Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ignorance Is Bliss?


Once again my good friend posted a question on Facebook, as she does almost daily...You can see my previous post talking about this...Well, she did it agin...Asked a simple question that should have been easy to answer, and I just started writing away...Just letting the madness pour out of my head...Today's question...

"What is Your Idea of Perfect Happiness?"

Not having to worry about money, the all consuming monster that controls our lives....but that’s a fairytale...

The saying ignorance is bliss is so true...My life was happier before the internet...before smart phones and computers and social media...I physically and mentally happier...Yes, it allowed me meet more people and make great friends from a distance...I reconnected with so many old friends and that is wonderful, but like everything else, it’s been corrupted by money...
Now it’s a war to sift through the bullshit and propaganda and advertisements that pop up after you google something or talk to someone about something...
Yes, the internet has informed me of more things they didn’t teach me at St. Edward High or at Cleveland State...Yes I can make my voice heard through blogging and social media...I feel like I have to make it heard because I have this knowledge and these opinions and this technology to get it out there...
Maybe my mental state would be better off if I just wrote it all with pen in a notebook...Maybe my mental state would be better if I never learned more, informed myself and was concerned about others and the state our country has been in and is in...But then I’d be one of those ignorant people I hate and scream about daily on social media...I’d be ignorant as fuck...but I’d be happier, right?

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