPN didn't address it until Tuesday morning, when Mike and Mike danced around the topic...ESPN dubbed themselves "The world wide leader in sports" but that's crap...They may lead the world in making money covering sports, but they aren't the leader when it comes to reporting on sports...
ESPN is in bed with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA...All have nice, juicy TV deals with the network...So it is rare for any of the analysts, talking heads, and so-called journalists, to take any of these leagues to task for glaring mistakes that they make...Yes, Mike and Mike both agreed that MLB made a bad call here, but they were gentle...They didn't light anyone up...For God's sake, the Mets game was the featured Sunday Night Game on ESPN...The fucking world wide leader should have taken a stand and demand that the Mets be allowed to wear caps featuring the FDNY, and NYPD and whatever else they wanted to wear...
But clearly, it's the league that holds the power over the network...What the fuck is MLB going to do? When their contract is up are they gonna sign a deal with Versus? Fuck them, let'em...Hardly anyone watches Sunday Night Baseball anymore...Most people lose interest with Baseball after the all-star break...And they lose interest with always seeing the Yankees, Red Sox, Cardinals, Mets, Phillies, and Cubs, which are the teams featured in 90% of the games telecast on ESPN...
But Mike and Mike just said, MLB made a bad call...Jason Stark said, "It was a mistake"...Buster Olney tweeted, "IMO, I think MLB should have let Mets wear NYPD, NYFD hats on 9/11 anniversary. I have talked w/execs with various teams who agree with MLB."
...He also tweeted, "I wish MLB had looked at the Mets' hat situation like a version of their throwbacks -- a hat that had specific meaning, in a time and place."
Such harsh fucking words! MLB screwed up big time...They could have shown a some class, but instead they played the stupid policy game...ESPN screwed up just as bad, because they didn't use their power to force the issue...And then after the fact, they didn't use their power, to bitch slap MLB...Instead they all scrambled to apologize for an announcer saying "shit" at 10:00PM during a football game, on cable TV...That's right folks, you actually pay extra for ESPN...It's not NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX...They are actually allowed to say "shit" just watch a show on FX at 10:00PM!
Once again, ESPN shows their lack of balls, and that they are full of shit!
Later, The Beeze.
Buster Olney,
ESPN Radio,
mike and mike,
The Beeze
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Monday Moaning

I have no good segue at this point, to move into the much less important shit that I usually post...So here we go...I guess there are things my kids can learn from Notre Dame Football...

They can learn how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, as once again, The Fighting Irish gave away another football game...The Irish moved the ball well against Michigan, and the defense played an excellent first half...But then it all fell apart...Again, too many penalties...And again with the Turnovers...There is a group of Irish fans in love with QB Tommy Rees, and is great demeanor, but guess what...4 interceptions, and 2 fumbles, in a game and a half isn't fucking great!
Then there was this fucking guy....

Michigan QB Denard Robinson was pretty well contained in the first half, but the second half, especially the fourth quarter, he owned the Irish defense...Robinson is a big-time pimp, because he's got at least 11 bitches in his stable...Yes, the Irish D are all his bitches...In two games against Notre Dame, Robinson has over 900 yards of total offense...
As a lifelong ND fan, I'm disgusted...I can't wait for Hockey season...I lost some followers on Twitter Saturday night because of how I was blasting the Irish...But you know what, they earned that blasting...2 games into the season, and they handed both games to their opponents...Many of us Irish faithful had high hopes this season...Now, I'm just hoping they have a game without a turnover...Or one where the defense doesn't fall apart...Shit, it's no longer about wins, now it's just about not sucking...
I spent all last week defending Notre Dame Football to my buddies at work...I'm fucking done with shit...There's no defending this shit!
-Ohio State fan, again, I must remind you to relax...You beat Toledo...Big deal...Oh, by the way, you barely beat Toledo!
-Speaking of shitty Ohio Football...Clevelanders had their hopes up again, about the Browns season...And everyone thought they had an easy win coming Sunday against the Bengals...NOT SO MUCH...7 first quarter penalties for negative 48 yards! unreal! The offense looked awful early...But eventually they let Colt McCoy lose, rolling him out, and letting him look down field...But then they got away from it again...And like Notre Dame, late in the game, the defense crumbled...
I had hoped the Browns could put together a .500 season, but after the play today, and already being thin on the O-Line, and Linebacker, and in the secondary, and having shit at WR...They may be lucky to get 5 wins!
So here I sit...Born and raised Browns fan...Die-hard Notre Dame fan since I was a little kid...Football season has just begun, and I'm disgusted with my teams...Now I love college football, so it will keep my interest...But the Browns, I just don't think I can stomach another rebuilding year, considering every year since 1999 has been about rebuilding...Fantasy Football will keep in tune to the NFL, but I have little hope of the Browns turning it around quickly this year...After Sunday, I feel like it will be another, long, hard, painful, year for Browns fans...
-Did you hear about Joe Torre being a dick to the New York Mets...The Mets asked to wear caps representing 9-11 first responders...Torre, MLB’s executive vice president for baseball operations, threw policy in their face, saying, "We just felt all the major leagues are honoring the same way with the American flag on the uniform and the cap. This is a unanimity thing.”
Heaven forbid, a team from New York, do something special in honor of their city's first responders, who gave so much...Torre is a perfect fit in the MLB offices...Just like Selig, he's a fucking douche bag!
That's all I have for now...Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Monday Moaning

Wow! Two weeks in a row Mother Nature has been causing trouble, and gives me an excuse to post a pic of some tastiness in the rain! Not that I need much of an excuse!
So the weather caused some issues at the Notre Dame game, but the weather gets no credit for the disgrace that took place on the field...I'm not taking anything away from USF...They are a good team, with a good coach, but the Irish handed them the game right from jump...
Notre Dame looked great in their opening drive, all the way up to the point where Jonas Gray fumbled at the goal-line...If you read my IRISH_PREVIEW you saw that I pointed out, that Gray needed to knock off his fumbling habits! Too bad he didn't read it...USF scooped it up and ran it all the way back for 6...This didn't seem to rattle the Irish, except for QB Dayne Crist, who started making bad reads, and throwing bad passes...The Irish got to the red zone 4 times and left with 0 points on the board in the first half...
Theo Riddick fumbled a punt inside the Irish 20 yard line, and that rattled him for the rest of the day...He couldn't handle any punts...bobbled them all, never got his feet under himself, and looked scared shitless...Then he started dropping passes...
Oh, and don't forget the stupid fucking penalties...Harrison Smith, two fucking face-masking penalties in a row...He should have been benched...Gray and Riddick too!
Coach Brian Kelly looked like he was going to start ripping players faces off...After halftime/ a long weather delay, Kelly benched Crist, and put in Tommy Rees...The Irish came out fired up, missed a field goal...Rees threw a pick...And yet, they still were pushing to comeback...Another weather delay with 4 minutes left in the game...Then Rees threw another pick...Irish get it back, score, down by 3, go for the onside kick, don't get it, game over...
I was so upset watching this Football game, my oldest daughter, who hasn't seen this side when we go to the local high school games, asked, "Why do boys like Football so much when it makes them mad?" Good fucking question honey! I took to twitter with my anger so I wouldn't upset the kids...Some ND supporter tweeted, "We understand why Irish fans are upset. You are welcome to be upset. We will continue to support Notre Dame our mother. Don't turn on these young men."
Which of course got under my skin, so I responded with this, "Oh, thank you for allowing me to be upset! How kind of you! Wow, you've got some balls!" They came back with, "@TheBeeze34 Think you are taking what was said the wrong way. Just asking #Irish fans to not turn on our guys."
So I hit them with two more..."@TNNDN #Irish fans have the right to want their team to not fumble games away. QB's not to throw picks and make bad reads" and "@TNNDN Say what you want, but it's their job. They are getting a $50,000 yr education for playing football. Fans have the right 2 b pissed!"
I really hate when people are so arrogant, that they feel they speak for all fans everywhere, and that they need to tell us how to feel...Blow me! I'll cheer how I want, and I'll be pissed if I want...I have been a loyal, and die hard Notre Dame fan forever...And to me being a fan doesn't mean being blind...That team played like a steaming pile of dog shit, and a real fan admits to it, and calls them on it!
Fuck it, I need to move on...Speaking of Blind fans...Saw some dope Ohio State fan flying this flag...
That's right Buckeye Nation...Never forget that Jim Tressel cheated his way to that record, and now you have one of his understudies coaching the team now...So most likely the same shit is going on...Oh, and could you assholes stop being so fucking excited that Ohio State beat the hell out of Akron...Of course they did...OSU's 3rd stringers are better then Akron's 1st team...That's why they play at Akron! Fuck take the best High School team from Cleveland, and the best from Cincinnati, and they could take it to Akron...Fuck you people are retarded!
And since I'm here, Why the fuck hasn't Roger Goodell Suspended Jim Tressel yet...If you didn't know, Tressel got a job as a BS assistant with the Colts...Now Goodell upheld the NCAA's ruling on Terrell Pryor, and suspended him for his first 5 games in the league...So why hasn't he come out and done the same to Tressel...Tressel was given 2 games by the NCAA initially, and then said he'd take 5...Once again, the commissioner's office is being inconsistent in it's rulings...
And any of you Suckeye fans have a problem with me writing truth, all I have to say is this...

Now, who missed the TCU vs. Baylor game Friday night...Listen, if you see a reply airing on one of the ESPN's, watch it, and remember what I wrote about ROBERT_GRIFFIN back in July!
Now I've spent all this time bitching about Football...Real quick, lets get into something else...Mrs. Beeze and I have both gotten emails from people in the last week...They've been those chain-letter types of emails...We've gotten them from about 5 people, all the same, telling us how we all need to be flying our American Flags on the 10th anniversary of 9-11...Let me ask you this...Why the fuck aren't you flying your American Flag every day!?!
Now, before we go enjoy our Labor Day festivities...I thought we should celebrate with a little Kate Upton!
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Beeze's 2011 Notre Dame Football Preview

I figure I better get this done since the Irish kick off their season Saturday...And in case you don't know, that guy above, Manti Te'o is going to be a big factor again this year...
Te'o, (133 tackles last season) leads a Notre Dame defense that showed steady improvement throughout last season...And the heart of the defense is Te'o and his fellow linebackers...Playing in the 3-4, he is joined in the middle by Carlo Calabrese, a run stopping machine...Seniors Anthony McDonald and David Posluszny add depth at middle linebacker...Sophomore Kendall Moore hopes his play on special teams will help get him in the rotation...
Senior Darius Fleming and sophomore Prince Shembo will be the starting outside linebackers with senior Steve Filer getting plenty of time in the rotation...Junior Dan Fox hopes to see more playing time either at the middle or outside, after having a great spring...
As good as the Irish look at LB, they look just as good at quarterback...

Dayne Crist will once again be the starter, no matter how much Irish fans fell in love with Tommy Rees late last season...Crist and his skill set are perfect for coach Brian Kelly's offense...Much of the playbook went un-used when Rees had to step in...While he is a excellent passer, he lacks the all-around athletic ability of Crist...Of course Crist has to stay healthy, something that has happened the last couple years...
If injury strikes, Rees, while he has experience, may not be the guy, as Sophomore Andrew Hendrix, who has the strongest arm of the bunch, is breathing down his neck...Hendrix is also a very tough and physical runner...Behind him is Freshman Everett Golson who is the fastest and most athletic of all the QB's...
With Armando Allen, and Robert Hughes now gone, the bulk of the running back duties fall to Cierre Wood...

Wood has a great speed, and excellent vision, and should do well in the spread...For the tougher yards, that Hughes pounded out, the Irish will look to Jonas Gray to be tougher, and hold onto the ball...But the Irish are thin at RB...Freshman Cam McDaniel will most likely be the third back on the team, and will get a look on kick returns...
At Wide Receiver, the Irish will look first and foremost at Michael Floyd...Floyd of course needs to stay healthy for once, and stay out of trouble...Personally I was disappointed that he wasn't hit with a tougher punishment for his latest DUI...
Behind Floyd is TJ Jones, and play-maker, Theo Ridick...Seniors John Goodman and Deion Walker need to step up this year...While undersized, Robby Toma (5'9", 175) seems to make all the tough catches, and makes a nice slot receiver...
Tyler Eifert is looking to be the next in a long line of excellent ND Tight Ends...Fifth year senior Mike Ragone is trying to comeback from countless injuries...Look for Sophomore Alex Welch to get some looks this year...
The Offensive Line is loaded with experience, and depth...Junior left tackle Zack Martin is one of the best in college football...He'll be joined by Chris Watt on the left side...Senior Braxton Cave anchors the line at center...Next to him on the right is seniors Trevor Robinson, and Taylor Dever...The Irish have 3 seniors to work in the rotation, including the versatile ANdrew Nuss...The Irish also have 5 freshman and a couple of sophomores waiting in the wings...
Lead by senior ends, Kapron Lewis-Moore and Ethan Johnson, the defensive line should be just as good as the linebackers...Junior Sean Cwynar will start at Nose Tackle, but Hafis Williams and Louis Nix will get plenty of playing time...But the player to watch, is early enrollee DE, Aaron Lynch, (6'6", 260) who by all accounts was the most impressive player in the spring game...

While, raw, the Irish coaching staff love his skill and athletic ability...Another top recruit, and DE, Stephon Tuitt (6'5", 270) could also find his way into some playing time...
Now we come to the Secondary, which will be lead by fifth-year senior, safety, Harrison Smith...

Smith is an intense, hard hitting, athletic player who was the teams second leading tackler last season...He needs to be even better this year, if the Irish defense is going to continue to progress...Playing the other safety spot will most likely be Zeke Motta, who stepped in when Jamoris Slaughter went down with an injury last year...Slaughter should still get plenty of playing time, and may be the teams nickel back, since the Irish are so thin at corner, and having played corner in the past...
the Irish have two excellent corner backs in Robert Blanton, and Gary Gray...Both have plenty of experience, quality cover skills, and both play the run very well...But behind them is youth and inexperience...Sophomores Bennett Jackson and Lo Wood need to really step up, or the Irish could be in trouble, if either Blanton or Gray get injured...
As for special Teams...the Irish have an excellent kicker in David Ruffer...Freshman Kyle Brindza will push for kick-off duties, and to take the punting job, as he has shown to have the teams most powerful leg...The Irish have plenty of talented players to use in the return game...Look for Theo Riddick and Bennett Jackson to get the first cracks at it...
I expect 10 wins this year...The Notre Dame schedule is not a walk in the park...They open Saturday against a good USF team, that has an underrated, multiple-threat QB in B.J. Daniels...And lots of team speed on the defensive side of the ball...This game should give us a good read on what the Irish really has as a team...
Stay tuned...
Go Irish!
The Beeze.
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