Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Joe Rogan Is An Idiot and Spotify Knows It


Back in June I pleaded with Americans to STOP LISTENING TO JOE ROGAN ...Really that should be for the whole world considering the digital age we live in...I stand by that post and honestly the jackass has continued to be an ignorant ass on his podcast...

As I pointed out in that previous post, Rogan has lead the vocal charge against ANTIFA...Yes, years before Trump yelled about the group/idea, Rogan was railing against it...To refresh, ANTIFA stands for ANTI-Fascist...So Rogan and Trump and Fox News and a great many other ignorant, fucking, dolts in this country are against a group/idea that is all about fighting Fascism...You know, like us Americans did in World War II...

Rogan likes to bitch about protesters, all while he tries to act like he is THE flag bearer for The First Amendment and Free Speech...You can't have it both ways meathead!

Then it came out on a couple recent podcasts, that Rogan was pushing a false story that "left-wing people," protesters/activists had been starting the forest fires in Oregon...This was proven false and debunked numerous times...Some of those times, before Meathead Rogan pushed to his loyal listeners who believe everything he says to be scripture...He let it sit out there for a few days before he (I think was told to by Spotify) apologized on Twitter and Instagram, saying "I fucked up on the podcast"...But didn't take to his most powerful tool, the podcast to apologize...

This is the guy, fucking people want to moderate a Presidential debate...Are you fucking kidding me? 

Now news is coming out that Spotify employees are pissed and want Rogan's podcasts fact checked and if needed, edited before they are posted...CEO, Daniel Ek has said he has had at least 10 meetings with employees about Rogan and the controversial things aired on his podcast...And according to Ek, “some of them want Rogan removed because of things he’s said in the past.”

One episode Spotify employees referenced was with Abigail Shrier, where she compared transgender youth to being like people with Autism...And her and Rogan both claimed that people are being pressured by the media to transition...Rogan saying, “You realize that people are not looking at this objectively...They are activists and they have this agenda and the agenda is very ideologically driven that anybody who even thinks they might be trans should be trans, are trans, and the more trans people the better.”

It's episodes like this that have Spotify employees wanting to not only have Rogan's shows fact checked and edited if needed, but also, ones like the Abigail Shrier episode, removed from the platform... Ek told reporters “Joe Rogan and the episode in question have been reviewed extensively. The fact that we aren’t changing our position doesn’t mean we aren’t listening. It just means we made a different judgment call.”  It is also reported that Ek told employees not to leak the conversations to the media...I guess they told Ek to fuck off on that one since here we are talking about it...

So, I say again...America, Stop Listening to Joe Rogan...

Also, Fuck Spotify, as they screw over musicians and don't pay them a damn...



Unknown said...

Odd that you Recommend so strongly that America stop listening to Joe Rogan. Before we get into that I find some of your rants quite funny and painfully accurate. Wait [TRIGGER ALERT!] You and the evil Joe Rogan agree on many issues.
So, this brings me to the Odd part. Why would you want to bring up so many speculative/assumed things against someone that you agree with? Are you too Woke to see this? Why are you so bitter? Joe Rogan regular agrees with you and the title of this "The Beezewax" complaining blog. He does says "I'm and idiot and you should'nt listen to me". He however does ask a lot of good questions to very smart people. Please use your humor and wit for good, be courageous, be strong and seek truth. Whiny bloggers.. it has been over done. You are better than this. Show us who you really are! please

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, although find it odd for someone who comments under an "Unknown" profile to say "show us who you really are."

I have blogs on here going all the way back through 2008 to today, which I would say show not just who I am but how I have evolved (good or bad) over that course of time.

I don't deny that there have been a great number of things that I have agreed with Rogan on, but over the last two years I know I have changed in a number of ways and have taken firm stances, which has lead me to cut ties with people in my personal life as well as where I go for entertainment. There are certain things that I cannot and will not tolerate. Being stupid about COVID is 1. Defense of Alex Jones and other terrorists/pro Trumpers is another. There are plenty of others on that list.

Maybe as this year goes on, maybe I will change/evolve more...Hopefully for the better. We are all works in progress.

Thank you again for your time.

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

Based on what I have written over the years, including things like my anti-Hamilton post, the suggestion that I might be too "Woke" amused me.