Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Morning Coffee: Republican Stupidity


So the four day Republican HATCH ACT violating, liar-fest has ended...and there was two continuous themes for all for...Lying...Every single speaker dropped at least one lie, but the ones named Trump and Pence dropped a fuck ton of lies...Here's just a brief breakdown of some of the lies....

The other theme was this...

'Every bad thing going on in this country right now is the fault of Liberals and Democrats. Every bad thing going on right now in this country will happen if Joe Biden is elected President.'

Now step back and think about that...It makes no fucking sense at all right? Right now, the Republicans hold the power...Moscow Mitch McConnell has the Senate on lockdown and Trump is President...So how is all the bad shit my fault? How the fuck are you pinning the shit that is happening on your watch, to the guy that isn't in office?  This is typical Trump...Typical McConnell...Typical asshole Rand Paul...These fuckers never take responsibility for shit...Trump was asked multiple times and multiple ways if he took any responsibility, for the now over 182,000 COVID deaths...And he flat out said, No...And then of course his classic "It is what it is" line....

I'm not surprised by this misdirection...It's part of their playbook...Mike Pence, Trump Jr., Erik Trump, Whore Melania Trump, Stupid Blonde Trump, Ivanka Trump, That crazy screaming girlfriend bitch, and Trump himself, along with the rest of the cast of gun waving, brain damaged, idiotic criminal fucks, all spewed this non-stop story that 'if Biden is President America will be littered with dead bodies from COVID, bodies being trampled on by angry protesters...and they'll be killing babies and taking away guns and they will remove the word God from the Bible'....

But the protests are happening in part, because of you Trump and Company...When you had protesters attacked so you could take a picture in front of a church you've never been in, with a Bible you've never read, you turned up their anger, frustration and disdain for you, to 11...The dead bodies from COVID, over 182,000 of them have piled up on your watch, in large part because of you inaction, denial of science, and stupidity...Joe Biden is a practicing Catholic...He loves God...And my entire lifetime I have heard Republicans and the NRA scream that Democrats and Liberals are coming to take your guns...Guess what? I have never seen any Democrats and Liberals enact any laws that let the government come in and take your guns away...Shit, I've been greatly disappointed by them because they have never put together any real, solid, gun control laws that could have stopped a little asshole white supremacist and his mommy from crossing state lines with AR-15's to go shoot and kill some protesters...

The title: "Republican Stupidity" isn't about this nonsense the Trump Crime Family was's that so many fucking Republicans believe what they are saying...It's the fact that so much of the Republican leadership knew Trump was a con-man and talked about it...Then they all laid down with him like some kinky, fucked up orgy with Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife and pool boy...And now they helped him carry his lies...

Yes, generally speaking, I think Trump and Pence are idiots...But the playbook they used in 2016 is the same one they are using now...They are using the stupidity of the Confederated flag wavers, the racists, the meatheads, the women who have it drilled in their head that they belong in the kitchen and are suppose to take sexual abuse...The Trump campaign seeks out ignorance...They can feed it bullshit and the dolts believe it and post his lies on facebook and attack me on twitter...

"Republican Stupidity" is all of you fools that are blindly following his lies, and doing as he tells you like he's your damn puppet master...He's telling you to fight against "Cancel Culture" while he leads the charge in canceling American companies and jobs...He tells you we don't need so much COVID testing while he is tested multiple times a day and no one is allowed near him until they are tested and negative...Everything he does, contradicts what he says, yet your Republican Stupidity buys into whatever he tells you...

I fear another 4 years of Trump...Because he has made it clear he wants 12 and the last 4 have been fucked up...I fear he will win...Because there sure seems to be a lot of Republican Stupidity out there these days.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

America: I Am Sickened


Now some asshole will see this and tweet at me, "then leave"...Or 'murica, love it or leave it'....Well, first off you redneck-fucktard, IT'S AMERICA...You people make me sick with you're ignorant ass, speak...Repeat, it's AMERICA....Second, if I wanted to leave, I couldn't, because no other country in the world is accepting AMERICANS these days...That's because we lead the league in COVID stupidity...In case you stopped counting, we past over 180,000 deaths in the AMERICA...But the brainwashed fools are okay with Trump's feelings on that topic of, "It is what it is"....That's just the first reason I am sickened...

I'm not just saying this for some literary effect...Since seeing the video of the attempted murder of Jacob Blake by police the other night on Instagram, I have felt Physically ill...Then I see the avalanche of lies being spewed at the RNC and I get pissed and anxious...Then I see them breaking laws at the RNC and this countries lawmakers are just letting it happen...I want to puke...The system is broken and all of this emboldens Trump to just do whatever he wants...

Then last night, I was laying in bed, having trouble sleeping...I put on the scanner app on my phone and listened to Kenosha...Someone opened fire on protesters...There were multiple wounded...On the scanner it was clear one was dead...and 3 were wounded...Eventually a call came through of another wounded person walking into the ER and was looking to give police a description of the shooter...The description was the same as the one that came over the radio earlier...Now I was wide awake, angry, anxious and after one officer description I felt nauseous....after the description was given it was said "Militia guy overreacted"....

Minutes later there was video on twitter...Victim shot in the head...People trying to save him...He still looked alive and they were wrapping a shirt around his head...But it wasn't for long...

As the night moved on, the prick got away...Then still photos and video clips came out...There was a video of a guy walking up to police describing the guy and then he gave an independent journalist the description...The journalist, said "I saw him, I have video of him"...

Then morning came and we had tons of video...Video that was sickening...Video of him shooting the protester in the head and at others...He stood over the man, pulled out his cell phone, did something with it and then ran as other protesters came to try and save the man...A number of protesters chased him, as others seeing what he had done and that he's fully armed with his assault rifle, ran away from him...Someone tried to stop him...hit him, knocked him down, he sat up and started shooting at everyone near him...He got to his feet aimed his gun down the block and fired off more shots...Sirens from police cars and ambulances can be heard...he turns and runs then walks towards the oncoming police...He turns a corner near a gas station...He points down the street where he was just shooting and then walks away...The police let him walk away...

Are you sick yet? I know I am and it gets worse...

More angles are posted...Then there is the video that made me want to puke all day long...I saw it just after the Sheriff of Kenosha who has a past of saying some racist ass shit....

That is from the Kenosha News in 2018...But he stood there today blasting the idea these militia guys had when the offered to be deputized, and he blasted them for what happened...Although it wasn't nearly as tough as it should have been...Especially as the video I eluded to was making it's way through social media...

Video of heavily armed Kenosha police in armored vehicles thanking the White Supremacist Militia boys for being there..."We appreciate you being here"..."We got a few bottle of water for ya"...One of the people they handed a bottle of water to was Kyle Rittenhouse, strolling the streets of Kenosha with his AR-15 and backpack of supplies...Kyle Rittenhouse is 17...Kyle Rittenhouse came from Illinois...Kyle Rittenhouse opened fire on Black Lives Matter Protesters, killing two and wounding others...The police let Kyle Rittenhouse walk away...He was arrested this afternoon after he had gotten back to Illinois...

I am physically sickened...Sickened that a 17 year old asshole felt it was his right to shoot protesters...Why is the opening pic of this post linking him to those St. Louis dolts...Because the RNC put those two on stage to speak when their only claim to fame or politics is that they pointed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters...So shit, why wouldn't this little fucktard think it's ok? The Republican party is selling hate fear and way too many people are buying it...This White Power kid bought it long ago if he's rolling into other cities and states to scare protesters with his gun...FUCK! Sooner or later he's gonna use it...

And yes, fuckwads on the right have defended him..."He was defending businesses"...Yeah, right...He hates black people...Pasty fucker hates tan people...He hates people who support Black Lives Matter...But there was Tucker Carlson Ann Coulter and Alex Jones and far too many dolts on twitter defending him....

I'm sick...I hate feeling this way...I fought with myself all day about writing this...I want to delete all my social media...I want to not watch and read the news...I want to not know that the world is a fucked up place...I don't want to know that politicians don't give a fuck about us...I wish I didn't know that police forces all over this country have numerous white supremacists in their ranks...I want to turn it all off because it's got my stomach in knots...But I can't...How can I fight against can I teach my kids the right way if I ignore it...I can't...So I'll go puke and jump back in...

This isn't what I was taught America was suppose to be...I chose to load my college education up with history classes, and I learned so much of the bad and the good about this country...This isn't what we are suppose to be...This country was built on the government tries to crush protests like some evil dictatorship we use to scream against...Except if the protesters are white and doing the bidding of the party that is in power...Those violent and threatening protesters are "Very good people"....I am sickened at what this country is...I feel like we are going backwards...But maybe we never went as forward as we thought or were taught...

How broken is this? No offense to Doc Rivers...I love him dearly...But he's a basketball coach and we, not his player but citizen of the United States of AMERICA, shouldn't have to look to him for guidance and leadership...It shouldn't take basketball players, not playing playoff games to get people to realize the problems going on here...But since none of our so-called leaders can do it, I guess we have to go with Doc....


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Monday Moaning: The Hypocrisy of Republicans


Yep, that's what continues to go on with many,(not all) but many, way too many Republicans...While "Regular Joe" Republican can really piss me off for being so ignorant, blindly loyal, stubborn and/or downright stupid as fuck, I take bigger issue Republican members of the House and Senate who have stood by and let Trump get away with whatever he wants...Things they would raise hell about if any Democratic President had ever done them...For Christ's sake these people went bat-shit crazy because Bill Clinton (good at the job but a scumbag) got a blow job from an intern and shoved a cigar up her vagina...But now, the Family Values party stands by a guy who has sexually assaulted women and teenagers, been married 3 times (2 divorces) and cheated on all his wives...Even worse they all knew what he was like and said the shit out loud...But they cowered when he pushed back...And now they all do his bidding...

...And I've got a local Republican here in PA (16) Mike Kelly, running for re-election who couldn't be bothered to do his job this weekend....

Yep, that's the type of shit-bag Republicans I'm talking about...His opponent there, Kristy Gnibus, is a single mother who is also a school teacher, and has also had to carry a couple side jobs...And she's a lot smarter than Kelly...She's one of us and she's running a grass roots campaign that's in striking distance of that shit-bag....


If you read my post SATURDAY you know Trump and company were driving me crazy...But holy fucking shit I about lost my mind when I saw this poll on Sunday morning...

I am going to say the same thing here (but with more hate probably) that I said on social media when I shared this...Anyone who thinks 176,000 deaths from COVID or anything, is acceptable, is a fucking asshole!!!  Yes, including you fellow Democrats and Independents...But the fact that 57% of Republicans polled feel 176,000 deaths is acceptable should boggle are damn minds...This is the "Pro-Life" party we are talking about...These people are the "All Lives Matter" party...Yet they feel 176,000 fellow American COVID deaths is ok...This, without a doubt shows just how full of shit they are...They are the definition of Hypocrisy...

hy·poc·ri·sy :

"the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform."

Another example of Republican douchebag hypocrisy....Meet Matt...Matt Kappenstein

Matt Kappenstein made that tweet @ Parkland High School shooting victims and victims parents...When looking at his Twitter profile before it disappeared, I saw he was a Republican and a big Trump supporter...Again, a member of the so-called, "Pro-Life" party..."Family Values" party..."What would Jesus do" people...Good, "Christian" Americans...What a crock of shit...There isn't a thing Christian or good about this fucking asshole...

He's been doxed...I won't get into that game...But I'll enjoy any videos that pop-up online of him being abused or better yet, getting the shit beat out of him...
 Actually Matt, My brother has offered to fight you for charity...He would gladly beat your fucking skull in for the good of humanity...@ me if you're interested dickhead...

...Adding to the hypocrisy over the weekend...Melania Trump's Rose Garden renovation was revealed...The left is the before...The right is the after...

Odd how the Trumps removed all the color and filled it with white...Racist fuckers! Notice the added pavement...Reminds you of that Joni Mitchell song right...(If not, you're young, and/or stupid)...(yep, calling a lot of people stupid this week)...Where I find the hypocrisy in this action, let me explain...The Trumps fully support keeping Confederate Statues and the flag and Confederate's names on Military bases and parks and other buildings...Confederates who were FUCKING TRAITORS to this country...The main reason the Trumps and Trumpers support this is what?  "It's part of our History"....

Well, Jackie Kennedy planted those Crab apple  trees Melania had removed...A seating area was also removed...This was part of our History...Reagan gave speeches there...Lady Bird Johnson played with her grandson there...Nixon's daughter Tricia was married there...I can hammer your ass with Rose Garden History all day...So, Hypocrites, why is it ok for you to tear down History but no one else?

As I was hammering this post out, Twitter blew up with news that Kellyanne Conway resigned from her job at the White House...Her husband has also resigned from his position with The Lincoln Project...Both sited "family reasons"....I'm guessing it has something to do with this...

Well, with Kellyanne leaving, at least it's once less lying, useless cunt at the White House...

Have a week...

Don't worry, I'll have plenty more to bitch about and correct people on...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ignorant, Lying, Trump Fucking Up My Saturday Morning Coffee

This look of frustration seems to be happening more and more these days...I was up early this morning because the dogs were barking and wanted out and my dementia riddled Mother-in-law was wondering around half naked...🤮...When things calmed down I made coffee and looked at Twitter...Trump was already hopped-up on Adderall and tweeting more stupidity and ignorance...

First I saw this nonsense....

(That was just one of many responses I gave him...Probably will get suspended again for one of them)...

In typical Trump fashion, this statement is a complete and total lie...I even went back and checked...Because with this lying asshole, you have to fact check...The Democratic National Convention did not take the word "GOD" out of the "Pledge of Allegiance"....Which by the way, any pledge feels culty to me but that's a whole other conversation...

This was a outright lie, tweeted at Evangelical Christians to get them fired up for him, again...And this group that claims to be Christian is often the most unloving, uncompassionate, unaccepting, most bigoted bunch of not-Jesus-like mother fuckers you can find...They support Trump...A guy that has been married 3 times (2 divorces)...Cheated on all of his wives...Bragged about sexually assaulting women...Has multiple rape allegations against him, some waiting to go to court once he is out of office...Has had multiple "businesses" and a charity that were nothing more then scams...Oh, and he doesn't go to fucking church!

And for a little History lesson, since we all know Donny doesn't actually know, because why the fuck would he have ever read or studied any history? Here's the History of the "Pledge of Allegiance"...

Its originally read...

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1923 the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added so it read...

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1954, because of McCarthyism and the Communist threat, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God,"  because Communist Russia did not allow religion a true communist would show themselves because they wouldn't be able to say the Pledge...So now we have this....

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

But Lying, Asshole Trump wasn't done...He was also tweeting that the FDA was "The Deep State"....Seriously...The FDA, who will be approving a COVID vaccine if we can get one...But maybe not...If dummy Donny is calling them "The Deep State" it could easily be the beginning of him trying to cut their funding, cut their power, dismantle them...What started this thread of anti-FDA tweets and that they are "The Deep State?"  The FDA revoked the Emergency Use Authorization,  that allowed for chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be used to treat certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19..."Based on its ongoing analysis of the EUA and emerging scientific data, the FDA determined that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19."

See, he's pissed that he got in bed with drug companies who's drug isn't the cure that would make COVID-19 "magically disappear"....It is what it is Donny!

By the way...175,000 U.S. Deaths from COVID and we still got Trumpers refusing to wear masks and calling it a hoax...So let me ask you fucking geniuses this....If you're super hero, Trump, a "Republican" is the President and McConnell and the Republicans control the Senate how is COVID a "liberal conspiracy?"...a "hoax?"...Why did The President have briefings about it daily? Why is he tested multiple times a day? Why is no one allowed to see him/meet with him until they have been tested and are not positive? 

Why are you so fucking stupid?


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Trump vs. Goodyear and The Truth About "MAGA"


So today, Idiot Trump launched an attack on the tire company Goodyear...The true king of "fake news' got some fake news whispered into his ear that Goodyear has banned employees from wearing "MAGA" hats or masks or any "MAGA" gear...The actual facts are that Goodyear has a policy that does not permit any political gear to be worn at work by it's employees...No Biden gear, no Trump gear, no Green party gear, no Bernie Gear, none of it...And in case you were totally fucking clueless, many work places have you sign code of conduct policies books, or forms, or what have you, an in there most of them make it clear that political gear is not allowed...I have worked places were political talk is not permitted...

So right off the bat, Trump is wrong and he's an idiot...and so are his loyal, retarded followers...Donny boy had his tantrum and tweeted that everyone should boycott Goodyear....

Goodyear is an American company...An American company that has kept it's jobs in America...Based in Akron, Ohio...Founded there and have kept their headquarters there, employing thousands of Americans and Ohioans...Ohio, which is always a swing state come election years...I beg all my brothers and sisters back home in Ohio...DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP! If you didn't already realize he doesn't give a fuck about you...Ohio, he just made it real fucking clear...He does not are about you...

Of course he didn't back down, because facts don't matter to Trump...It was clear that until late in the day the fucking dolt didn't know that Goodyear is "the exclusive tire of the Presidential limousine and standard tire for the U.S. Secret Service"...And has been for DECADES....but he didn't back off and said he was considering changing tire companies...

Trump's actions once again, contradict his slogan...His battle cry...That bullshit that his loyal idiots eat up..."MAGA"..."Make America Great Again"....Making up fake policies about an American company and telling Americans to boycott that company does not make this country great...Trumpers scream for American jobs... keep companies and jobs in America...Buy American...Then they turn around and try to destroy a great American company and buy Trump's made in China gear...

The hypocrisy doesn't stop there...It never stops with Trump and his merry band of ignorant fucking fools....They say they are patriotic while they wave the Confederate and Nazi flags...I read an article from some horse shit Christian website today, because I like to keep tabs on all their lies and deceit, where this asshole Trump said he "talked to God" and "they will fix the economy" and make it "better then ever"....Which leads me back to THIS post where I asked where Trump attends Church and when? I asked on Twitter and Facebook too...No one has ever been able to answer...Because he doesn't...He golfs, on our taxpayer dimes...He says bullshit, ignorant fools will believe...The man is the farthest thing from what the true meaning of Christian is...

Something else the Right...Fox News...Trump and his Trumpers, scream about...

"The Cancel Culture"....First, if "Cancel Culture" was as horrible and extreme as they say it is, Mr. "Grab them by the pussy" wouldn't be President, he'd be fucking dead...Sorry, for the father of two daughters angry spiral there...The problem with these dipshits bitching about "Cancel Culture" is that Trump is the fucking league leader in trying to cancel people or things...Just as he is trying "Cancel" Goodyear today, here's a small list of Donny being the biggest "Karen" bitch around...

My fucking head hurts...I'm baffled by the amount of stupid people who believe the bullshit this guys says...Here's the truth about "MAGA"....

"Make America Great Again" really means: join my cult, believe my lies, do as I say not as I do, be a proud racist, deny facts, or I will try to destroy your life just like I try to destroy The Constitution and the country as a whole...

PS: 173,000 dead United States citizens from COVID and how does Trump feel about it...."It is what it is."


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Baseball's Unwritten Rules Can Eat My Ass!


Old time baseball fans and dummy talking heads are bitch, moaning and complaining that Fernando Tatis Jr. broke Baseball's sacred "Unwritten Rules" for swinging at a 3-0 pitch in the 8th inning of a Padres ass-kicking of the Rangers...These fuck-tards are shaming Tatis Jr. because he hit a grand slam...My question is why the hell aren't they shaming the Rangers pitching staff for sucking at their job instead of shaming the guy that's good at his...

Texas Rangers manager, Chris Woodward said,  "I didn't like it personally. You're up by 7 in the 8th inning, it's typically not a good time 3-0. It's kind of the way we were all raised in the game. But, the norms are being challenged."

Who the fuck is Chris Woodward? no really, who the fuck is this cunt? How about your pitchers don't load the about they don't groove a meatball 3-0..No professional baseball pitcher should ever think he can just groove one down the middle because "Unwritten Rules" will protect his ERA...

Even worse, Tatis Jr.'s own manger, Jayce Tingler, didn't quite stick up for him, but instead defended the Rangers being pissy, little assholes... “It’s a learning opportunity and that’s it. He’ll grow from it. Just so you know, a lot of our guys have green light 3-0. But in this game in particular, we had a little bit of a comfortable lead. We’re not trying to run up the score or anything like that.”

Because of all this bullshit, Tatis Jr. felt the need to apologize...This isn't little league...This the MLB...Fucking professionals making huge money...This shouldn't be an issue...Personally, I think Tatis Jr. should demand a trade and if the  Padres refuse, he should "opt out" of this bullshit season...

And he should tell them, 'You and your "Unwritten Rules" can eat my Ass!'

This is the wrong message to send a young talented player...'We're winning by 7 and they keep putting our guys on base...just stand there and strike out so the other team of millionaires don't have hurt feelings.'

Baseball continues to do idiotic shit like this and it's killing the game and any chance it has to gain younger fans...It's slowly dying...Well, killing itself...

Fernando keep doing your thing...

 Screw those pussies!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

What's Erie Like?


In the five years or so that we have lived in Erie, a number of people have asked me what it's like or how is it different from my lifetime growing up and living in Cleveland...I often say, having grown up in Lakewood, that "it's like living in a big Lakewood"...And I think that's a good comparison...(my friends in Ohio get it, maybe not here in Erie)....But something came to my mind the other day, thinking about the differences...I haven't had a cigarette in over 20 years...And didn't crave it a bit...But since living in Erie, I crave a cigarette at least 5 times a week....This place makes me want to smoke!

Maybe that's too harsh, but seriously, I have had dreams where I'm smoking in them...Not dreams about High School days...Dreams about right now, living here...It all started when I did my 3 year, tour of duty, working 3rd shift at the evil empire, Walmart...Many co-workers smoked, so maybe that's what put into my head...And as I said in my THERE IS NO GOD post, things have been quite stressful these days....

And probably adding to my cigarette craving...Erie, being the most northern city in a northern state, it is amazingly frustrating for having a large number of rednecks...I'm not talking about hunting and fishing people...Not even talking about Republicans...Okay, some Republicans...I'm talking about dolts who wear the Confederate Flag...That have it on their trucks...That have it flying on their homes...ASSHOLES! That is the flag of traitors of the United States...Your state, Pennsylvania fought against them...And Your state, Pennsylvania was on the side that won...WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WAVING THE TRAITOR FLAG?!!?


So what else does Erie have going on? It's got great sunsets! Google image search Erie, PA sunsets and you'll see some great ones...There's a popular shirt here that claims "World's 3rd Best Sunsets"....I haven't found any actual, factual shit that backs that up...It is often said "Rust Belt" cities have great sunsets because of air pollution, so yay pollution!  (Cough, cough)

We have a minor league baseball...The shitty Detroit Tigers AA team, The Erie Sea Wolves...

Well, we don't have them this season....Thanks COVID!

So Cleveland has the INDIANS and we have the shitty Tiger's AA team...

There are great Mom & Pop shops throughout Erie...Restaurants, coffee shops, book stores, clothing and apparel, knick-knacks, jewelry, bakeries, markets...Right now I fear for them all and try my best to support them when I can...

There is a cool arts and music scene here in Erie, but you really have to search it out...It isn't well promoted by the dolts (politicians & talking heads) who say they are trying to boost the economy...They help the economy by giving big corporations property, tax free for at least 10 years...You know, those taxes that would greatly help us citizens...We are paying property tax but they aren't...So us and small businesses are picking up the slack and have less money to spend to boost the economy...Like spending money at these big businesses that you gave a tax break too....

Erie has a Casino and Horse Track...I have avoided that...I'd get lost at the track and come home and have to tell the wife we're broke...

People here love the Peninsula....

I never knew this existed until I met my wife and we visited her folks....They love the peninsula, talked about it all the time...And we just call it the peninsula...I don't know if that is an Erie thing or just us...It's formally know at Presque Isle State Park...A crooked dick that flops out into Lake Erie lined with beaches and camp grounds, and bike/walking paths, giving the city a bay...The peninsula has animal sanctuaries, places to fish and hunt, The Tom Ridge Environmental Center which is kind of one of those places you go to once, every handful of years...maybe...There's an old school drive-in called Sara's that serves burgers, dogs, fries, onion rings, shakes and ice cream cones...In the early years of our marriage it was one of those places to hit when we would visit...Now, having lived here for awhile, it's just ok...Prices have gone up and quality has gone down...Nostalgia only goes so far for me when I'm talking about food and/or spending money....

At the top of the hill leading down to the peninsula there is Waldameer Amusement Park and water park...Growing up in Ohio, everything gets compared to Cedar Point...It ain't shit compared to Cedar Point...But it also won't cost you the fortune Cedar Point does...And a bonus, I don't like rides...So if I just want to take the kids there and just chill and watch them, I don't pay full admission...

Erie has an airport...It's small and when my wife has to fly for work she has to take a puddle jumper to a real airport with big planes...After the last couple years, she's planning on flying direct out of Cleveland or Buffalo as we are parked right between the two...

One of my favorite things here in Erie....The Erie Otters, OHL team...OHL is Junior hockey for those unaware...

These are high school to college age kids that are looking to go pro...They're so good that there is a draft for these kids each year...They move away from home to take their shot...Above, that's Chad Yetman who had a breakout season this past year before COVID fucked everything up...My youngest met him and Max Golod, another Otters star (he's behind Yetman's shoulder there before a faceoff on a power play) at her school for some class reward...All the kids got a team set of cards and these two autographed theirs...After that she wanted to go to a game and that was music to my ears...The whole family went...We sat 4 rows from the ice...All 5 of us night of fun, hockey and entertainment for (tickets, food, parking) $100...These days, that's pretty damn good...and it's good, exciting hockey...Fights too! We went to about 6 games last season.

That's Jamie Drysdale...He's going to be a first round pick in this years NHL drop...All projections have him going in the top 5 picks...

Former #1 overall pick Connor McDavid played here as well and a bunch of NHLers...

So my hometown of Cleveland has minor league hockey and here we have "Major Junior Hockey"...And it's cheaper...

Erie has a zoo...It's a shitty zoo, especially compared the the Cleveland zoo, but it's good for little kids...Cleveland's zoo is an all day event...Erie's is a couple hours at best...But it's got Giraffes....

The Mall here, is shaped like a gun...No shit! Overhead pictures show it looking like a gun pointed at downtown...

Urban Legend says that the mall was designed that way on orders from the mafia...The Mafia in Erie had ties to mob families in Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Youngstown...One of the most famous mobsters from Erie, Ray Ferritto is well know for his murder of the legendary Cleveland mobster Danny Greene... 

One thing that has always been near and dear to my heart as a Clevelander is Great Lakes Brewing Company...I was relieved and overjoyed when I saw their beers in stores and bars here...Even Christmas Ale makes it here...But I will say this, Great Lakes has some competition...

Erie Brewing Company makes some fine beers...Bayfront Blonde has become my fallback...If I don't know what to drink, or I'm not seeing something that catches my eye...That's what I go with...EBC's Railbender is another great one...A little darker, and can fuck you up quick...If GLBC's Conway's Irish Ale isn't in season or all the Christmas Ale is gone I go with Erie Brewing Company...

Okay, I'm not a total beer snob...I mix in some Yuengling and Moosehead too...

The weather is about the same I mean we live a hour and half east...slightly a bit more north...Spring, Summer, Fall same as back in Cleveland...Winter...Winter here often is a giant frozen, snow covered dildo up our asses...

Erie is like a small Cleveland...Not that different...But more snow...

Now, after this, I just want to crack open a beer...And think about smoking...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Nasty Women


This idiot, Donald Trump...I use to refer to Presidents as "President _________" because while I may not have liked the guy, I respected the Office...But I don't respect him and how he has disrespected the Office...He had tarnished the Office and the country...So I don't use that title for him...

Wow, right off the rip, I ran off the rails...So, Idiot Trump repeatedly calls women "nasty"...Any woman that challenges him, any woman that disagrees with him, any woman that fact checks him, any woman that points out his lies, misinformation, his hypocrisy, his rudeness, his misogyny, his racism, and his lack of empathy, he publicly labels them as "nasty!" 

The only woman he doesn't label nasty are his daughter Ivanka that he desperately wants to fuck and probably has....That's nasty! 

He calls women "nasty" using it as a slur, to insult them...I don't get that at all...Speaking as a man...A self proclaimed pervert...Most of us like a little nasty...Yes, Ben Shapiro and some other lame, conservatives that can't get women wet, clearly don't like nasty...But look in most of our browser histories...look at some of the shit most men follow on social media...Why do you think there is such a thing as "Instagram Models" that lead to "Only Fans"...the majority of men like...No, love women and they love "nasty" women...

Calling a woman "nasty" is an idiotic insult....It's as stupid as calling someone a cock sucker...I never understood why guys called someone a cocksucker and felt it was an insult...We love having our cocks sucked...Anyone willing to do that for us is gift...a goddess/god...cocksuckers are wonderful people...You don't see women calling people clit lickers or pussy eaters as insult!

Nasty women are beautiful...Nasty women are wonderful...Nasty women are strong and independent...If some ignorant fool calls you "nasty," wear that shit as a badge of honor, and say, fuck yeah, I'm NASTY as fuck!

I'm Tim McNeeley and I approve this nasty message!

Look at This Asshole


WOW!  That's right, UMass football coach, Walt Bell, said the cancellation of the MAC College Football season was tougher than the day his father died, and tougher than the day when his mother Over-Dosed...mother fucking WOW!

Dude must really have hated his parents...Or Walt Bell must really love losing!

Maybe he really loves football that much...But how could you love football more than your parents, especially when you coach at shitty UMass...Bell must love losing...He only has 1 career win! 

Fucking loser!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

College Football: COVID's Next Victim


So we saw the MAC cancel their season this past weekend...Then Monday the Mountain West cancelled theirs...Then the rumors started swirling about the Big-10 canceling with the PAC-12 following their lead...The PAC-12 which has been publicly AT WAR with their commissioner...We talked about what a dick he is in this week's MONDAY MOANING...

Sunday and Monday Twitter was filled with numerous college football players tweeting about how they want to play...There was also plenty of tweets from college football media, analysts, talking heads, and that idiot Trump, saying how College Football needs to be played...With today's announcement that The Big-10 (which has 14 teams) and PAC-12 are canceling, it looks less likely...The SEC, ACC and Big-12 (which only has 10 teams...Jesus Christ these places of higher learning can't fucking count!) now have college football fans on the edge of their seats...Because college football fans are fanatical fucking people...And we know the SEC, those crazy southern schools are the wild card...It won't surprise me if they play...It won't surprise me if they are the only ones to try and play...

But what people need to realize as they say players are "safer on campus," and the games "need" to be played, no matter what the conference heads say, the main reasons for these cancellations are, ‪fear of lawsuits if players get sick, loss of game day revenue, and unwillingness to compensate players with heath insurance and money.‬...Insurance and monetary compensation were big points brought up by the PAC-12 players...and without that that makes it easier to open the door for lawsuits...We have to remember this is about COVID...COVID which we have seen, if you have paid any attention to reality and facts, leaves many who recover with permanent damage...lungs, heart, liver, kidneys in many cases have all shown permanent damage, along with many patients having to deal with blood clot issues...

While people are bitching and moaning about the conferences canceling or that they dragged their feet preparing for a season with COVID, people really need to look at the NCAA...They are the governing body and they pulled the trigger in March to cancel the NCAA March Madness Basketball Tournament...But as Football approached, they decided all the decisions should be made by the individual conferences and there were no NCAA mandated rules or guidelines...It was all on the schools and conferences...The NCAA doesn't seem to mind when handing down penalties for recruiting violations or players selling their jerseys or some one buying them a plane ticket to go home or a coach giving them dinner...But when it comes to a global pandemic, and the health and safety of their largest money maker...The so-called "Student Athletes"...With 6 months to prepare, they make no plan and put all the blame on conferences...

To which I say, Fuck the NCAA...

If you want to see some good raging against the NCAA follow @SportsbyBrooks on Twitter.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday Moaning 8-10-2020


Kate and I are back with another edition of Monday Moaning...I'm going to try to avoid talking about Lying, Asshole Trump and Idiot Republicans, but if you want to read about those topics, you can find them on the sidebar...I'm going to try to stick in the sports lane  for MM this week...

-Over a month the Cleveland Indians announced they were looking into changing the team name...That got lots of people excited about the possible name change and lots pissed off...A couple weeks later we heard ownership say they were going to do this and that but we've still heard nothing as they seem to continue to  DRAG THEIR FEET...

One Cleveland business that has been very vocal about the Indians keeping their name and the Chief Wahoo logo for a number of years now, is CV Art + Apparel...Talented artist and cool local business...We have some of their stuff...Yesterday they released a new Indians themed shirt...

Lots of cool details of Jacobs (Progressive) Field and baseball imagery, Cleveland landmarks, and Native American imagery, forming a skull...I will admit that it looks cool...But it doesn't really help their argument that the name isn't offensive...A fan  who has been supporting the name be changed to the Siders...actually changed his twitter name to #ClevelandSpiders tweeted a couple images back at GV saying "same energy...& not in a good way 💀"  #ChangeTheName


This one highlighting the "Indian"...Native American imagery 

And this one just creep as fuck with nude women forming a skull...

GV Art + Apparel quickly blocked #ClevelandSpiders....I'm sure the same will happen to me after I tweet this blog out...I'm sorry Cleveland, it's time all of us Indians fans move on...Although as I said in my previous blog on this topic, I truly believe that Indians ownership are dragging their feet and will try to wait this out until the majority of people forget about it, and won't end up rebranding the team...

-Now college football...There has been a big push to get a half assed college football season in...This week the MAC (Mid-American Conference) cancelled their Fall sports season but are holding out hope to have some kind of Spring football season...Healthy and Safety were the biggest reasons, followed closely by the fact that the Power 5 Conferences are only playing shortened season just within their individual conferences...The MAC and other smaller conferences get paid well to take non-conference games with power 5 schools...They get paid to take an ass beating...Losing that revenue stream hurts them, including hurting them in being able to assure their student athletes health...

Last week players in the PAC-12 UNITED, asking for a number of conditions to get them to play...First in foremost were demands about their health and safety...The players want more testing than what is planned...They are asking for NCAA mandated testing and tracing rules similar to what the NFL is planning...The NCAA is leaving that up to each conference and many conferences are leaving it up to individual schools and only putting out recommended guidelines...Schools are making most students stay home and attend online, but they want the money making athletes to show up...The athletes not seeing any of the fortune the NCAA, Conferences, Universities and multiple media outlets like ESPN and Fox Sports see...

Players had a conference call with PAC-12 Commissioner, Larry Scott who told them their what they were doing was a "misguided PR stunt"...Players said after the meeting with Scott, “It was not very productive. We did not come away with many answers. He made it very clear that he does not want to meet again.” 

A few other Conferences followed the PAC-12 players in saying they may opt out unless the there were certain guarantees made for the health and safety...One was the BIG-10 but right away Ohio State players pulled back and wanted nothing to do with it...A number of Penn State players were tweeting out a statement that seemed to be clearly written by some University official, saying how they feel safe and want to play...Which lead to me tweeting this back to each of them....

Yeah, my hatred for Penn State, Child Rapists and those who cover it up will never die!

I think trying to play a college football season is crazy...Cases of COVID are still rising, you have huge rosters plus coaching and training staffs...There are going to be some serious outbreaks, especially since their is no NCAA mandated testing, and tracing policy...

I get that players want to play...I also get that some of them probably were threatened by coaches or School Officials, because we all know College Football is all about MONEY...They don't care about the "student athletes" as students and they don't care about them as human beings...They only see them as a very profitable investment...

That's it for now...I'm sure I need to write a post about Trump's latest lies and misinformation...


Friday, August 7, 2020

Trump Vs. TikTok...The Truth

Yesterday night it broke that Trump made his next move against the Constitution and the 1st Amendment as he signed an "Executive Order" to ban the app, TikTok in the next 45 days...If it is not sold to a U.S. company it's banned...And adding to the oddness of all this, he is demanding the the U.S. Treasury gets a cut of the sale....WTF.....You can go through my previous posts to see more of his moves attacking our Constitutional rights...

Now honest to god, I have no idea how a president can just ban an app...Are the Feds going to knock on my door and delete TikTok from my daughters iPhone? How does the government have access to shut down a private company's app from working just on American phones...You know, American phones made in China...And China is his big excuse, saying that TikTok is a "Trojan Horse" for Chinese hackers to steal our information...You know the same information we put on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, iTunes, Band Camp, our Netflix account...Who remembers My Space? Whatever other fucking app is out there? 

Thing is, why would China want to hack TikTok'ers? The average users of TikTok range in the ages of 15-25....They have no credit, money, plenty of student loan debt...There isn't much worth hacking into there...

The fact is we all know Trump has been pissed since those pesky kids on TikTok fooled his Campaign into thinking millions of supports were coming to his rally in Tulsa...Nope! Just about 6,000 people showed up...Not very impressive when you realize I get 6,000 pageviews just by putting Kate Upton's picture in one of my posts...Since then he's been bitching about TikTok and spewing this unsubstantiated story about it all being a cover for Chinese hackers...

Now for the VERY interesting part of this story...Mark Zuckerberg has often, very sheepishly defended Trump...And while him and his crew at Facebook/Instagram have pushed stronger fact-checking on Facebook and Instagram, for us regular folks and media sites, Zuckerberg has openly said he does not support fact checking what politicians post.. .After weeks of Trump spewing his nonsense about TikTok, the same day he signs an executive order to ban it, Instagram launches a new feature on their platform called "Reels"...It's their version of TikTok...

A couple of things seem clear to me here...1. Trump and Zuckerberg clearly colluded to fuck with one of Zuckerberg's top two competitors...2. They probably suck each others little cocks...3. Those kids on TikTok really got in Trump's kitchen and they need to not stop...Keep doing your thing on TikTok, but make sure you post that shit on IG Reels too...Tweet it, @ Trump...Hashtag the fuck out of the orange criminal fucker...Don't stop being disruptive...Now more than ever.