You know what I say...Fuck You!
Not to Thome...But to those idiot, hypocritical fans...
They've all forgotten...Thome repeatedly telling fans, and the media, he wanted to be an Indian for his entire career...Thome telling people he was going to stay in Cleveland...But he didn't...Him, and Tom Glavine were pressured by the Union to take top dollar...It didn't matter that Thome wanted to stay in Cleveland...It didn't matter that Glavine wanted to stay in Atlanta...The union pushed them around, and the union won...
Thome stood there in Philly, weeping how he never thought he'd leave Cleveland, and how much he loved the town....And for some reason, Cleveland fans loved him even more...He stuck it to us, and you kept loving him...Whenever he came back to Cleveland, Indians fans stood and cheered...Indians radio announcer, Tom Hamilton did everything except suck his dick on the air...The TV guys too...They all kept telling us what a great guy he was...
Bullshit, he lied...We were ready to string LeBron James up for lying to us, but this hay head gets a pass...Every time Manny Ramirez came back to town, these asshole fans boo'ed him...Except Manny never lied to us...Manny never said he wanted to stay here...Manny never told fans he wasn't leaving...(and this was before we found out Manny was juicing)...
I have heard idiots in Cleveland trash Cliff Lee, for not signing here...Who cares that the team traded him with 2 years left on his deal!
Cleveland fan has a very selective memory....It makes me sick how much people in this city are fawning over this Thome coming back...He did the very thing that makes Cleveland fans hate athletes, yet nobody bothers to remember Thome being the asshole...Just everyone else...
Fuck you idiot Cleveland fans...And Fuck Thome...For all I care he can suck LeBron's dick...
Later, The Beeze.
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