Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Not Afraid of Muslims

Yes, I went there...

You see, I have had enough...This politically correct bullshit has got to stop...This week I have reached my breaking point...The news that a Muslim Community Center near Ground Zero is in the works has pushed me far enough...Now I'm pushing back, unlike the Manhattan community board that backed the proposal...Don't believe it? Click the

Yes, I believe in the freedom to worship, and I believe in religious tolerance...But it's hard to be tolerant of people who are intolerant...Yes, I know, NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD PEOPLE WHO CRASH PLANES INTO BUILDINGS, AND WALK INTO CROWDED AREAS WITH A BOMB STRAPPED TO THEIR CHEST! The thing is, I never see a good Muslims getting on the news and calling out these bad Muslims for f*cking things up for the rest of them...WHY? Really, I'm asking you dopes, WHY DON'T YOU CALL THEM OUT? You'll call me out for this post, but you won't go after the dolt blowing people up, because he's an intolerant ass...Are you scared, like so many Americans, and people around the world?

A cartoonist pokes fun at Islam, and has to fear for his life...South Park rips on the Muslim religion, as they do to all religions, and they get death threats...Funny how it seems nobody has a problem laughing at Father John Kid Toucher jokes, but don't mention Muhammad...

Muslim extremists hijack planes and crash them into The World Trade Center...Day in and day out all we see and hear about the Muslim faith is hate...Yet we are suppose to be tolerant...We are suppose to let a Muslim Community Center be build right next to the place that has become the crowning achievement for nut-job, asshole,Muslim Extremists...I don't think so pal...

This is a slap in the face to all the families who lost loved ones on September 11th...Bin Laden heard about this, and now he is pointing and laughing...If this happens, guess what? The terrorists won!

The people who keep saying not all people of the Muslim faith are bad, need to get these good Muslims in front of cameras and microphones...They need to finally admonish Muslim extremists...People of New York need to stand up and say NO! You won't build this here! We won't be threatened anymore! We won't be politically correct! We're done appeasing everyone!

I sure as hell am!

I'm the Beeze, and I approve this message!


Mo Morrissey said...

I totally agree with your sentiment. The Islamic faith is a beautiful religion when practiced correctly, just as Christianity is. Yet, we have the neo-fascist bible-literalists preaching hate in Jesus' name.
...and we call them out.

bdubsmitty said...

Couldn't agree with you more Beeze.

Mo said it perfectly: it's beautiful when practiced correctly.

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

Glad to see I'm not alone...Just checked my stat counter...I was happy to see a hit from Iran...Wonder how they took it?

ktlsull1 said...

I ask you (and others who read this)...when you hear these two words do you think of anything good? Middle East? I did't think so. Now, is this of our doing, and by OUR I mean Christians? Now Millen has said what I was thinking to write, but I'll go one step further; what's going to happen when that occurs? It's only a matter of time, then when it does happen Christians will be portrayed as the evil one's yet again. I can sympathize with anyone who opposes this. Doesn't it seem that the request to build it there is more of a test via an up yours card? Let's see just how far we can push our religion down your throat right next to where our religious brothers knocked down a symbol of your financial power. Yeah, it pisses me off too!