Welcome to another edition of the Hump Day Hits...Let's start with that Monday Night Football game...Hey Rex Ryan and the JETS...Maybe you should stop shit talking, and do a little practicing, and film study...And when you get your ass kicked as badly as the Patriots kicked yours, you probably shouldn't talk more shit after the game...Seriously, you just ass-raped by Belichik, Brady and the Pats defense that has been pretty weak all year...Shut the fuck up, and go back to the drawing board!
And since I mentioned Tom Brady...I don't want to here about the greatness of Peyton Manning again...Those 15 Interceptions are awesome! And I don't care about the fact that the Colts have had a bunch of injuries, and Manning doesn't have all his boys...Brady has Welker, Tate, Woodhead, Branch, and two rookie Tight Ends...Welker is coming off a blown-out knee, and Branch is a retread...The rest are unproven...So fuck Manning and his one ring...Brady and his three rings is the shit...Oh, and Brady has only thrown 4 picks...
Tuesday, The Washington Redskins decided to suspend Albert Haynesworth without pay, for the rest of the season...What was the reason given? "Conduct detrimental to the club" SHOCKING! (yes that's sarcasm) My question is, What the hell took them so long...This overpaid, ass-hat, and coach Mike Shanahan have been going at since the fat fucker decided not to show up to training camp, after he collected his $21 million bonus check...Seriously, this fuck-stain should have been dealt with months ago!
Hey, who wants to mix in some politics...I know, politics can get people touchy, so of course I'm gonna go there...It's not all tits, ass, and sports with me...
I read today that a number of the Democrats are furious over the tax deal President Obama made with the Republicans...Well guys, maybe you should look in the mirror, because all they've shown in the last two years, is a complete lack of balls to get anything done...Stop blaming everyone else when you're sitting on the sidelines, acting like cunts!
And as for the Republicans Tax cuts...Well my fellow Americans, considering these cuts are going to add a shit-ton to the debt, we are officially China's bitch...Yes, unemployment benefits will be extended, and our taxes won't jump through the roof come January...Which I think we can all agree those are good things right now, with the way things are...But some real solutions for our country's future are needed...The sad thing is, I have no faith in any of these dolts in DC...I have jokingly talked about running for President...Hell, I've told my wife I want to run for city council, or mayor...And sometimes I think I should, but my opinionated, loud mouth, would probably get me shot...
Speaking of getting shot...(WOW this is an awful segue)...Today, December 8th is the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's murder...George Harrison was always my favorite Beatle...I can't stand McCartney...And Ringo is a douche! But there is no denying how much Lennon's music, and how much Lennon the man, touched people...And no matter what anyone says, his death was a great loss to the music world, and to the political consciousness...
Of course all Lennon tributes need to have "Imagine" in them...It's in the handbook...I started checking out all the covers of the song...Holy shit, a lot of people did that one...But me being me, I'll go to my old fall back band, OLP...
Okay, enough of this downer shit...Let's get to the T&A...Last week we retired Alana's ass and hung it up in the rafters...So this week, we have three new contestants...
On this cold (in Cleveland) Hump day, which of these ladies would you most like to warm up with?
A. Rosie
B. Kasssie
C. Veronika
As always, Read and Respond...
Later, The Beeze.
Important things first ... Veronika
You hit the tax deal on the head - new mantra for the Capitol Hill dolts - "You can't do that! It will add too much to the debt ... so instead, add to the debt this way!"
Saw this video yesterday for the first time and figured you would appreciate it.
LMFAO! Great video Frank!
Thanks for dropping in!
It's really sad to see what's going on in DC...Even more sad, is how few people are seeing it.
and why I not surprised that you liked that one! Cheers ... have a good weekend.
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