Tuesday, August 30, 2011
They Say Everything is Bigger in Texas...
Well I guess it's true, of idiot, lard-ass, piece of shit parents too!
Now before I get into it...Relax Texas...I'm not shitting on all of you...Just these bastards...I have friends in Texas, and I know not everyone there are child-killing assholes, or stupid governors, who don't believe in Science...
Now, to the fat bastards...I heard about this Monday evening, and I was losing my mind...Those two fat asses above, Michael Ray James and Tina Marie Alberson thought punishing his son, her stepson, Jonathan, for wetting the bed was to be taken seriously...So seriously, that they deprived him of water for five days...Jonathan was 10 years old...Now he's dead...That will happen when Texas is rocking 100 plus degrees days for over a mouth...
Jonathan's twin brother Joseph told authorities they would make him stand in front of a window, in the sunlight, for hours...No Air Conditioning...No water...When he was given a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, he choked on the peanut butter from his throat being so dry...He was still not allowed water...Joseph said he wanted to help his brother, but was terrified that he would be punished in the same way...They didn't care about about Jonathan's well being until he collapsed...But by the time he got to the hospital, it was over...
This boy did not deserve to suffer like that...
His father and stepmother on the other hand, they deserve to suffer even more...My wife would prefer me to not be pro-death penalty, but stories like this aren't going to help her argument...As a matter of fact, I would gladly take a government job, traveling the country, executing pieces of shit like this for the good of all mankind...
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Monday Moaning
Okay, so here's the deal...This week's post may not have much to do with the sports...Instead, I'm going to take a swing at the weather, and the media...But first, let me get after you West Coasters first...Yeah, you fuck-nuts that go to a 49ers pre-season game packing heat...Shut your fucking mouths!
Last week some dopes from California were trashing the East Coast, because of their reaction to a 5.9 earthquake...We get it cum-dumpsters, you can take a little shaking...But those East Coast people aren't use to it, so relax...You know what...I hope Mother Nature gives California a nice Christmas present...I hope this year she hits your asses with a Syracuse style Winter...You know, 15 degrees, before you factor in the wind chill...And about 30 inches of snow dumped on you in a day! Fucking arrogant assholes, then you'd be begging for a quake!
Now, East Coasters...Yes, you got blasted by a Hurricane...Boy the hyped the shit out of Irene, and by the time she hit land she was only a category 1, but it was too late...The media monsters invested too much into her, so they had to keep pushing the non-stop coverage...Love the report, showing some shingles blowing off of a waterfront motel...NOT SHOCKING!
Then there was the first death...It's very sad about the loss of life because of Irene...Except the first fatality...Of course it was an idiot, fucking surfer! Listen, you go riding waves in a Hurricane, you better expect to die fuck-tard!
But the big thing was the non-stop hype about Irene heading for New York City...Pick any news outlet, they all act like NYC is the center of the universe...I get that it's theirs, but it ain't mine...The center of my universe is between my wife's legs!
As the forecasts kept coming in, you could see it wasn't going to crush New York City, but that wasn't stopping the machine...A late night/early morning headline read: "New York City Prepares for Irene's Worst" ....Hey you fucking dummies, New York isn't getting Irene's worst...Bitch left her worst south...Ask The Outer Banks and Virginia about Irene's worst you fucking children!
And then Irene blew by NYC...Roughing up Queens and Coney Island a bit...But no epic scene like some shit from "The Day After Tomorrow"...You arrogant Nancie's got some wind and rain, and acted like it was the end of days...Christ, Albany got hit harder with the storm then you did! And then the storm was onto New England, and slowly, one by one, the media outlets started dropping their storm coverage, and went back to their traditional, meaningless and often shitty programming...And all I really wanted to see was Al Roker get washed away!
Moving on to other meaningless bullshit...The MTV Video Music Awards was Sunday night...I didn't watch, so I have no details...But I have to ask...Why do the still have VMA's when they don't even show videos anymore!?!
So now, just a quick bit of sports...High School Football season has started, and now the Football has kicked in...Except for my local high school team, which got throttled 64-14 in their opener Friday night...OUCH!
Then there was the BIG Jim Thome Homecoming weekend...I wrote about Thome coming back, last week...For some reason MY_VIEW isn't popular in this town...In a city where the economy has kicked people in the ass, all the sudden these dopes have plenty of money to buy brand new Thome gear...Unreal...
Oh, and it was so sweet that some PR douche told all the players to wear high socks for Friday's big return of Thome...Great job going 0-4 Jim...Then Saturday, they all went nuts, because he hit a Home run...Completely over-shadowing Asdrubal Cabrera's 3 run, game winning, home run...Who cares that Cabrera won us another game, Thome got a dinger! Fuck you...Fuck you twice, because they gave him Sunday off...Oh, the poor, DH can't play three games in a row...It's so hard riding the pine, waiting to do one of two things...HR or Strikeout!
Fuck Cleveland....Relax...Have some self respect...The guy exactly the same thing that LeBron James did (minus the big tv show) and none of you gave a shit...You just swung from his nuts! C-town, stop rooting for the players, and start rooting for the teams...
That's it for now...Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Friday, August 26, 2011
How Quickly We Forget
Well, Cleveland Indians fans are all a buzz...There are hard dicks all around Cleveland, because Jim Thome is coming back to Cleveland...There was a #Thomecoming trending on Twitter...People on Facebook saying, "Welcome home Jim"...
You know what I say...Fuck You!
Not to Thome...But to those idiot, hypocritical fans...
They've all forgotten...Thome repeatedly telling fans, and the media, he wanted to be an Indian for his entire career...Thome telling people he was going to stay in Cleveland...But he didn't...Him, and Tom Glavine were pressured by the Union to take top dollar...It didn't matter that Thome wanted to stay in Cleveland...It didn't matter that Glavine wanted to stay in Atlanta...The union pushed them around, and the union won...
Thome stood there in Philly, weeping how he never thought he'd leave Cleveland, and how much he loved the town....And for some reason, Cleveland fans loved him even more...He stuck it to us, and you kept loving him...Whenever he came back to Cleveland, Indians fans stood and cheered...Indians radio announcer, Tom Hamilton did everything except suck his dick on the air...The TV guys too...They all kept telling us what a great guy he was...
Bullshit, he lied...We were ready to string LeBron James up for lying to us, but this hay head gets a pass...Every time Manny Ramirez came back to town, these asshole fans boo'ed him...Except Manny never lied to us...Manny never said he wanted to stay here...Manny never told fans he wasn't leaving...(and this was before we found out Manny was juicing)...
I have heard idiots in Cleveland trash Cliff Lee, for not signing here...Who cares that the team traded him with 2 years left on his deal!
Cleveland fan has a very selective memory....It makes me sick how much people in this city are fawning over this Thome coming back...He did the very thing that makes Cleveland fans hate athletes, yet nobody bothers to remember Thome being the asshole...Just everyone else...
Fuck you idiot Cleveland fans...And Fuck Thome...For all I care he can suck LeBron's dick...
Later, The Beeze.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Kickoffs, Race in Sports, and Danica Patrick
-Okay, we'll start with this bitch first...Since Wednesday night I've had to hear reports that Danica Patrick is going to be switching to NASCAR full-time....Ummm, I don't give a shit! I would guess even racing fans don't really give a shit...Maybe if this skank would actually win a few races, people would take news about her seriously...But they don't...All she is to the world, is eye candy...Something to spank it to...And she isn't even that hot...Nor has she gotten totally naked and blown a horse, while having a monkey shit on her, so she's lost my interest already!
-Next up, kickoffs in the NFL...Hey asshole rules committee, I want my kickoffs back...This is more pussification of America going on...If high school kids are returning kickoffs, the NFL's millionaires can do it too...Yes, injuries can happen on kickoffs, but injuries happen on any and every play on a football field...Besides that, there are players who only get a chance in the NFL because the first got work on kickoff teams...Former Giants linebacker Antonio Pierce said it on ESPN a couple weeks ago..."If it wasn't for getting a chance on the kickoff coverage team, no one would no me."
Besides that, the NFL has killed off what can be one of the most exciting plays in Football...Every year they try to make the game safer..Instead they are slowly ruining, while players are still getting hurt...You're not helping anyone, you're just pissing off your fans...
-Now, to the real touchy subject...Race in Sports has come up again this week...There was THIS article in the Washington Times...So this guy says, the decline in black players should concern us...Who the fuck are you to tell me what should concern me!?! And I would think that the 600,000 African children on the verge of starvation should concern us...It sure as shit should concern you more then the decline of blacks playing baseball...But then again Mr. Snyder, your paper has only covered that "Briefly"...
But since this is such a major story...Ummm, a story that USA Today writes once a year...Lets get at it...I think it's idiotic to think Baseball or any sport worse off because of a decline in any racial group...It's almost as if Mr. Snyder is flat out saying, 'no matter what, blacks are better athletes then whites'...which to me is some stupid shit...Borderline racist shit, that no one will call him on...But I will, because I'm so sick of this topic, and hacks like him...
Should we also be concerned about the decline in white players in the NBA? I'll bet you'll say no, because that wouldn't be Politically Correct...Should Canada be concerned that the number of Canadian youths playing Hockey has gone down? I don't know, maybe they should be happy that they are finding more things to do other then just playing hockey...Should the NHL be concerned that there is an increase in European players? I would say yes...Hockey doesn't need more pussies like the Sedin twins! Or should Hockey be concerned that the number of black players is slowly on the rise? Of course not you asshole!
This whole topic pisses me off...I'm sick of "Journalists" repeatedly trying to tell us how racist we are...I'm sick of "White Guilt" being pushed down my throat...I'm sick of these hacks trying to tell me, you, leagues, and companies, how bad we are, and how we should be better...Mr.Snyder, why don't you go to one of those refugee camps in Africa and see what real concerns are...You haven't got a clue! If you opened your eyes, maybe you'd understand that who is playing what sports, for millions of dollars, really means very little when you look at the big picture...
-Before I go, I have two of my links I want top push...In THIS post I ask why Mothers are put on pedestals, and Fathers are blown off?
-In THIS post I ask a question, that has gone unanswered for 60 years...
That's it for now...
Later, The Beeze.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Where Is Beverly Potts?
Friday August 24th 1951, 10 year old Beverly Potts vanished from her Cleveland neighborhood...Never to be seen again...The case is still open...And even though it has nothing to do with me...It haunts me...
She had disappeared after attending a showagon at Halloran Park....The showagon was a group of singers dancers, and other performers, that went from park to park near the end of Summer...Halloran Park was at the corner of Beverly's street, Linnet and 117th...
Beverly had gone there with her best friend and next door neighbor, Patsy Swing...Beverly was told she stay for the whole show...Patsy had to be home by dark...When it got close to 9:00 PM...Patsy left...She tried to get Beverly to come with her...But Beverly wanted to stay...And did...
Once it was 10:00 PM, Beverly's parents, and older sister became worried...Her father and sister went to the park to look for her...They came back with no signs of Beverly...They checked again...Her mother called the police...Later, after the police hadn't shown up...Her sister called the police again...It was now after midnight...The search was on...Her father Robert searched the neighborhood...Neighbors began to realize something was wrong...And started searching also...
By all accounts, Beverly was extremely shy...Especially around boys, and men...Even men she knew...So the thought that she would have left willingly with some one was highly doubted...Yet no one at the park had noticed any type of struggle, or anything alarming...It's estimated that there was 1500 people there...
Then Saturday morning came...No sign of Beverly...The neighborhood was in shock...The Cleveland police was working non-stop, lead by Chief of Detectives, James E. McArthur...Every lead...I stress every, was checked out...Hot lines were setup...All three Cleveland papers were covering the story, non-stop...
One of the scariest things to me, is the number of stories that came out...A woman down the block from the Potts house hearing a girl scream "I want to go home!" as a car sped by...A man seeing a young girl in a car with an older man...And then seeing that car in a field a short time later, about a mile or so away...The man beating the girl...A cab driver picking up a suspicious looking man and a young girl on 117th, and taking them to the bus station...These are just a few...You can't be sure what is true, and what isn't...But if any of them are true, why the hell didn't some one do something, or speak up sooner...
There was also many reports of people seeing a particular type of car...With a creepy looking person...Some accounts saying two people...Trolling around the park during the Showagon...
It's all so sketchy...Especially 60 years later...Yet...Even today...If a tip comes in...It's checked out...It's still an open case...Nothing has ever been found...
"The earth might as well have opened up and swallowed the child. She has vanished into nothing." -Ben R. Tidyman in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, 9-4-'51
The Potts family was investigated...Neighbors interviewed...Classmates interviewed...Every know sex offender questioned...I was surprised to read how well the police kept tabs on sex offenders back then...Over the years, there have been many promising tips, that have just never panned out..
In 2001 letters were received at the Cleveland Plain Dealer...A dying man confessing to the disappearance, molestation, and murder of Beverly...On the 50th anniversary of the disappearance, he was going to turn himself in at Halloran Park...Then he sent another letter, just weeks before...Saying he has become to sick, and was being put into a nursing home...The Police checked everything and anything they could...The man was never found....Beverly has never been found...No trace of her has ever been found...
It's been said, that after Beverly's disappearance, Her mother Elizabeth, "seemed to be crying softly virtually all the time." I can only imagine. Elizabeth Potts died 5 years later, in 1956...
I said at the beginning that this story haunts me...I'm not sure why...I do know that it bothers me even more, now that I have kids of my own...My father grew up at Halloran Park...It was just steps from his childhood home...He knew of Beverly Potts...He's a few years older then her...She was friends with my aunt...
I had spent plenty of time at Halloran Park when I was kid...We'd walk up there when we were visiting my grandfather...I didn't find out about the Beverly Potts story until I was in high school...Although I didn't think much of it...But I always felt uneasy at the park after that...I took my wife there once...It was our first date that didn't start in a bar after work...We went ice skating there...But I still felt strange...I drive past Halloran everyday...And I think about what may have happened to that little girl...
I always think about how much better things were in our society, when i was kid...I knew there were kid touchers, and evil people...I was prepared for it...But it didn't seem to be too bad...Then I would think about when my parents were growing up, and how much better a time it was in the world...There couldn't be this much bad sh!t...Then I learned about Beverly Potts...And her story leads you to so many more horrible stories that happened back then...Clearly, this world has always been f**ked up....
I guess all we can do is prepare our children for the bad as best we can...While not forgetting to show them the good...
Many times you hear questions like, 'If you could ask God one question...What would it be?' Or some silly sh!t like that...I'd ask, WHERE'S BEVERLY POTTS?
Not that it would do any good for her family...They're all gone...Maybe it's just my Catholic upbringing that just wants that poor child's soul to finally rest peacefully.
For more on Beverly Potts case...There is a great book called "The Twilight Of Innocence" by James Jessen Badal.
Beverly's page at The Charley Project... http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/p/potts_beverly.html
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children... http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PublicHomeServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US
Why Were the Rockies so Eager to Move Jimenez?
It's a serious question...Why would a team move their top pitcher, who they have under a very manageable contract for two more years, and an option for a third? Well I'll tell you...Because Ubaldo Jimenez is broken...
He's physically, and mentally broken...After being traded, he made the Tribe wait before joining them, saying he was "Mentally exhausted" from the whole situation...In his 4 starts since joining the Indians he has 1 win, and a 7.29 ERA...He can't get ahead of batters and is always pitching from behind...He doesn't have a consistent delivery with any of his pitches...Repeating his motion is out of the question...
And as the Indians got swept this past weekend by the Tigers, their chance of taking the division is slipping away...They need Jimenez to be an ace if they are going to make the run they brought him to be...
I was excited to see the Indians actually be buyers at the deadline...I wasn't happy that they traded their top two pitching prospects and two others, to get Jimenez...I wanted Hunter Pence, but they weren't willing to move those two guys for the quality, right-handed, power bat, outfielder that they desperately needed...But they made a bold move and I had to respect that...But maybe they should have thought about the deal more...Why did the Yankees pass on Jimenez? Why did the Red Sox pass on Jimenez? Why were the Rockies so eager to move him?
Clearly they knew something was wrong with him...Now the Indians own the head-case, and they need to fix him quickly...
Later, The Beeze.
Monday, August 22, 2011
It's Your Responsibility Not Your Job
Some ladies are going to get pissed about this, but too bad...Women have fought for equal rights for years, so it's time to take the good with the bad...
lately I've heard too much talk about women being mothers, and calling it a job...Then today I saw these two women talking about studies on stay at home moms vs. working moms...But they kept referring to being a mother as a job...THIS was the one woman...I wasn't impressed with her non-stop smiling, and her upbeat tone, about how moms who work, are better at their job as a mother...
First, I have no problem with working mothers...My mom went back to work, when I was in 2nd grade, and it didn't effect me...She wasn't ant better or worse of a mother...But also, there was my Dad...Remember Dad...The other parent...When mom went to her 9-5 job, he switch his schedule, to 4-midnight...So there was always a parent around...So that some one was there if we needed it...
In my early years of fatherhood, I worked 70 hours a week, and my wife stayed home with the baby...Then she got a good job, and I switched jobs, to work less hours, and be home more...Now she is the primary bread winner, and I am the primary care giver...I get them ready and off to school...Go to work...Pick them up...Play at the park...Do homework with them...Make dinner...Wash the dishes...I get up with the baby at night...I am the Mr. Mom...
Guess what? I don't call being a father, my job...I've never heard a father say that...Ladies, it's not your job to be a parent...It's your responsibility! Once a guy unloads into a woman, what comes next, is his responsibility...Once you let a guy unload in you, what happens nest, is a responsibility...Can it be tough? Yes...Could it tire you out like work? Yes...Is it you job? NO! There's no paycheck involved...Just the hope that you didn't screw these kids up to bad!
It's time to man-up ladies!
Maybe I haven't explained my displeasure well...But I hope some one out there gets it...For a laugh, here's Bill Burr's take on Stay at Home Moms...
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Monday Moaning
What does this pic represent? It's a sexier view of the Tigers smothering the Indians to death...The Tribe went into Detroit this weekend with a great opportunity to take the division...But instead, they shit the bed, and got swept...While they're still not out of it, what happened this weekend, I feel will be the kill shot to the Tribe's season...
-As I sit here writing this post, I have the news on in the background...Rebels have taken over Libya...While some are celebrating this, I have to wonder...just as I have with all these uprisings in the Middle East...What's next...The news covers the over-throwing of the "evil" dictators, but doesn't bother to follow up on the cluster fuck that happens after the fact...Then all these fuckers look at the U.N. and the U.S. to help them fix their mess...Whatever!
-There's been a lot of talk about about Terrelle being allowed in the supplemental NFL's draft...I would first say why bother wasting a draft pick on this guy? A bunch of teams have shown interest, but bitch is a project...He's gonna be your 3rd string QB, and if you 1 and 2 go down with injuries, you'll be checking the waiver wire, before you play this kid...He stares down his primary receiver...His throwing motion sucks...The majority of his passes go down into the turf...Yes, he's athletic, but like Tebow...He's far from ever being a #1 NFL QB...
-All this talk about the illegal activity at Miami had me searching for a clip from Bill Burr...He mentions "The U" briefly...But it's funny...
Bill is always so good, I had to dig up another on...
Did he mention Sporting News Magazine...Such a shame what happened to that rag!
-I decided one thing for sure this weekend...I'll be avoiding being a San Fransisco sports fan for the rest of my life...After A giants fan got beat down at Dodger stadium at the beginning of the year, now two people have been shot outside of the 49ers, Raiders game Saturday...Seriously, what's in the fucking water on the left coast...I'm all about sports and my teams...But FUCK! I thought you Bay Area people were suppose to relaxed hippies...Isn't Weed legal out there...
Hey assholes, smoke up and chill the fuck out!
Before I get out of here this week...I wanted to share a couple of good tweets from this week...
First, from Jay Mohr:
"My Fantasy Baseball team sucks so bad they should be called The Cubs"
I love this one because, I swear he's talking about my fantasy team!
The second one is from Denis Leary:
"NYC firefighters not invited to 10th anniv of 9/11 at Ground Zero. They werent invited on that day in 2001 either. They just showed"
What is understood doesn't need to be discussed...
That's it for now...Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Chris Drury: Good Bye and Good Luck
After having his contract bought out a few weeks ago, Chris Drury officially retired today...As a Hockey fan, I always loved the guy...Of course I love to see American born players do well...But it was his Awesome play in the playoffs that really got me fired up...
After putting together strong runs in Colorado, he landed in Buffalo, where his leadership skills shined...Then he signed the monster contract with my New york Rangers...While he was still a great leader, and one of the best defensive players around, he never lived up to the contract...Especially once injuries started taking a toll on his body the last couple of seasons...
I hope he won't be just remembered as a bust with the Rangers...I hope he isn't just remembered for his little league world series performance, oh so many years ago...I hope people will remember the drive...The leadership...The clutch play...The face-offs won...The shot blocking, penalty killing, do whatever it takes kind of guy he was...
Best of luck to Chris Drury!
Later, The Beeze.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
To Pay or Not to Pay....
Everytime a major College Football program gets in trouble, the topic of paying college athletes comes up...For a number of years I was in favor of giving players a stipend...Yes, these athletes get full scholarships to these universities, but I always bought into the theory, of they still need spending money...And why shouldn't they get a tatse...They are making their Universities, and the NCAA boat loads of money every year...
But my opinion may have switched...Yes, they are making the NCAA and their Universities tons of money, but that free room and board, books, and free education, is pretty fucking expensive these days...
And then we start getting the articles, and tv shows, and radio hosts, who say these kids take the money, because of a socieconomic difference...This is brought up mainly because such a large number the players caught are black...Well, that's a weak, bullshit excuse...Because, as you can see from the Ohio State scandal, and now the Miami scandal, these players didn't take teh money to buy pizza, or take their girl friend out on a date...No, instead they make deals for cars...Tattoos...Strippers...Partying...Hookers...Hookers' abortions..."Bling"...Fancy clothes, and other unnecessary bullshit...
Included in the names dropped in teh Miami scandal, was Kellen Winslow Jr...Don't try that socieconomic shit there...Dude was a rich kid, who's daddy made plenty of cash in the NFL, and was smart with his money...Jr. wasn't some kid who had it tough, growing up in the hood...He was just a rich punk, who wanted more...
Stop trying to play the race game, or the poor kid game...This game is all about Greed...The NCAA is greedy, making money on the backs of teh schools...The schools are greedy, making money on teh backs of the players...The players see that, and they're greedy, and they want theirs...And they willingfully, take illegal gifts and money, from greedy doners who want to feel a part of something bigger...Trickle-down economics is still alive and kicking...
And as much as we want to see the NCAA be tough on these programs, and make major changes to fix things, they won't...There is too much money to be made off of these players and programs!
Later, The Beeze.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Open Letter to JDIN827
This post, like many before, is inspired by one of the biggest, Ohio State/Jim Tressel/Cleveland supports you will ever read...Her posts are tired, as they all seem to be the same rah, rah, bullshit, copied and pasted from her last post...But last night, she didn't bring all that garbage to the table...Instead, she just brought her pissing and moaning, because 'everybody is always picking on Ohio State!'
So I wanted to explain to her why her beloved Buckeyes are getting dumped on so much more than other programs...First, read her brief cry-fest HERE...
And yes, in case you didn't see, Miami_is_in_Trouble...
So first, people aren't jumping up and down on Miami, because the story is just breaking...All the dirty little secrets haven't been brought to light, dummy! Second, let's all be honest, this is the shit we all expect from Miami...This won't be the first time that they end up in hot water with the NCAA, and it won't be the last...Maybe it's seems unfair princess Suckeye, but that's just the way it is...
Why is it that way? Because Tressel crafted an image of being a wholesome, aww shucks, Christian, goodie two shoes, who parents trusted their kids with...Oh, and his teams played good defense and could run the ball...When Tressel stepped onto the campus, he brought respectability back to Ohio State, on and off the field...Why people thought that, I don't know since he just spent a number of years cheating at Youngstown State...And many of us knew about that before the big Sports Illustrated article!
Why did bloggers call Tressel a liar and cheater you ask? Because he lied and cheated! It wasn't just the cover-up he perpetrated, but then the lying once he was questioned...He knowingly played 38 players who should have been ineligible...The worst part to me is that more heads didn't roll...The AD should have been whacked too...There's no way that bastard didn't know about any of this...I'll get to that in a minute...
Lovely JDIN827, you brought up UNC getting busted...Well, again people weren't surprised...Butch Davis may be a good coach, but no one turns a bad program around that quick without some shenanigans...Oh, and it was Butch Davis...You know, Miami Butch Davis! And yes, saying that cheating is expected from schools in the SEC is a cop-out, but it's somewhat true...Those schools you mentioned, while they are prestigious Football schools, other than Michigan, none have the Holier than Thou reputation that Tressel brought to Ohio State...And yes, the Ohio State fan-base is arrogant as hell!
Oh, and you mentioned USC...They got beat up by bloggers and the press...And Pete Carrol got hammered for being dirty, and then running to Seattle when shit got too hot...It's time JDIN827, for you to pull your head out of the sand...
Now I said I'd get back to the Ohio State AD...He had to know about some of the crap going on there...But why would he stop it...Ohio State Football brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year...And Football keeps the Athletic Department running...Most major Universities have 16-18 varsity sports...Ohio State has 40...Including a women's Hockey team that loses $1 million a year...A women's Crew team which just had a $5 million boat house build, and loses $1 million a year...As a matter of fact, most of the 40 programs lose money...
So the AD has to push his Coach to win, and win now, and contend every year...So of course Tressel was under extreme pressure to produce winners repeatedly...There is no way he didn't know the pressure Tressel and his staff were under...And there is no way that Tressel was the only member of the coaching staff that knew anything, or covered anything up...
The hammer should have been dropped on Ohio State, but they have been one of the NCAA's crown jewels for too long, and they make the NCAA too much money...So JDIN827, and all you arrogant, Jim Tressel nut swinging, douchebag, Ohio State fans, you should just shut up and be happy that your team got off as easy as they did...Stop worrying about other schools' problems, and focus on fixing your own...Stick your tears, and your rah, rah, sis-boom, bah, up your ass!
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Monday Moaning
Okay, I have no idea what the hell to write about...Normally I have some sort of ideas running through my head when I start my Monday post...Hell, sometimes I have notes written out...But this week I got nothing...
I could write about pre-season football, but 1. I haven't seen any of the games, and 2. it's only pre-season...The Browns beat the Packers, but I'm not walking around with a boner...It's pre-season...
Things are getting crazy around the Beeze household, with school starting on the 25th...Cheerleading has started for my oldest 2 days a week, and Little Beeze's Flag Football practices are 4 days a week...I get to run them around, with baby in hand, and she is getting heavy, with her little thunder thighs...The Little Beeze is not enjoying Football as much as he enjoyed Baseball...I've already talked him out of quitting twice...We'll see how it goes...
I has considered writing about this talk of Texas A&M moving to the SEC, but it seems everyone involved is talking in circles, and you can't seem to get real details...The SEC aren't inviting them in, but they would consider it in the future...A&M isn't asking in, but they would like in...And they are salty about the Texas Longhorn Network, which is one of the reasons they want out of the Big-12, but they haven't formally requested it...
Huh...Whatever! This seems to have people talking about the hopes that some have, of there being 4 "SUPER conferences"...These 4 super powers would have their own playoff system, and most likely, any Independent (Notre Dame) and any team not in one of these 4 conferences would be on the outside looking in, no matter what their record was...I'm not the biggest fan of the BCS, but I don't know how good it would be to have a giant Big-10...a giant SEC...a giant Pac-10...and a giant what, ACC/Big East? Would the Big-12 be swallowed up?
I don't think that idea would stop our traditional post-season debate...It'll just create new problems to bitch about...
Moving along, this road to no where...Earlier in the week I posted THIS question...
In Baseball, Dan Uggla's hit streak ended, so now Baseball has no story that will keep NFL talk from taking over almost all of Sports Center now...Yep, it's back to that time of the year...The tail-end of the Baseball season, and playoffs will be overshadowed by America's #1 love of Football...Baseball may be our National Pastime, but Football is our National Love...Why wouldn't it be...We have become a violent society, and what better then sport that guarantees some violence on every single play...
Awhile back I posted my personal top 5 Beatles songs...I thought I'd dig into some more classic rock this week, and put up my top 5 Rollings Stones songs...
1. "Paint it Black"
2. "Gimme Shelter"
3. "Wild Horses'
4. "Shattered"
5. "Get Off of My Cloud"
Feel free to share yours...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Golf Needs a New Tiger, or the Old One Back
I'm not a Golf guy, but I know how important Tiger Woods was to Golf...And clearly he is still important...
Last week Adam Scott won, and all the talk was about his caddy...Because his caddy, Steve Williams had recently been fired by Tiger Woods...
Then today in the PGA, he started out well, and the big media machine started getting a boner...But then, suddenly he fell apart, and played like shit...So what did the media machine do...They didn't change gears and talk about Steve Stricker killing it...Nope, they talked about Tiger...
What's wrong with Tiger?
Is Tiger done?
It's over for Tiger?
Tiger, Tiger, fucking Tiger?
Clearly Golf can't exist without Tiger...So they better fix him, or build a new one...The rest of the guys on the tour must really be getting sick of all this Tiger bullshit...I already barely give a shit about golf, but after today, I really don't give a shit!
Later, The Beeze.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"If You Believe in the World, I'm Calling"
What the Hell is going on? Is this shit London, or Detroit?
Are we actually going to make it to 2012? This is my 500th post here, and I'm wondering what will the world be like after the next 500, or will we even still be here...
People started protesting the police in London, because they shot and killed a man...Somehow the protests turned into all-out, burn this fucker down, steal everything we can, riots...What these ass-hat, rioting fucks aren't talking about, is why this dumb asshole was shot and killed...HE SHOT AT THE POLICE!!! Ummm, if you shoot at police, they shoot back! This guy was no saint, but somehow this turned into a socioeconomic battle, and now these dopes are destroying their neighborhoods, businesses, and infrastructure...
How fucked up...People of London, this is not how you fix things...Wake up, before it's too late...
-Here in America, we had our giant battle over the debt ceiling...Then when politicians drove us to the edge of financial disaster, S&P took a stand and dropped our national credit rating...Whether justified, or not, they made a point, and the Market tanked Monday, slightly bounced back Tuesday, and went back to the shitty on Wednesday...
What are the politicians doing, besides vacationing? They're all playing the blame game...Guess what it's not just President Obama's fault...It's not just Republicans' fault, or Tea-Party dolts fault...The fault falls on all of them, and all politicians who have only been looking out for themselves for the last 30 years...
I actually DVR'ed all the Sunday morning news shows and watched them all this week...What idiots...One Tea-Party dope said if The President would have listened to the Tea-Party and given $4 Trillion in cuts, we wouldn't have this problem...Yeah, except there was a plan being worked on between The President, and leadership from both parties...It had $4 Trillion in cuts, and had reform to Medicare and Social Security...But God forbid, it also had closing Tax loop-holes, so the largest companies would actually pay taxes, and not get unnecessary rebates...Those would have brought in $4 Trillion...
Get it, cut $4 Trillion, and add $4 Trillion would make us plus $8 Trillion...But these hard-line Republicans, and Tea-Party dopes screamed no...So now all we have is $2 Trillion in cuts, so we're still pretty much screwed...And instead of fixing shit, all our politicians are on vacation, saying it's all some one else's fault...You all waited until the last minute, and you all screwed up...Get back to work, listen to the people, and do the work the people pay you to do...
-But at least we aren't in Africa...
Yes, Africa, where there are 600,000 children on the verge of dying from starvation...If a major drought isn't enough, then there are the Muslim extremists who have been on a killing spree, driving already sick, and hungry families from there homes, and to refugee camps...Then these warlords are also stopping aid from getting to the refugees as much as possible...And the U.N. says they only have enough money and supplies to last another 3 weeks...
It's odd how our Government, and NATO, and the U.N. don't really seem to care about Muslims extremists committing genocide in Africa, but all other Muslim extremists are bad and need to be taken out...Ummm, if we're gonna take on this crusade, then let's handle all of the nut jobs...
It's getting hard to believe in our leaders...Hell it's getting harder and harder to believe in human beings...I'm not giving up...Let's see where we are in another 500 posts...
"If You Believe"
"So, you've made up your mind
You're tired of trying
Time to be scared
And you wanted to fly
You can't close your eyes
Time to beware
But if you believe in the world I'm calling
And if you belong in the world I saw
And if you believe in the world I'm calling
You'll be strong
So you wasted your time
You willed it goodbye
Time to be scared
You thought you could buy
Your last piece of mind
Time to beware
But if you believe in the world I'm calling
And if you belong in the world I saw
And if you believe in the world I'm calling
You'll be strong"
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Monday Moaning
I would consider myself a fucking asshole if I didn't write a bit about the 30 U.S. military members who killed in Afghanistan this weekend...22 of those 30 were Navy SEALS...They went in to help a Army Rangers who had come under heavy fire...They subdued the attackers and were on their way out, when their chopper was struck by at least one RPG...It went down, and they are all gone...
Just a bit of cold harsh reality for everyone out there who thought this shit was over after Bin Laden got whacked...It's not! 10 years our country's best, and bravest have been fighting in that shit-hole, and there's no end in sight...And for our best and bravest, it's not over for them when they finally make it home from that hell...Remember that!
Should I lighten the mood now?
Here's a blog I did on BUMPER_STICKERS...
Then Friday night I took on LeBron_James_&_Tim_Tebow...Those two chicken shits haven't gotten back to me via Twitter yet...Cowards!
My pal Irish Shu posted a good blog Michael_Floyd...I have to say, the kid is one of the elite receivers in college, and he plays for my team, but he got off to easy...
Another blog this weekend brought up Carson Palmer...People have been taking shots at the guy, and as much as it pains me, I have to defend him...People want to bring up honoring his contract...Ummm, he left the money on the table...He isn't getting paid now...
Besides that, when have teams honored contracts...The NFL doesn't have those nice MLB guaranteed contracts...Players are cut every year and the teams are off the hook for the cash...I'm so tired of that lame and wrong argument...
Palmer has put up with a horrible organization...With horrible facilities...With a horrible front office...with horrible coaches...And a roster full of criminals...Why should he put up with anymore crap? He has every right to ask for a trade or release...And every right to retire if the team doesn't give that to him.
Tiger Woods was in North East Ohio this weekend...I thought he was coming to play Golf, but this was the first thing he said when he showed up...
Oh, and Tiger, how did that feel seeing the guy you fired, rolling with the winner this weekend? Just another bruise on that giant ego!
Last week I talked about being happy to see the Indians and Pirates actually be buyers before the trade deadline...Now look, the Indians blew 2 out of 4 in Boston, and they kept trying to hand games to Texas this weekend...And Pittsburgh...Holy shit have they fallen apart...It's slipping away for both teams...
And as much as I love Boston, and I love that the Red Sox have owned the Yankees this year, I'm really getting tired of ESPN and the MLB Network trying to force this rivalry on us...NO one cares anymore, except fans of those two teams...It's hard to be a rivalry when there is no tension between the teams...Christ Jeter gets called out at second, and he smiles, taps Pedroia on the ass...That's not a rivalry, that's just Jeter saying he's tired of chicks and wants a dick in his mouth!
That's all for now...Oh yeah, and remember...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Friday, August 5, 2011
LeBron James & Tim Tebow: Two Douchebags One Blog
Yeah, it's easy to hate on LeBron...But many people Love Tim Tebow...He's such a good little Christian boy...Guess what? I don't like him...He's an overrated douche, and Jesus isn't the reason you won so many games in college...It was a good defense and Urban Meyer knowing to use you like a fullback, and not so much a Quarterback...
Why did he do that? Because of this retarded throwing motion you have...
So Tebow was unhappy that Merril Hoge did his job...Hoge, a former NFL Fullback, is one of ESPN's top Football analysts, and the topic of Tim Tebow vs. Kyle Orton has been a hot topic lately...Anyone who knows anything about Football and/or Quarterbacks, knows that Orton is a much better QB...But people have low expectations for the Broncos, so they think they should play the kid...Well, the kid stinks, and Orton is accurate as hell...So Hoge broke Tebow down and said, via Twitter...
"Sitting watching tape off bronco offense from last year! Orton or Tebow? It's embarrassing to think the broncos could win with Tebow!!
It's about who can play!! I just watched Tebow throw 5 out routes to a wide open WR! He was 1 for 5! 2 went in dirt, 2 in the stands! That throwing motion he changed? U can't change who u r! Just watched 2 throws and he throws like he did in college!!
College credentials do not transfer to NFL raw raw speeches do not work! You must poses a skill set to play! Tebow struggle with accuracy!"
Tebow was not happy and said this..."Hey Merril...... 'ppreciate that"
The next day Tebow tweeted, "@KingJames & everyone else that's always had my back, thank you. GB²"
Yep, LeBron James took to Twitter to defend Tebow's honor...
"Listened to Merril Hoge today on SC and he was just blasting Tebow. The man hasn't even play a full season and its only his 2nd year in."
"Guys get on that TV and act like they was all WORLD when they played. How bout encouraging him and wishing him the best instead of hating!!"
Really LeBron? This isn't the first time LeBron or any other athlete has bitched about an analyst doing their job...If it wasn't for analysts talking about you dolts, there would be even more people not giving a fuck about who you are and what you do...These fucking over sensitive, crybaby, fuck-stain, athletes make me sick...Heaven forbid people do their job, and do it honestly...But you're right LeBron, Hoge wasn't "all WORLD"...As a Fullback, he rushed for 3,139 yards, and 21 touchdowns...He also had 2,133 yards receiving with 13 touchdowns...Not "all WORLD" numbers, but pretty good...Oh, and they're numbers you'd never get...
People say what a great athlete James is, but he doesn't have the balls do what Hoge did...
As for Tebow, he could possibly put up Hoge numbers, if he was just willing to be a Fullback...Sorry Tebow, Jesus didn't make everyone great QB's, and he sure as shit didn't make you one either...
As for LeBron, Mind your own business shit-dick!
Later, The Beeze.
PS- I will be tweeting this link to both of these ass-hats!
Bumper Stickers Stink and I Don't Like Them
Okay, that one is funny...But seriously, can we please knock it off with the damn bumper stickers...It's 2011...We don't need bumper stickers when we have instant everything on our phones...We have Facebook and Twitter if you need to say something catchy...You don't ruin your stupid car!
Yeah, dummies, bumper stickers depreciate the value of your car...That means an extra dick in your ass when you're trying to trade it in...
Oh yeah, and most of the bumper stickers out there are just stupid...
"My child is an Honor Student" Ummm, we don't give a shit...We just want you to get your slow driving ass out of the fast lane!
"Kerry - Edwards" bumper stickers...REALLY? You're a couple elections behind...
Your Anti-Bush stickers, yeah, you can get rid of those too...He's no longer the President...
The oval bumper stickers...Hey, I'm Irish, but I don't care if you went there, or wish you could, or whatever the reason it is that you have an "IRE" in an oval sticker...And if you have a radio show here in Cleveland, apparently it's a law that you make those oval bumpers stickers...I don't care if you listen to Rover...Fucking show has been the same show every day for 8 years...
Then there are the environmental bumper stickers...Often on the back of cars that do nothing good for Mother Earth...
And the the Religious ones...I saw one today, and it stuck in my head, and it kept bugging me...I'm not the most religious person...I will go with Science before faith...But from my 12 years of Catholic schooling, I understand faith...I get it, but I don't have much of it...The one I saw today said, "God Rules"...
Rules what? God is like a NFL Quarterback...He gets too much credit, and too much blame...Seriously, did God rule the Stock Market into the ground on Thursday? Did God have the say in the MLB trade deadline deals...How about NFL Free-agency?
Does God rule us all around the world, like his own giant chess game...If so, why does he rule a bunch of fucking idiots into power and wealth, while better people scape by and get shit on by the system?
Like I said, God gets too much blame, and too much credit...
If the good Lord ruled me into the power, everyone would have a bumper sticker that read, 'The Beeze is Cock-Strong as a Mutha Fucka!'
Later, The Beeze.