Well, Christmas has come and gone, but the T&A lasts forever!
Now normally I get bummed out Christmas night...You know, after all that planning, shopping, playing Santa, cooking, and all the other shit, then boom, it's over...Be back next year! But this time around, I was just relaxed, and glad the day was done...Everyone was in bed, and me and the baby sat in my chair...Apparently her favorite place to sleep is in the crook of my arm...So we chilled and watched "The Empire Strikes Back."

As for Christmas day, the kids had a blast...They both got iPod touches, which has been buying us some serious peace...But as I was loading them up with apps and shit, I started getting pissed at the fact that I don't have one of these...Little Beeze better not fuck up, or I'm taking his away...Oh, and I did put the "Bleep" app on there, so maybe he can self-edit his swearing! But the gift that got him the most fired up...Of course it was a Shark!
He loves that thing...He also got shark toys, and a shark pillow, and shark pj's...It was a sharky Christmas here...
The wife hooked me up with a sweet Keurig coffee maker, the complete series of "The Wire" and a killer BJ!
Moving on, in case anyone missed Mo's Fesitvus Awards, you check them out HERE...Yes, I'm linking this to toot my own horn, as the Beeze won Blogger of the year for the second year in a row!
In sports, the Vikings and Eagles game was pushed from Sunday night, to Tuesday night, because of snow...I'm sorry, but you don't cancel, or postpone a Football game for snow...Actually, I'm not sorry...Fuck that! If I'm NBC, I'm really pissed...The NFL wants us to give up Sunday night prime-time, and move to Tuesday night, because it's snowing...Something tells me the advertisers may want some cash back...And I have to believe they would have gotten even more casual viewers to tune in, just because the game was being played in a blizzard...I know I would have had it on...Tuesday, I won't...
The NFL is saying, that they did this for the safety of the fans in Philly...Maybe, but guess what...Fuck the fans...If they can't handle driving in the snow, and the city can't keep up with clearing the roads, fuck'em! This is Football...It gets played in all conditions...It doesn't change the fact that the rest of the country would have been watching...And Philly fans are assholes anyways, so if a few bite it on the way home, you did the world a favor!
But should we be surprised? Over the last few years we've seen the NFL pussifying the league more and more...Now they don't want fans to drive in the snow...Bullshit! The NFL shit the bed, again! Pussies!
Speaking of pussies...The Browns name fit well Sunday...They looked like a steaming pile of shit...A lot of people have been fired up about Colt McCoy...Well Ed Reed took Colt to school Sunday, picking him off twice...Colt threw another pick as well...I can't blame the defense much at all either...Hard to keep points off the board when the other team starts with the ball in your end of the field...And the heat got turned up even more on Coach Mangina, as he went to the locker room at halftime with two timeouts, as the team was driving...Clock management has been awful all year...Then he opens the second half with an onside kick, that the Browns didn't get, putting the defense in the hole again...I thing Mangina sealed his fate with this one...Now the big question in town is, will Holmgren want to coach, or will he hire one of his buddies for the job?
I swear to God, the off season in Cleveland is more exciting than the regular season...
I don't know how many people are watching HBO's Penguins/Capitals, 24/7 show, but apparently Capitals head coach Bruce Boudreau wants the world to know, that Rex Ryan isn't the only overrated, fat-ass, head coach, who says fuck all the time...This guy gets it into one sentence 12 times...He's a fuck dropping machine...Besides that, it's not a bad show...Kinda cool to see some of that behind the scenes shit...
That's it for now...I hope everyone had a great Christmas...Would have been better if she showed up...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Glad to hear that all went well at home on Christmas Day.
For the record, I like the bottom image over the top one.
Lil' Beeze and the Shark ... classic ... find him a Land Shark video clip.
Break up the Bengals!
Congrats ... back-to-back Gabber of the Year awards is impressive!
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