Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Farewell to the King


While I have spent waaaaay too much time on social media today, pointing out what a piece of shit Donald Trump is...I have had moments of distraction...Not just keeping up on my kids virtual schooling, but also because my favorite hockey team, the New York Rangers bought out the last year of goaltender, Henrik Lundqvist's contract... 

Lundqvist spent his entire 15 year career with the Rangers after he was picked by them in the 7th round of the 2000 draft...In those 15 seasons Hank racked up 459 Wins, 64 Shutouts, a .918 Save Percentage and a 2.43 Goals Against Average...His stats have him in the all-time elite NHL goalies, and he will undoubtedly be a first ballot Hall Of Famer...

He also helped lead Sweden to an Olympic Gold Medal in 2006 and Silver in 2014...

Lundqvist was the heart and soul of the Rangers team during his time their...He fell in love with living in New York city and became the face and spokesperson for The Garden of Dreams Foundation...They work with Madison Square Garden and it's tenants putting on numerous charity events and have a "Make-a-Wish" like program for sick kids...In 2014, Lundqvist and his wife founded the Henrik Lundqvist Foundation...A non-profit organization that focusses on health and education for children and families....The HLF is an international grantmaking organization with  partners in New York City, Sweden and the Dominican Republic....

Henrik loved living and playing in New York and loved being a Ranger...When the team made it clear they were going to start a rebuild and move some pieces out for draft picks a nd prospects, Lunqvist said he wanted to stay and see it through...That's the type of heart and soul of the team guy he is...Now the Rangers have two, young, stellar, Goaltenders as well as young, talented, depth on the blueline and a handful of elite forwards...As well as this years #1 Draft Pick...

I understand the business move and the fact that he is a 38 year old goalie and you have two guys in their 20's ready to go...But I keep looking at this COVID world we are in and the uncertainty of how next season will go and I wonder if carrying three goalies might be good idea...Also, as fan I really wanted to see King Henrik finish his career as a Ranger and get a Cup as a Ranger...

Rangers-town will miss him dearly...

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

National What The Fuck Day


So I missed this “National Daughter Day” stuff and I guess it was followed by “National Son Day”...I don’t know...I remember when every single day of the week wasn’t some made up “National” Day...Am I an old curmudgeon? Maybe, I turn 45 tomorrow...Is that old? It use to be in my teenage mind, back then 45 was light years away...Or am I just crabby fucker, sick of today's bullshit...Not literally today...Like recent shit...

Back to this "National Day" shit has I hopped off the rails real quick there...

I’m a father EVERY day and don’t need to pat myself on the back for it...I like Pizza and Tacos and Burgers every day, not just on their “national day"...Yes, there really are "National Days" for basic shit like pizza, burgers, tacos, donuts, and apparently being a parent...Listen, i don't need a "National Day" or an excuse to smash some Pizza or Tacos or Donuts...I'll fucking Door Dash some right now and Livestream eating it just to show you....There's also "Grandparents Day," that just magically appeared out of nowhere a few years back...All of this shit just appeared...All these nonsensical National Days, out of nowhere, for no damn reason....

We have gotten awful needy for things to pump up or be excited about...or just to have a reason to post on social media...That's it...It's fucking social media...This goddamn "look at me" world we now live in...And yes, I'm here preaching and bitching, but I'm guilty as fuck of it...I bought into Social media years ago and I'm like a fucking junkie now, checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...#FuckTrump, #FascistTrump, #TrumpWantsToFuckIvanka....

I've been writing blogs since 2007 and whoring them and myself out on social media...'Maybe one day someone "important" will read my shit and want to pay me for it!'..."Me, I like to cast my death on yesterday, 'cause what doesn't kill us just makes us better whores!"

Guess what...we have an evil criminal, no tax paying, lying and not giving a fuck that over 200,000 people died, many because of his lying, IDIOT, traitor, wants to be a fascist dictator, for our President...fucking hell! There's plenty to post about on social media...I've lost countless friends and followers and had 2 Twitter accounts permanently suspended because all I have done for months is post about this lying, fucking asshole...This Traitor and his cult of traitor followers...And the "friends" and followers I've lost because of it, I'm not sad about at all...They are either silent members of his cult or complacent idiots who don't realize or don't care about what is happening to this country...



Trump Taxes, ND-SCOTUS, Headlines Being Ignored


Yes the Trump Tax news has broken and has people excited and angry...Angry would be the proper response, but of course Trumpers and Fox News are still out there defending the Trump for being a criminal fuck!  Luckily plenty of people are pissed and speaking up...not that we will convert the Trumper Cult...

And while Trumpers defend him for not paying taxes, the fact that he doesn't pay taxes goes against so much of the bullshit he gets them all revved up about at his cult rallies...

And we may as well continue to hit the Trumpers with more facts since they are still trying to push the narrative that all the bad shit going on now, IN TRUMP & MCCONNELL'S AMERICA is what "Joe Biden's America" will be like...

The lies and bullshit are maddening and never ending...And there are just sooo many Trumpers that eat it up....I no longer have the ability to feel any sympathy or hope or have any faith that these dolts will learn or change...I have no room in my heart or soul for racists, homophobic, transphobic, Traitor Flag wavers and idiot cult members...They don't want to learn or unlearn...Trump has made it acceptable to proudly be a liar and an idiot and to be proudly and openly racist and hateful...And the Senate has enabled him...

And don't even get me started on that Handmaid's Tale Supreme Court Nominee...You want to know how people view her...She is a graduate of Notre Dame Law School, and ND kind of has a boner about having a graduate on the Supreme Court...But they also no she's bat-shit, cult crazy, so their social media posts pumping her up and patting themselves on the back, they disable the comments...They knew the shit that would be coming their way...

Sports side note: University of Notre Dame has 39 players in quarantine this week, up from 17, because of COVID...You know, because Trump said it's going away...

There is a ton to unpack in the trump tax info, but there is other stuff going on as well...Other big headlines like the "IRS Chief Makes More Than $100,000 Per Year Off of Trump Property"

Or, "Major Hospital System Hit with Cyber Attack, Potentially Largest in U.S. History"...

There is so much coming at about Trump's shady dealings that people are missing a huge Russian hack and forgetting that he lied to us and continues to lie about COVID...That he trashed fallen U.S. military...

Oh, another headline...Juror Says AG Misled in Breonna Taylor Case


We can't stop fighting for real justice for Breonna Taylor and so many others...

As for the debate tonight...I will not be watching...I don't need to be yelling at the TV all night...I know Trump's playbook and I'll just be pissed...I know Biden's playbook...I fear the moderator won't be able to control the back and forth and won't fact check the lies...Nothing said will change my mind...Trump is a criminal, lying asshole...I'm going to pour myself a drink or two and listen to some wonderful music...

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Morning Coffee : Remembering You Gab Sports & Sully

 In 2007 I started blogging at The Sport News, in the "blogging community"...It was a mix of people who wanted to be sports journalists, that thought The Sporting News would notice them and give them a job...Then there was the rest of us, who just liked writing and talking sports and talking shit...And it was from us regular guys where we who were still subscribers the magazine, that saw the magazine was stealing our ideas...

Eventually there was friction in the "blogging community" lead by a bunch political correct twats...A couple of guys I followed and that followed me started up their own site, friend who was now writing at both places told me I should jump over and check it out...Since I was spreading my social media seed and digital footprint, I joined...This was a collection of friends with a similar mindset, writing about sports and sometimes other shit as the fans we were...Just regular guys, writing as if they were taking over beers...We were all scattered all over the place blogging and playing fantasy sports together...Syracuse, Vermont, Illinois, South Carolina, California, Michigan, Texas, a few in Massachusetts, Thunder Bay, Cincy, I was in Cleveland and a Bostonian in Georgia...That last guy, in Georgia....That was Sully...We all communicated through email or just the blogs...Sully hated that...He wanted to talk to people...He was old school...So he got peoples phone numbers and he'd talk your ear off...Ranting about this and that and shooting the shit about our families...It gave a personal touch to whatever this thing was...

Shortly after joining they asked to exclusively feature my weekly Monday Moaning post...They saw the numbers it always picked up and I was their style...I was in...I posted it at YouGabSports and Sporting News I would post the title, with only the link to YouGabSports...That really pissed off the growing number of blogging enemies we were building up...

(side note)...We had some big time blogging wars between us and other Sporting News people who didn't like that we would swear in posts or that I often littered posts with a sexy, barely dressed women...One war so big, that a female blogger at The Sporting News said I had no balls...Now, on that site, I couldn't prove her wrong because their guidelines...It would have been blocked and I probably would have been deleted...So I created a blogspot page called Cock Burger and called her out and posted pictures from a few angles of my balls...Also of me jerking-off and a great shot of my jizz shooting...On Sporting News her name was the title and a link was the body of the post....That's the shit that gets mother fuckers cancelled these days...

Sully loved that one...He thrived off of confrontations in the blogosphere...clearly, so did I and that helped our friendship grow...We had each others backs but we had everyone on our site's backs...We felt like a online, Irish, Mob...There were times, late at night I'd be hammering out a fuck you blog about something and Sully was on the phone with me, fueling my fire, putting a line in my ear that I could plug into this next masterpiece...

Eventually I was offered to buy into ownership...Now this thing was profitable at all...It was a hobby...But a few of us felt like we could build it into a site that could make money, even if it was just a little pocket change...

Sully and I talked a couple times a week on the phone, kicking around ideas or sometimes just bullshitting about sports or life...He loved getting a conference call going with one of the other guys...Now there's three of us on the phone, but most of the time was it Sully talking...Always full of opinions and ball busting cracks...The fun calls would be when he was a having a few drinks...Normally I was too as I had just gotten home from a night at work and was winding down, just to get wound up by him and post a blog...There was one time with Sully, myself and B-Dub on a call and mid-sentence, Sully passed out...We were cracking up...Sully and I had built this great friendship and we had never spoken face to face or shook hands...The fucking Internet...

As time went on with YouGabSports things continued to change...Some guys left...A couple of the original guys left, some because there life was changing, they didn't have the time or desire to do this anymore...Some because of butting heads with me and Sully...A couple other guys moved into ownership, splitting costs...

But tensions grew...Like I said, we thrived off of confrontation...I was writing every day, some days 2-4 posts a day to keep fresh content up and keep getting traffic...Sully wasn't writing at all and things weren't getting done like trying to get advertising that could, if nothing else cover the costs we were putting into this thing...He said he wanted to make money off of it been fought against numerous ad vehicles...

Then my life had some major changes and I wasn't the only one on the site...I wasn't writing anymore...I did my Monday Moaning post and that was it...Sully was getting pissed at me about that, yet still wasn't writing.......

And then Fantasy Hockey season came along...He was the Commissioner for most of our site's fantasy leagues...He set the rules....He didn't realize he had no limit on goalies a team could carry...One guy noticed and was loaded up with elite goalies...So, of course a couple of us snatched up an extra goalie or two try to compete...And Sully lost his mind as he sat there with two (1 top tier, 1 average) goalies on his roster...It was stupid...He screwed up and then blew a gasket about it which just fueled a few of the guys (myself included) to throw it back in his face...It was just so fucking stupid...

Shortly after that myself and one of the other owners left...6-7 years I put into that thing and I said fuck it...Other guys left the fantasy leagues and stopped posting there....All of 2017 I didn't write...Like I said, my life had changed...Sully and I didn't talk anymore...I blocked his number...He unfriended me on Facebook...I blocked him on twitter...That relationship was gone...

 Then 2020 comes along with all of it's fucked up bullshit...In June, I started thinking about Sully...Wondering how he was...Feeling bad that this friendship had ended...I sent him a message...

I know things got shitty with us and ended...not how I wanted or expected...I’m sorry for my part in it. I hope you are well. I hope your family is well. The world is completely fucked up these days and I just wanted to let you know you crossed my mind...fuck I feel gay the way this is written.

He replied, saying he felt the same way and let's talk soon, but he was on his way out to an appointment...The next day we texted, trying to figure out a time to talk...I called him later that day...We caught up on things...How families were doing, all the crazy shit going on, Trump being an asshole...Oh, and he had Stage 4, really bad, inoperable cancer...He had been dealing with it for a awhile now...

I'm not a Karma guy...I'm not the most religious person...I don't know why, out of nowhere I started thinking about Sully and felt like I should reach out to him...But there we were talking on the phone just like we used to...He's talking about what's new with his wife and daughter, and bitching about how the Bruins are getting screwed by this round robin shit...and I'm telling him about the kids, and the pain in the ass of having my dementia riddled mother-in-law living with us in COVID times...

We talked on the phone a few more times...Mostly about Hockey or Football or family...He wanted me to get into a Fantasy Football league he was in...It was just like old times, except we didn't talk about blogging or our blogging enemies...Those days were over and neither of us cared about that shit anymore...He was hoping to get into a trial treatment program...He said, "why not? What's the worst thing it can do? Kill me...Cancer is already doing that."

I planned on calling him this weekend...It had been a couple weeks since we talked...With the kids back at school (at home) and dementia grandma, I lose track of the days sometimes...

Sully died earlier this week....Adding to the list of why 2020 sucks.

Farewell my friend

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Joe Rogan Is An Idiot and Spotify Knows It


Back in June I pleaded with Americans to STOP LISTENING TO JOE ROGAN ...Really that should be for the whole world considering the digital age we live in...I stand by that post and honestly the jackass has continued to be an ignorant ass on his podcast...

As I pointed out in that previous post, Rogan has lead the vocal charge against ANTIFA...Yes, years before Trump yelled about the group/idea, Rogan was railing against it...To refresh, ANTIFA stands for ANTI-Fascist...So Rogan and Trump and Fox News and a great many other ignorant, fucking, dolts in this country are against a group/idea that is all about fighting Fascism...You know, like us Americans did in World War II...

Rogan likes to bitch about protesters, all while he tries to act like he is THE flag bearer for The First Amendment and Free Speech...You can't have it both ways meathead!

Then it came out on a couple recent podcasts, that Rogan was pushing a false story that "left-wing people," protesters/activists had been starting the forest fires in Oregon...This was proven false and debunked numerous times...Some of those times, before Meathead Rogan pushed to his loyal listeners who believe everything he says to be scripture...He let it sit out there for a few days before he (I think was told to by Spotify) apologized on Twitter and Instagram, saying "I fucked up on the podcast"...But didn't take to his most powerful tool, the podcast to apologize...

This is the guy, fucking people want to moderate a Presidential debate...Are you fucking kidding me? 

Now news is coming out that Spotify employees are pissed and want Rogan's podcasts fact checked and if needed, edited before they are posted...CEO, Daniel Ek has said he has had at least 10 meetings with employees about Rogan and the controversial things aired on his podcast...And according to Ek, “some of them want Rogan removed because of things he’s said in the past.”

One episode Spotify employees referenced was with Abigail Shrier, where she compared transgender youth to being like people with Autism...And her and Rogan both claimed that people are being pressured by the media to transition...Rogan saying, “You realize that people are not looking at this objectively...They are activists and they have this agenda and the agenda is very ideologically driven that anybody who even thinks they might be trans should be trans, are trans, and the more trans people the better.”

It's episodes like this that have Spotify employees wanting to not only have Rogan's shows fact checked and edited if needed, but also, ones like the Abigail Shrier episode, removed from the platform... Ek told reporters “Joe Rogan and the episode in question have been reviewed extensively. The fact that we aren’t changing our position doesn’t mean we aren’t listening. It just means we made a different judgment call.”  It is also reported that Ek told employees not to leak the conversations to the media...I guess they told Ek to fuck off on that one since here we are talking about it...

So, I say again...America, Stop Listening to Joe Rogan...

Also, Fuck Spotify, as they screw over musicians and don't pay them a damn...


Hey Stupid!


So we have the Trump on tape saying he knows just how "deadly" COVID is...We have him on tape saying he "Downplayed" how 'serious' and "deadly' COVID is...We have have over 201,000 Americans dead from COVID...

And there is Trump, on stage saying COVID "affects virtually nobody"...

What's worse than this lying asshole spewing his lies and hate, is you stupid fuckers who believe him! You don't believe the recordings of what he said to Woodward, but you believe the sound-bytes you see on Fox News...You jump on the Trump Train of lies and say COVID is a "Liberal Hoax"...Last I checked the Republicans/Conservatives control the White House and the Senate...The liberals don't have the juice pull-off a global "Hoax"....

As a matter of fact, the Republicans don't have enough juice to pull-off a global "Hoax"....Poof 972,000 people just vanished...201,000 Americans, gone into thin air...Fucking "Hoax"....How fucking dumb are you people!?!

Here's what you dolts need to wrap you your stupid-ass heads around....If you really believe your fearless leader Trump that COVID is a "Hoax" and "It affects virtually nobody," then why the fuck is he so afraid of it?

Why is he tested multiple times a day? Why is everyone tested before they meet with him? Why do you have to sign a COVID waiver before attending his rallies? 

Why are you so stupid?


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Morning Coffee: More Republican Hypocrisy


Republican Congressman Doug Collins tweeted this on the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg...

"RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws. With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live."

These assholes are SO "Pro-Life" that they celebrate someone's death!

Yes, it's real...Here's the screen shot...And no he wasn't embarrassed by this tweet and deleted it...It's still there...


I enjoyed this response a great deal....

But why would we be surprised by the Republican Hypocrisy? For fuck's sake Trump insists his Supreme Court Nominee must be "Pro-Life"...Wanting everyone to ignore the fact that over 200,000 Americans have died from COVID, largely because of his lying, misinformation and inaction...

Thing is, I'm not surprised that #MoscowMitch McConnell and Ted Cruz are going against what they said in 2016...Suddenly the rules change for the GOP...And while I know Lindsey Graham is a bitch boy, and I'm not just talking about the long list of tales from male prostitutes who have talked a about all the gay sex he's paid for...But I did expect him to stick to his word, since he fervently went on the record saying in an election year, he would not allow a Trump SCOTUS nominee to be pushed through in an election year...

"Hold the tape!"  Well, we did and you're going against your word you cock-sucking, piece of shit...

You fucking asshole pro-lifers scream and cry about wearing masks, that can keep people healthy and save lives...You scream about abortion...But you don't give a fuck that over 200,000 Americans have died because your Republican President lied...By the way, Trump plays to "pro-life" retards but he is also on tape saying he's pro-choice....

Speaking of Pro-choice...You fuck-tards decided long ago that if I say I'm pro-choice, in your eyes and mind, I am pro-abortion/pro-death...Since that's the way you label me, here we go...I hope you all get COVID and die! I hope Mitch McConnell catches death today...Whether it be via COVID or a bus or any other painful way...I hope Lindsey Graham gets am angry case of AIDS and dies a horrible painful death...I hope the Dementia strikes Trump viscously and completely destroys his brain and body and he strokes out this week and finds his way to your people's Hell...I hope COVID rapidly spreads through the White House and all those fuckers get it and suffer...And you anti-maskers who call yourself "pro-life"....

I hope you and your entire fucking family get COVID and die you hypocritical cunts!



Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ignorance Is Bliss?


Once again my good friend posted a question on Facebook, as she does almost daily...You can see my previous post talking about this...Well, she did it agin...Asked a simple question that should have been easy to answer, and I just started writing away...Just letting the madness pour out of my head...Today's question...

"What is Your Idea of Perfect Happiness?"

Not having to worry about money, the all consuming monster that controls our lives....but that’s a fairytale...

The saying ignorance is bliss is so true...My life was happier before the internet...before smart phones and computers and social media...I physically and mentally happier...Yes, it allowed me meet more people and make great friends from a distance...I reconnected with so many old friends and that is wonderful, but like everything else, it’s been corrupted by money...
Now it’s a war to sift through the bullshit and propaganda and advertisements that pop up after you google something or talk to someone about something...
Yes, the internet has informed me of more things they didn’t teach me at St. Edward High or at Cleveland State...Yes I can make my voice heard through blogging and social media...I feel like I have to make it heard because I have this knowledge and these opinions and this technology to get it out there...
Maybe my mental state would be better off if I just wrote it all with pen in a notebook...Maybe my mental state would be better if I never learned more, informed myself and was concerned about others and the state our country has been in and is in...But then I’d be one of those ignorant people I hate and scream about daily on social media...I’d be ignorant as fuck...but I’d be happier, right?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Two Words


I have a very dear friend who almost every day asks a question of her friends on Facebook...During this COVID, quarantine time it has been something I've enjoyed and I think many other have...We all have gotten to learn a little more about each other...Yesterday's question had me stumped for awhile..."If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words?"

After kicking it around for awhile, I had nothing and just vomited a bunch of words onto her page until it came to me...


For hours I've been trying to think of two words to sum it up...I considered a couple jokes...that either were shots at myself or at someone from my past...I tried for something meaningful...

I thought "No Regrets"...But how can I say that...I carry regrets with me...I can't shake them....Even little meaningless moments that everyone else who was in the room doesn't remember, I hold on to them and still feel embarrassment or shame or anger or whatever...I'm a walking ball of regrets and maybe they are what has helped shape me...But they also make me hate me...(don't worry, not like that...this isn't a cry for help...I just went mildly insane and started writing a blog when ~A~  asked for two words)....

 But in two words it's tough...So here I am hammering out word after word, like an ass...There's plenty of great answers here...

Suddenly, it comes to me...As I make sure my kids get off to sleep, and I look at my beautiful wife...And the news is on in the background reminding us how fucked up this world is....But our own little spaces can be wonderful...I have it...I have two words...I just needed to crank out a couple hundred to get there....

Make Love.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Moaning : Meme Nation


I've spent the last week in yet another Twitter suspension...What did I do? I called James Woods and Travis Tritt rednecks...Didn't even call them fucking rednecks...These two clowns promote hate on there but I'm not allowed to return fire...Besides that, fucking Trump is still on there every day, spewing misinformation, hate and outright lies...These fuckers running Twitter drive me nuts...

During this past week I started collecting memes and some of those great quick hitter quotes overtop of a image...For a long time politics has been all about the soundbite...Then Twitter came along with 'you've got 140 characters to say what you want to say'...Thankfully that was increased but still, it has promoted dumbing the public down...A tweet is a soundbite...and memes are the same too...It's easier to read a tweet over a full article...Easier to checkout a couple  memes instead watching a documentary or reading a whole book...We should have woken up when morning "news" shows started segments each day with "What's Trending" and started reading Tweets on air...

 And while I hate Trump, he's a master of the Twitter soundbite...So many of us get enraged by his bullshit....So 1. He's getting his rocks off by pissing us off...

Trump knows he's full of shit in that tweet, but he loves that he got attention...He loves that people got pissed...And he just distracted some from the other criminal shit he's doing by talking about his horseshit "jobs numbers"...But 2. He's not tweeting at us or for us...He plays down to the lowest common denominator...his base is 37-40% completely ignorant fucking people (most are also racist) who believe anything he says...They aren't his friends or members of his Golf Clubs...They're the idiot Joe Average Six Pack...And he doesn't give a fuck about them either, he just knows they'll be loud and vocal for his bullshit....

You know exactly who Howard and I are talking about...These are the same people who aren't made that he lied to the public about COVID and are still showing up to his mask-less rallies...Some of them are in lock-step with his lying, whore, Press Secretary and say he didn't lie, even though we have it on tape...

Yeah, I had plenty to say about that lying bitch last week...Here's a LINK...Couple of good memes in that one too...

So, this blog is probably getting too wordy for this day and age...So let me just give you some of those quick hitters to make sure we're all caught up on the news...


Yes, the 19th anniversary of 9-11...We had to have everyone tell us "Never Forget" and show how patriotic they are...But they all don't seem to give a fuck about the nearly 200,000 Americans that have died from COVID...Many because of Trump's lies....They also conveniently forget everything else 9-11 gave us...

Also, NEVER FORGET that your beloved President Donald Trump's administration secretly stole at least $4 million from the 9/11 First Responders fund...I don't have a meme for that...Just plenty of articles...Here's ONE...

Oh, we can't forget about Mr. Pro-Life, Mike Pence when we talk about the COVID lies!

But as we pointed out before, the idiot Trump Cult will follow their masters into death...

We can't forget about the terrible devastation going on with the wildfires out west...Just awful...Luckily we have those Militia boys who love to protect strangers property...

Oh yeah, FOOTBALL SEASON started...

Yes, there are just a large number of football fans that are racist...Their mindset is simply 'You're here to entertain me, I don't care if the justice system treats you differently or if a cop kills you...As long as it's in the offseason.'

More Lies Trump is spewing...

This has been a Republican talking point as long as I've been alive...Well, 44 years later and I have never seen any Democratic President kick in anyone's doors and take their guns...It's a fucking myth...There are a lot of fucking dummies that need to go back to a high school government class...

And we all should be concerned and pissed about this....

Hey, even though the Republican President Donald Trump has repeatedly belittled the sacrifices of our military members, let's not forget that the Republican party loves the troops....

And can you dummies stop screaming about Socialism....

If it wasn't for "Socialism" you wouldn't have roads, bridges, schools, fire departments, Police Departments...Those nifty checks you get each month after you retire and so much more...Grow the fuck up!

Since I mentioned Police departments in that quick rant...Let me hit you with a some more facts...The Thin Blue Line flag breaks Flag Code...It's un-American...It's disrespectful...If another group altered the American Flag for the same people who fly this one and wear this one would lose their fucking minds...

Okay, lets end this with a bit of humor....

The best humor is the humor that's honest...

Have a week..

Friday, September 11, 2020

Kansas City, You Ignorant Fucks!


The NFL kicked off it's 2020 season last night in Kansas City...The two teams quarterbacks got together and decided to get both teams together, locking arms...The asked for a minute of silence and called this a moment of unity, for social justice....

They didn't get that silence...Kansas City Chiefs fans made it clear they are opposed to unity and social justice...Chiefs fans boo'ed...One dipshit yelled "Trump 2020"... 

As noise from rained down from the only 20-25% of capacity crowd, (thanks to COVID...I'd be terrified to have heard what it sounded like full)...You could see the disappointment on the face of Chiefs QB, Patrick Mahomes....You could see the regret starting to creep in...'I can't believe I signed a 10 year extension to play in this racist, ass, city'....I wish every player would have said, 'fuck this, fuck these ignorant assholes, we're leaving' and walked off the field...

By the way, you racist...anti-unity.. 'shut up and play'...'entertain me boy'...Fucking assholes...Those two QB's standing with their arms locked, are the highest paid players in the league and they could but that whole asshole city if they wanted to...

I always liked to shit on the asshole Philadelphia fans for being such garbage people...Hell, recently I shit on Boston...But KC, you just jumped to the top of my list of most hated places in this country...FUCK YOU ALL!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

It's Time to Impeach Trump...For Real This Time


This picture sums up who the First Family...Who the Trumps really are...They don't care about kids they had ripped from their parents and locked up in cages...They don't care about the troops, living or dead...They don't care about the the nearly 200,000 Americans that have died from COVID...As he famously said, on video, "It is what it is"...Thing is, he has clearly said a lot of things and people are finally stepping up and saying enough is enough...He has also said a lot of things on tape...As world famous, and National treasure Bob Woodward showed us...Trump did 18 "on the record" interviews...Woodward records everything when it's "on the record"... 

I just saw Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany argue with the White House Press room saying a quote in Woodward's book was "allegedly" said...To which the reporter said, "It's on tape, we heard it"...Bitch continued to lie saying "The President never downplayed the Virus"...WHORE! We all heard the tape! ...(If you haven't, stop burying your head in the sand and realize what a fucking disaster, liar and criminal this fucking asshole is.) ...Your boss told Woodward he downplayed it...That he "always wanted to downplay it" and that he still downplays it...He said it in the same conversation when he said it was at least "5 times more deadly" then our most "strenuous Flu"...FUCKING CUNT! This bitch makes $183,000 a year...Taxpayers pay that salary of hers...Bitch should be fired today...

Congress should be calling for her firing today...As well they should be Impeaching Trump....The Trump administration has knowingly and willingly lied to the American public about the seriousness COVID-19...The committed fraud...They told people to protests against their mayors and governors for having mandatory mask policies, while knowing masks would help as Trump told Woodward on February 7th that "You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” adding “This is deadly stuff.

Then Trump went on to downplay it in his briefings as did McEnany...He held maskless rallies...He called COVID-19 a "Hoax" as thousands and thousands and thousands, now nearly 200,000 Americans die...As he was telling Woodward in the same week how "deadly" and "tricky" it is...He admitted at a rally that he had testing slowed down to make the numbers look better...Meanwhile he has been tested multiple times, daily...Everyone around him is tested daily...You don't get near him until you are tested and come back negative...

Now we have Trumpers and even non-Trumpers, bashing Woodward for not reporting this sooner...For not making Trumps quotes public before finishing his book...Hey you fucking assholes why the fuck are you holding an author to a higher standard than you hold the President to?  It's like you're admitting you know the guy is a worthless, evil, criminal fuck, but you don't care...

Trump himself, lashed out today that if Woodward thought his quotes were so bad and dangerous, he should have released them "immediately"...Trump knows he's a lying asshole but he's trying to paint himself as a victim and the guy reporting it as the bad guy...

He lied to the people he works for...The people he serves...But he doesn't see it like that...In his mind, he doesn't work for us...He doesn't serve the United States, we work for him...And the worst part is, his loyal 38% this is his base will stand by him...They have fully bought into his bullshit and lies...Many of them who would have raised up their arms if President Obama did this shit and behaved like he does...

I'm no lawyer and I'm not nearly as smart as I like to think I am but I'm willing to bet there are lawyers right now preparing to hit Trump an McEnany and all the other complicit, liars in this administration with a lawsuit, as they are criminally negligent in the deaths of tens of thousands Americans...And you know what?  They are... 

It is time for our elected officials to start respecting The Constitution and us again...It is time to remove the Trump Crime Family....Between the Woodward tapes/book, his comments about fallen military, telling people to vote twice and fucking with the post office, I think there’s plenty of reasons not to vote for this prick...More importantly, there are plenty of reasons to impeach him again, completely this time Republican senators!

Tomorrow is September 11th...Millions of people will be posting tributes to those we lost on that day...We will be inundated with "Never Forget" posts...That's great...We shouldn't...We also shouldn't forget the 200,000 Americans we have lost to COVID-19 many because Trump "downplayed it."

And fuck you Kayleigh McEnany, you lying fucking cunt!