Now here's Opie & Anthony fan, 53 year old virgin, nut job, Stalker Patti, after a couple of hours with one of O & A's producers...
Patti isn't very far off...It's all a bunch of crap, and some one needs to be beaten for this...
The "Pro Bowl" was on also...Nope, didn't watch it!
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care...I don't care, I don't care, I don't care! (song in an obnoxious voice)
There was some news in the hockey world...The Toronto Maple Leafs made some noise after trading forward Matt Stajan forward Niklas Hagman, forward Jamal Mayers, and defensman Ian White, to the Calgary Flames for defenseman Dion Phaneuf, forward Fredrik Sjostrom, and prospect Keith Aulie...
Then the Leafs traded forward Jason Blake and goalie Vesa Toskala to Anaheim for goalie J.S. Giguere...
Now if you're a Leafs fan, maybe this makes you happy...Hey, at least their out there trying to get something done...they got rid of some salary, like Blake...And they're getting one of the top defensemen in the league and a goalie with some serious playoff experience...That said, I don't see it helping the team this year...What do I know, I'm drunk right now!
Sticking to hockey, 'cause honestly, I don't follow basketball...I've been happy with the amount of fighting I've noticed this season...I have no stats, or anything to back me up...But I think the number of fights is up this year...And I think that's good...I know, there's a bunch of softies out there that don't like it, and don't think it should be in the game...Well, too bad...It's part of the game, and it was a lot worse back in the day...And I'm talking before I was born, back in the day...
And I always remember Gretzky being against fighting...Listen, dude was without a doubt one of the greatest ever...But he never had to worry about it...If he got challenged some one always stepped in...If he got checked, that guy was getting a beating from McSorley...So his argument doesn't count...Fighting is good for hockey...1. I takes the weapons (the sticks) out of the players hands...2. It does what crashes do for NASCAR...It gets people to watch, if only for a few minutes...Hey, the only time I've ever watched NASCAR was to see an accident...Call me an a$$hole if you want to...But we live in a violent society, I'm just trying to embrace a bit of it!
Here's an old school hockey...Well, from my school...They don''t make 'em like this anymore!
Moving along with this buzzed up roller coaster ride...The wife and I dropped the kids off for a play date at some friends' house, then went to lunch...We tried a little place called "56 West." I wish I would have gone further west!
The Mrs. had a Caprese Salad with grilled chicken...I had the B.E.L.T. It's a BLT with fried egg, arugula, roasted marinated tomatoes, and a herbed mayo...It came out on an 8 pound, stale, baguette, with 1 overcooked egg, and 2 under cooked pieces of bacon...Hardly any arugula, and one tomato...If I go back, it will only be to try something else sh!tty, so I can completely trash them by writing a blog on nothing but them and how much they suck!
Oh, yeah, these ass-hats thought they were so cute...They do a Sunday brunch...Guess what the staff was wearing...Their PJ's...REALLY!?! You look like douche bags...You could at least brush your hair gash! And I don't think slippers are up to code!
All the fans of the little Beeze, I don't have much...He's been a pain in the ass this week, but nothing crazy...I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of him yelling for help...My wife was on it...Thankfully, because I didn't want to get out of bed...I called my daughter in the room and asked her what was wrong...She said he had his foot caught inside my guitar...I don't even want to know...It's not all busted up...I'll re-tune it tomorrow...I just don't want to know...
Have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.