Well in case you missed the news that has been buzzing around Ohio since last night, 5 Ohio State Football players have been suspended for the first 5 games next season, including "star" QB Terrelle Pryor...Apparently, the players have been selling off jerseys, and shoes, and awards, for money, and or discounts...They also swapped autographs for cheap tattoos...
Why would they do this? This is a know NCAA violation...They did it for money of course...Everything about this story is all twisted up in money...The NCAA suspended them for the first 5 games next season, but not for their upcoming Bowl Game...Why not the Bowl Game? Because, it's a BCS game, and the NCAA doesn't want to lose any money they can make off the backs of these players...Who is really going to tune in if Pryor isn't playing...The next best QB for Ohio State is a high school senior...there is no way the NCAA is going to pass up on making big-time Bowl money!
The players most likely felt they needed the money, because they aren't allowed to have jobs...The universities make boat loads off of College Football...They make a shit-ton of money selling merchandise...Are Dayne Crist, and Brady Quinn seeing any money from all the #10 jerseys that get sold...NO! And Pryor isn't getting a dime for all the #2 jerseys sold in Columbus...
Now many say, 'Well those kids are getting a free college education!' Yes they are, and I use to argue the same point...But the cost of that education, doesn't even compare to the money the schools and the NCAA take in from those players busting their asses on the football field...A regular student, can get grants, and academic scholarships, and they are still allowed to get a job and have some cash for beer, and condoms, and whatever else they may need...
There has to be a way to give players a stipend...Just a little something for their efforts, and giving them the ability to have some spending cash, so they don't screw their team by breaking some NCAA rules...Maybe if college players got a stipend, we wouldn't have Heisman winners tainted by allegations of taking money from boosters and agents...Maybe we wouldn't have dumb players trading autographs for tattoos, and trophies for money...
That said, these douchebags at Ohio State knew they were breaking the rules...Some say the penalty was too harsh...Not me, but maybe that's just because I don't like Ohio State...But I'll take them over those ass-hats from Michigan any day! Anyway, they knew what they were doing was wrong...And for some reason, the fact they sold awards off really bothers me...I don't understand how you could just toss aside something commemorating an achievement of yours...And the players who sold their Gold_Pants, that is really bothering me...The Gold Pants are all about tradition, and Ohio State's rivalry with Michigan...Clearly, either these guys don't give a shit about tradition, or they are really desperate for money...
They should have been suspended for the Bowl Game...But as I said, money won't allow that...The NCAA should look in the mirror, and think about giving players a cut for what they do...But most likely, money won't allow that either...The schools and the NCAA don't want to share their wealth
Later, The Beeze.
PS: Merry Christmas!
Right on ... as I've been saying for some time, it's all about money. CRAZY. To me, odds are high the punishment will be greatly reduced ... why? ... it's about money.
Hey ... Merry Christmas to you and your entire family. Special wishes for the newest arrival!
Money, money, money!
Thanks for the wishes Frank, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I hope you & yours have the happiest of holidays and every day beyond
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