Thursday, July 30, 2020

Trump Doesn't Plan on Leaving

Yeah, Trump has no plans of leaving...This picture is taken from the closest point you can get to the White House...How about that big wall...This is something a dictator would do before he has fully taken power...THIS previous blog outlines the Fascist playbook, which the Trump Administration is using...And this morning I wake up to hear that Trump is saying the November Election should be postponed or delayed, because of the COVID pandemic and because mail in voting is slow and not secure...

Ummm, Mail in voting that he, his family, VP Pence and his wife, and most of this administration all use...and the COVID pandemic...That COVID pandemic he completely mismanaged...No you child fucker, those are not valid excuses!

Also The Constitution doesn't allow you to do such a thing...Remember The Constitution? Here's a HISTORY CLASS about that!

My fellow Americans, it's time to knuckle up...This ignorant, racist, fascist asshole has to go.!

You better make sure you are registered to vote, and even though you may not like Biden, or think he's too old, (me) just like Trump and at least half the politicians in DC, or you think he's not all there, or whatever you don't like about him...You have vote for crazy, dunk uncle Joe...Look at it like you're voting for whoever his VP is...

You want America to be great? Hell, you want America to just be ok? you need to vote Trump out.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

History Class: Defend the Constitution

Remember way back in elementary school, when they taught us how the United States could never fall under the power of a dictator...You know, like a Fascist asshole, like Hitler...We were taught our country was the cat's ass because we have three branches to our government...We were taught the phrase, "Checks and Balances"...Simplistically meaning none of these branches was all powerful and they all made sure each other did not overreach...Here, I'll take you back to what they taught us at St. James Elementary School with some nice pictures....

Look at that...See what is at the top?  The most important thing...The Constitution...All the members of these three branches along with the military swear an oath to defend the Constitution....Remember that ok...

There's a little break down of their basic duties and how the oversee each other...Got it?

So ass President Trump has sent in secret police to Portland to beat and gas peaceful protesters, I have been raging on social media, screaming where are the Legislative and Judicial branches, standing up to defend the Constitution and people's 1st Amendment rights? And don't come at me with the Fox News and White House spin...90% of all the violence has been started by Trump's secret police...

Yeah, I know MSNBC leans left...But the reporter that did this interview is actually there on the ground and has had to dodge the the the secret police fire...Her name is Maura Barrett, give her a follow....

And these secret police, what they do, every night the come out get violent with protesters, blast them with tear gas, pepper spray, pepper pellets, rubber bullets, flash-bangs, beat on some people "arrest some people...Then they fire off a bunch of flash-bangs and tear gas, and they high tail it out of there...They don't guard that building all day long...They make a violent seen every night and then dip...They beat the hell out of a woman dancing with flowers the other night, then arrested her, I guess for bleeding on the public property...

My rage got even hotter today when I saw video from last night when a group of cops jumped, beat and arrested a 14 year old girl, marching for Black Lives Matter...What did she do wrong? She yelled at a White Supremacist who had run up and punched another protester...If this doesn't make you angry, in my eyes, you're either not the religious person you claim to be, you're a racist, a coward, fascist, a traitor, (not just to this country and the Constitution, but to humanity) or you're all of the above...

A few days ago I posted THIS, which gives the complete playbook that the Trump administration is using...It's the Fascist playbook and they are nailing it....It's terrifying and even more terrifying how many cheer it on...

Tweets like this give a bit of hope...Others are seeing it and also being vocal about it...

Then finally, tonight I got to see some of Attorney General Bill Barr's testimony...The best part was Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal calling out Barr and Trump's bullshit and double standard for how they treat which protesters...She clearly reads my blogs!

We need more members of the legislative branch speaking up...From BOTH fucking parties! We need Supreme Court Justices getting in front of microphones and saying what the Trump administration is doing, is unconstitutional...

I have never been one to say this, but fuck it, it's too damn important...Call/email you Senators...Call/email your State Reps, tweet at politicians, hammer these fuckers...They are suppose to represent us...Our tax dollars pay for their salaries and lifetime healthcare while we scape by...and we know they're getting their pockets lined by special interests...That's a battle for another day...These people work for us and we need to remind them that the swore an oath to uphold and defend The Constitution...

We all know the fucking, asshole MAGA shit...This country will never be great with that #FascistTrump in office! It's time we all get loud.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Why Are the Cleveland Indians Dragging Their Feet?

Ok, now that I've gotten the click-bait pic out of the way, since either pictures of hot women or sunsets draw more pageviews than the actual words written or a serious picture....

A couple weeks ago I WROTE about the the Cleveland Indians making the decision to look into changing their name as The Washington Redskins were taking heat about their name...Washington has officially changed their name, for now to the Washington Football Team...That's because a really smart dickhead bought up the Trademarks to the top contenders...Dozens of names he owns now...But that's a different story....It was also the right after SEATTLE put on a huge production for their new Hockey team's name and logo...As the kids would say (by kids I mean 25-30-somethings who think they're being cool) IT'S FIRE!

Since the Indians announced they were looking into a name change, people have wrestled with the idea...Shit, I sit here writing this, drinking out of a Indians coffee mug my son got me...

I may have accepted that a name change is a good thing, but it's a good mug, I'm not throwing it away...

Why are people wrestling with it?  Because they have these great memories from childhood, and young adulthood, and even middle aged...Going to games with dad...taking your kids to their first game...those teams in the 90's...Bob Feller...10 cent beer night...But then there's this....

The majority of us realized, and understand that "Blackface" is/was wrong and racist as fuck...Guess what? "Redface" is racist as fuck too! If you dig deep (I hate the term deep dive so I avoid saying that) into history you'll see that the name and logo aren't a good thing...

Since the organization came out talking about a name change, fans and talented artists have pumped out tons of mock-ups for the new name and logo...With The Cleveland Spiders being the front runner...While I don't love it, and my wife hates it because of her fear of spiders, it has a history tied to Cleveland Baseball...

Last week ownership met with players, discussing the name change...Owner, Paul Dolan also told the media, "we will engage Native American leaders to better understand their perspectives, meet with local civic leaders, and continue to listen to the perceptions of our players, fans, partners and employees.”

Dolan continued, “We feel a real sense of urgency to discuss these perspectives with key stakeholders while also taking the time needed to ensure those conversations are inclusive and meaningful.”

Thing is, the team is playing games, with the word Indians across their chests, and Chief Wahoo on their shoulder and it doesn't feel like there is really a sense of urgency...Just ask the Indigenous groups the team said it was going to meet with...The Cleveland American Indian Movement of Ohio told the Washington Post, "They have made statements now that they are going to reach out to the Native community, but no one in the Native community has heard anything from them.” 

Am I and other expecting too much...Is Dolan dragging his feet...The Cleveland Indians brand is 105 years old...The Chief Wahoo cap one consistently one of the top selling for years and years...Rebranding does seem like a big move...I think some fans wanting the name change think it should be done just like ripping off a band-aid, real quick...Once you say you're considering something like that, the people onboard with the idea get geared up and want that instant gratification...

Personally, I think the organization is taking it slow purposely...I think they are hoping for the racial and social tension in this country calm down and the majority of people will forget about all this...I think saying they will discuss a name change was a PR move but they really don't want to change the brand...I expect a few more vague statements and then just hoping it all fades...

I hope I'm wrong...I grew up an Indians fan and I always loved Chief Wahoo...I have so many great memories from Municipal Stadium and Jacob's Field. (yeah I still call it the Jake)...But hey, I'm from Cleveland, and have many friends and family still there...the actual Cleveland Browns are in Baltimore, but everyone was able to move on with the new franchise that held onto the history and name...Cleveland can keep the history of The Indians and move forward with a new name...And maybe some sweet new merch that is thousand times better than the lame-ass block "C"....

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Wake Up America....#FascistTrump

Just a couple months ago, fully armed citizens screaming about their rights stormed state buildings with the full throated support of the President...No federal interference or militarized federal police were brought in...yet peaceful protesters in Portland, singing, chanting and using their First Amendment Rights have had #FascistTrump’s secret police beat on them and had them and haul them away...None of these 2nd Amendment gun nuts are standing up for the rest of the country’s 1st Amendment rights...Trump and they made it clear, they only think the 1st Amendment is for traitors who wave Nazi and Confederate flags.
Stand up for Black Lives Matter, equality, basic human rights...and there is no support from the federal government...You are greeted with violence....
This is what all this is about....The guy screaming about ANTIFA, which means ANTI-Fascist...Is a fascist!

The 14 characteristics of Fascism are, as written by Political Scientist, Dr. Lawrence Britt
  1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
    Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

  2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
    Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.

  3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
    The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

  4. Supremacy of the Military
    Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

  5. Rampant Sexism
    The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.

  6. Controlled Mass Media
    Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

  7. Obsession with National Security
    Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

  8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
    Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

  9. Corporate Power is Protected
    The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

  10. Labor Power is Suppressed
    Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .

  11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
    Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.

  12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
    Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

  13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
    Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

  14. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.   

We have seen all of these things from the Trump Administration...We being the people paying attention and not carrying traitor flags...Read through it again...Think...This is the playbook the Trump Administration and campaign are using...

The fact that a report came out today that Trump's appointed Post Master General is planning on slowing down Postal Service.... This is just another sign...You ask how?  Trump and many of his inner circle often vote by mail...Yet they are fighting states that allow it or want to allow it for the upcoming election...Slow down the postal service, limiting the days carriers are out, limiting how much moves each day, fucks with mail in voting...

He wants to control us...He wants to silence any voices that speak out against him...He wants to silence the voices that screaming against systemic racisms that his family and so many others profited from...  


Right now, every city needs to rise up, like Portland....

I love you Portland!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Seattle Kraken

Today, the NHL's Seattle hockey franchise finally announced their team name, logo and colors...The Seattle Kraken...Pretty much the worst kept secret in Seattle sports history...It's been the fan favorite and the most talked about name idea...Everyone saw it going this way...You can't offend anyone with a mythical creature...RIGHT?

It's Seattle...City by the Sea...Bad-ass sea creature makes sense...You couldn't be in the same conference as the Sharks and be the fucking sea lions...

Let's look at the Kraken...

The logo is rock solid...Old time "S" with a tentacle in it with a red eye...The secondary logo is the Seattle Space Needle morphed into an Anchor...

This is what has been show on their website as the Home sweater....Haven't seen away yet...The team shop site crashed minutes after the release...

The colors are described as Deep Sea Blue, Ice Blue, Boundless Blue, Shadow Blue, and Red Alert. Seems like a lot  of blues there...That's because the shades change for the secondary logo and the wordmark depending on if it is on the Deep Blue Sea background or the Ice Blue background...

I like it...But we all know they are going to beat the shit out of that "Release the Kraken" line and annoy the shit out of us eventually.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

There Is No God

That's a title that probably isn't surprising to see considering the epic cluster fuck that is 2020...And we still half the year to go...It's easy to look at COVID and the Trump Administration, and Police Brutality, and murderous cops who are still free, #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor...And the fact that there are secret police in Portland, and Americans that scream about athletes kneeling during the National Anthem, who turn around and wave Nazi and Confederate (flag of traitors of the United States) flags while they scream against equality and Black Lives Matter and scream about their mayors and governors trying to keep them safe and healthy by asking them to wear masks during a global pandemic...

All of that alone is enough to make someone say, 'there is no god'....

But faith, religion that's a personal thing...Yes some try to push it on others and cram it down our throats...But it's a personal choice/belief system...So this post comes from a personal point of view...I went to Catholic School for 12 years...In 8th grade I told my parents I didn't want to make my Confirmation because I wasn't ready and I didn't believe in it...They asked me to "just do it and get it over with."  My folks were never super religious...But I think they just wanted to give us a foundation to work off of...

My Catholic high school actually did give us a taste for one semester of other religions, pointing out the differences and similarities...It felt like a propaganda class to pump themselves up...What it did for me was to get me to checkout other religions...Come to find out, they all steal different things from each other and they're all somewhat full of shit...Yeah, for some people it's a good thing to have a fake all power feeling being watching over you...It helps explain shit away...For some it gives a moral compass...Maybe that's a good thing for people who were raised by assholes and didn't get morals and common decency instilled in them...

But then a few days ago I read THIS article on Irish Central...It was a good article but what sent me spinning down this spiral was the comments on Irish Central Facebook page below the link for this article...It was non-stop shitheads...Bashing the LGBTQ community...So many people telling the gay community to get out...There of course those that misquoted the Bible, those that didn't know it had been edited in 1946...There were those who slipped in anti-Semitic comments as well, completely clueless that The Old Testament of their Bible is ripped from the much older, Tanakh, AKA; the Hebrew Bible...As a matter of fact, most of Christianity's doctrine was ripped from other religions...So their high and mighty outlook cracks me the fuck up...

But it just kept driving me crazy that this faith that is suppose to be all about love and caring and helping one another is full of fucking assholes...Bigots, sexists, racists, misogynists, rapists, child rapists, fucking assholes...Intolerant, uncaring, fucking pieces of shit that push away anyone that doesn't fit into their perfect little idiotic box! Except you fuckers are the farthest thing from perfect...Shit, have you read your "good book?" you're the farthest thing from it's teachings...

So how can there be a god, if so many of his followers are ignorant as fuck? Yeah, I know it's not all of you, but it's way too many of you...Where the fuck is the vengeful that punishes assholes?

As I said, I was in a spiral after this shit...It just got me thinking more and more about the religion I was raised in, and the whole GOD question I've been dealing with for pretty much all my life...And then I thought about the situation we (my family) are in right now...I touched on it a couple weeks back in a 'Monday Moaning" post...Since COVID we had to move my Mother-in-law in with us...She has dementia and it has taken a toll on my wife, my kids and myself...We saw my father-in-law go down this same road and it sucked...but now it's here, in our house, every day....And we've learned that sadly, some of a person's true thoughts and feelings and quirks come out with dementia...

I'm not going to bite my tongue...She's a pain in the ass...It's often like dealing with a bratty child...She bitches about the men in her life that have died, husband, brothers, friends, "they took care of me"..."they were suppose to take care of me"....but she ignores that we are taking care of her, and bitches about us taking care of her...If we didn't, she'd be lying in a gutter babbling...She steals things...She laughs about stealing things...In the early weeks of her living here she talked a lot about how she always "had to break rules growing up"..."Even just something small, I had to break a rule everyday"....Yeah, well, she's a thief and hides shit in her underwear drawer...Sometimes it's dumb shit, like a box that was in our recycling bin, that she just had to have...

She lives every day in a house with three of her grandchildren and doesn't remember them at all and looks at them like 'what the fuck are you doing here?' You tell her who they are, and she has no interest in trying to remember them or re-get to know them even if she forgets tomorrow...

Based on the fact that she barely worked in her life, her tales of how everyone else (Brothers, Husband, Fiends, ) who took care of her, including the bank teller that would just fill out a slip for her and give her money from her mother's account, she was always spoiled...And other than being the mother to 4 kids, and my wife will tell you how she checked out on that in her early teens, that's all she did...That's all she contributed to society...

She has flat-out said that "all the fun in her life ended after she got married"...Her life was miserable after she had kids..."She just wanted to scream all the time"....She's rude as hell to us, and ungrateful as fuck...She doesn't get it that it's either here or locked up in a nursing home's Dementia ward where no one will be able to visit her because of COVID...

I'm stuck with her...A woman who, not her fault, is useless and is an anchor to my family...But you do what you have to for family...You help those in bite your tongue to and you get up everyday make her tea, mop up her piss, cook her meals, give her meds,  answer the same question 70 times, take her on walks, explain shit over and over...I didn't need god and religion to tell me that...I learned that from my parents...You do what you have to do for family...

And she is stuck her moments of lucidity, asking "is it okay to pray to die?"  Because the only people in here mush brain she cares about are dead...Her knees have no cartilage and she's in constant pain, but her doctor can't let her get knee surgery because her dementia is so bad there's no way she could handle it and the rehab...She has no idea where she is and what's going on in the world, let alone in this house...She sometimes doesn't even recognize my wife, her daughter...Her brain is fucked and it won't shutdown...She went to Church every week of her life until COVID...And Sunday's are the toughest day of the week in this house, trying to repeatedly explain why there is no church....Yeah, she might be a thief, but she always went to church and said her prayers to God...

What kind of God does this to one of his loyal followers?  Why would a god make her suffer?  Why would a god make her daughter suffer through seeing both her parents go through this?   Why would he allow her to be such a bitch to her daughter who is doing all she can to take care of her?  

My mother died 3 years ago after a long fight with cancer...She was an amazing mother, great wife, great friend and the greatest grandmother you can imagine...She was full of life, and love and strength...She was a fully functioning being...She gave to this world...She was always the calm in the storm...

What the fuck kind of God takes that away?

What the fuck kind of God takes her away and leaves a suffering mess to drag the people caring for her down?

I know, "Everything happens for a reason"..."God only gives you as much as you can handle"....I've heard them all, I have even said a few...It's bullshit!

And as I just rattled off of pile of shit that is going on these days with me and in the world, religious people will try and point out to me how God is in things like he mothers in Portland who stood in front of the protesters and sang in lullaby fashion, "Hands up. please don't shoot me"....Which I loved and retweeted and shared on facebook...But I say NO...that is people standing up...If  God was so damn great he would have struck down the murderous police officers that have spurred on the protest across this country...They would have been hit by lightning or less dramatic, a heart attack, before they killed George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and so many more...

If there was God he would have known this world still needed my mother.

~ Yours Truly, 

A Broken Catholic

Monday, July 20, 2020

Monday Moaning (Open Letter to Friends)

It was a lovely sunset last night here in Erie, PA last night...

After a day of high heat and afternoon and early evening thunderstorms, the sky looked amazing...

So I snapped some pictures from my front porch with my phone and posted them on Instagram and Facebook....

Over the course of the evening the post of sunset pics kept getting views and likes...It got me thinking...I've been repeatedly suspended on Twitter...The last one for calling Betsy DeVos a twat and saying her ignorant ass should be executed...For a period of time I was shadow banned on Instagram...That's when they don't lock you out, or suspend you, but they don't like what you are doing so make it hard for people to find you and slow down things from getting into your followers' feed...

So since Instagram and Facebook are in bed together, I was wondering if Facebook has been doing the same to me...My sunset pics get plenty of views, and likes and whatnot...But since the murder of George Floyd, my social media has become 98% speaking up for Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ rights, calling out racists, ranting about the corruption of government, screaming about the Trump Crime Family, bitching about COVID-19 deniers, and assholes who won't wear masks, hating on those traitors who wave Nazi and Confederate flags, the 2nd Amendment lovers who refuse to standup for the us 1st Amendment lovers...and so on...

As the sunset pics continue to rack up likes, the mural of Harriet Tubman with a blurb calling Kanye West an Asshole got 5 likes...Posts about Trump's Secret Police assaulting and kidnapping protesters in Portland get 2-6 likes and maybe 1 comment...Videos of Trump speaking ignorantly and incoherently, spewing lies and stupidity get 1-2 interactions...

So, is Facebook shadow banning me? Or do I have a friends list full of people who don't give a fuck about these things going on in out country?  I get it, lots of people have social media to escape the everyday bullshit...Some have it solely to share pics of kids or grandkids and life events...Or just some funny meme to help us all get through this fucked up mess with a laugh...It's a great communication tool...I have a great friend that posts a question every day...From important life event shit to what crappy movie do you love...And it gets a bunch of us to answer and have a little back and forth with each other, some of us strangers...

I didn't always go political on social media, I mixed it in here and there but it wasn't full blown...I changed...I can't stand what my country has become...I can't stand what it was and so many didn't know the history...I want it to be better for my kids, and grandkids...I want it to be better for your kids and grandkids...I want us to actually be able to have grandkids and them to have a bright future in this country...So I'm not going to shut up and just post happy stuff, I'm going to keep sharing the shit too...And I'm not apologizing if you don't like it...There is an unfollow/unfriend button...You won't be the first to use it...

I'll close with a little meme for ya...

Have a week!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

We Need Politicians to Feel the Pain of COVID19

It is time...There are far too many politicians that refuse to take COVID-19 seriously...And it starts at the top...The White House...This idiot Trump keeps spewing his bullshit lie that COVID "will just disappear"....Child fucker, please!

Now as he has ordered that all hospitals' COVID data be sent directly to his administration and not to the CDC...This is just another move to continue feeding lies and misinformation to the American public...Even worse, to give no information to the public...

Yes, there is a ton of talk about the White House's attack campaign against Dr. Anthony Fauci...It's a bullshit, dick-move, but completely expected from these dolts...The Trump administration takes no accountability and will always try to throw blame on anyone else...Honestly, I don't care a whole lot about the damage done to Fauci...The guy is smart enough to know what the fuck he was getting into, being part of this asshole administration...went along for the ride quietly and never spoke out against the administration when there was no pandemic but they were fucking plenty of shit up...So I got no tears for the guy...

Today it came out that Georgia's idiot Governor, Brian Kemp is overruling local governments' orders that require people to wear masks in public...Kemp said mandating wearing mask in public is "a bridge too far."  WTF!!??!!  This all while cases in his state and all across the country are going through the roof...More and more states have ICU's hitting their breaking point...

Florida, which has lead the charge in stupidity, thanks largely to idiot Governor Ron DeSantis...This guy is a full blown idiotic Trump believer...first refusing to shut anything down...Then when they were forced to, they lead the charge for rushed reopening's...Now they are leading the charge along with Trump and stupid, ignorant whore Betsy DeVos, that schools should be open and fully stocked with our kids come the Fall...While this is going on, of all the children tested for COVID-19 in Florida, 31.1% have tested positive!

This virus that so many talking heads, and corrupt politicians say doesn't affect kids, or has little affect on them, is hitting plenty of kids...31.1% of just those tested in Florida...It has been proven that those who recover are left with permanent lung damage...Some with permanent heart damage...Autopsies show blood clots in multiple organs ass the virus turns blood into sludge...This thing is evil and seems to morph or just has a fuck load of effects...And these assholes want to put kids into schools, where it can easily spread amongst them and school staff, then be carried home...

They expect teachers to not only teach kids but stay on top of them to make sure they are following the guidelines...Think about just the insanity of trying to keep a class of 20-30 kindergarteners to keep their face masks on...Christ we can't get fucking "Karen" to wear one to Trader Joe's or Walmart....

My son's High School has over 2,000 students...How the fuck do you expect that many kids to follow the guidelines...To not goof off, not fuck, not be kids? How the hell do you expect the staff to keep a school that size disinfected every single day?

Then you have the good Mayors, Governors, and other elected officials...The ones like Governor Mike DeWine in Ohio who tried to be proactive right from the start...He has been bashed for trying to keep people safe and save lives...He had to go on TV last night and plead with people to wear masks...

This meme right here, perfectly sums up the ignorance of so many people here in Pennsyltucky as Governor Wolf has tried to battle COVID...

Thanks honey for making us move here! 

So, the way I see it, we need some of these idiotic, stupid ass politicians to suffer from COVID...They need to catch it...Their wives, kids, grandkids, sorry but they need it too...They need to to feel the pain...They need to personally be impacted by COVID-19...Some need to fucking die from it...Then, maybe...Maybe they'll take it seriously...They'll suddenly care about our families if only because they care about theirs...

Yes, even if it impacts Trump's family, he won't give a fuck...He only cares about himself, and when will be the next time he can stick his tiny, orange cock in Ivanka again....

Drink's the only thing getting me through this shit!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Monday Moaning 7/13/20

Yeah, that tongue move was being done long before all you girls on TikTok...My oh my what a fucked up rabbit hole TikTok is...It's never ending it seems...just scrolling from one dancing video to another, to a kid telling his mom dirty jokes, to someone ranting about another TikTok'er and then the opposing side...It's a never ending rabbit hole of mindless bullshit and cock-teasing...But I'll give that TikTok generation credit...They're fucking with the Trump campaign, and I can completely appreciate and get onboard with that!

In case you missed it Friday, news broke that Robert De Niro is broke...But not really, if you read HERE ....

Also there's a heated debate in my old home town of Cleveland on whether the Indians should change their name, and what to...I broke that down for you THURSDAY...

All that talk got fired up after more pressure was put on the Washington Redskins to change their name...And while I had no faith that owner Dan Snyder was really going "look into it" very hard...I assumed he was just going to try and ride out the pressure again, but it seems there is too much pressure this time...The Sports Business Journal is reporting the Washington Redskins name will be retired Monday...

 Now a name has come forward, that many Washington fans seem to like, and many players, vocally lead by their QB, Dwayne Haskins, are jumping onboard with...Also media personality, and former punter Pat McAfee has put his voice behind this change...

The name...The Washington Red Wolves....And yes, there are plenty of mock-ups hitting the internet...

Very classic look with a red "R" (same as current red) howling wolf inside...

This one, kind of boring...

Trying to keep the current colors...Not awful but just kind of whatever...

This one the whole vibe is different...Angrier feel...More of a blood red...Claw marks coming over the shoulder...

Here we have claw marks across the helmet and on the shoulders...

And here we have a complete change, feeding off the D.C. bullshit and going Red, White and Blue, with a lame wolf head...

I'm fine with the Red Wolves name...I think it's lazy and dumb to try to hold onto "Red" in the name...If you're going to make a change, be bold, be different...

...Since I mentioned D.C. and I love to shit all over politicians...Republican Senator from Missouri, Josh Hawley wrote a letter to the NBA Commissioner criticizing the league for allowing players to wear messages that promote social justice on their jerseys this summer but not allow messages that support law enforcement or are critical of China’s Communist Party....Fuck this guy...Hawley is trying to play the Fox News card of "Shut up and Dribble"...

But then he tweets an image of an email he got from ESPN's #1 basketball reporter, Adrian Wojnarowski...Woj, as he is known, (based off my Twitter research, because I could give two shits about basketball) called out Hawley for his bullshit, and I'll go ahead and say it, ignorant, racist view on shit...Plus Woj acting like he was writing on my blog as he told Hawley to "Fuck Off!"

Just to be clear, Hawley less then a month ago bitched about the evil "cancel culture" but here he is trying to cancel someone for saying what they think...

So, of course ESPN doesn't stand by it's guy...They Suspended him...He, probably forced by the suits at ESPN has tweeted an apology...He also attempted to contact Hawley's office but did not hear back from them...A number of NBA players have been vocal and calling out ESPN and started the "hashtag"  #FreeWOJ....

This little prick Hawley tweeted ESPN shouldn't suspend Woj, and that ESPN should be harder on the NBA for "their pro-China, Anti-America bias"...One, The NBA makes money for ESPN/ABC they aren't going to shit where they eat...Josh, you should know that, you're a criminal politician...Christ, if you are going to ask for that, you need to ask your friends at Fox News, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson to stop sucking off Trump and actually be tough on him too...

For real...This guy who is crying that a reporter told him to "fuck off," is a Senator from a state who has a mayor that doxxed Black Lives Matter/Defund the Police protesters...You fuckers seem to be the Anti-American ones...

As for Hawley's state of Missouri, that doesn't even have a fucking NBA team, their COVID cases have doubled in the last month...Maybe start worrying about the people your represent...You don't represent any NBA player...

Oh yeah...Senator Josh Hawley, Fuck off, you fucking fuck!

Have a week.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Fuck Robert De Niro

According to Caroline Krauss, De Niro's lawyer, "Mr. De Niro, if everything starts to turn around this year, he is going to be lucky if he makes $7.5 million this year.”

You poor fucking rich fucker!

Krauss continued, “These people, in spite of his robust earnings, have always spent more than he has earned, so this 76-year-old robust man couldn’t retire even if he wanted to because he can’t afford to keep up with his lifestyle expense.”

All this is coming out because De Niro and wife Grace Hightower are going through a divorce...Hightower recently called for an emergency order to increase her American Express Credit Card limit from $50,000 to $100,000 per month...According to legal mumbo-jumbo, De Niro is only required to pay Hightower $1 million a year if he makes $15 million and up...

De Niro and his lawyer are crying poor because his exclusive, high end New York restaurant Nobu, and his upscale lodge, the Greenwich Hotel had to close during the COVID pandemic...Nobu so far has lost nearly $5 million...He also had to borrow $500,000 from business partners to pay investors, because he had no cash...

As for the case with his wife...A Manhattan Supreme Court  judge issued a ruling that has De Niro keeping Hightower’s credit card limit at $50,000 a month...BUT, he must also pay her $75,000 so she can “find a summer home” for two of their kids...De Niro and his other children will have to struggle and live at his three house compound in upstate New York...

Fuck Robert De Niro and any other Celebritard crying poor right now!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

What Should the Cleveland Indians Do?

In 1915 Cleveland's American League Baseball team needed a new name...They had been known as 'The Naps" in honor of their player-manager, Napoleon Lajoie...Look him up, he was a helluva ballplayer...There was a contest and the winning submission "Indians" was sent in by a fan that said it was in honor of former Cleveland Spiders player, Louis Sockalexis...Sockalexis was a Penobscot Indian, born in Maine on a Penobscot Resevation...For the Spiders Sockalexis played 66 games in 1897, batting .338...He became an alcoholic and in 1898 only appeared in 21 games, batting .224...His career ended after only playing in 7 games in 1899...He spent the rest of his days as a drifter and died in Maine...

That's the history lesson of the name...

Last week after more pressure was put on the Washington Redskins to change their logo and name...The Cleveland Indians ownership jumped forward and said they were actively looking at a name change...In recent years, they have pushed out the classic Chief Wahoo logo and have locked onto the very boring and lame "Block C"....

 As an outsider, who doesn't give a fuck about the Washington Redskins and who's a white guy, I would think the name "Redskins" is much more offensive then the logo...I always thought the logo was solid...Unlike the Indians, smiling, red-faced cartoon character...But if the name goes, obviously the logo goes...

I get Redskins being offensive...And for a long time I fought against the idea of Indians as a term and a team name as being offensive...And I wasn't alone...I did a few polls on Twitter, asking if The Indians, The Braves and The Blackhawks team names were offensive....

But I looked up some shit, did a little studying and well, it's not cool...Now back in 1915 it was a common term...People didn't no all the details of treaties broken by the U.S. government and well, it was a pretty racist world...Yes, even more racist then the one we are living in now...So, while I have so many memories wrapped up in the Cleveland Indians, I won't fight the change...I'm in...Now...Don't fuck the change up!

Ideas so far have sucked...Naps...No, did that all ready and it was dumb then too...Fellers...STOP! How lame and unoriginal is Cleveland...Stop naming after people...The Browns are already named after Paul Brown, and it's stupid name...Yes, Bob Feller was a Great Indians pitcher and War hero...But no...

The Rockers...No...The Cleveland WNBA team did that...Cleveland is obsessed with promoting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the city's History with music..But it's corny and lame...

Blues is also suggested...It was the name of the Cleveland National League baseball team from 1879-1884...

Blue Sox...Jesus like MLB needs another franchise named for a color of socks...Holy fucking stupid!

Buckeyes...This was the name of the Cleveland Negro League team from 1942-1950...I don't like the name Buckeyes but the history is a nice touch...But then you have to worry about Trademark and Licensing issues with Ohio State...

Cuyahogas...Ugh...Cuyahoga County is the county Cleveland is in and is named for the Cuyahoga River...It's a Iroquoian word, meaning "crooked river"...The Cuyahoga River world famous for catching fire twice, thanks to pollution! No, no, no, God no!

Spiders...This is a very popular one...Many fans are onboard with this...Reaching way back into Cleveland's Baseball History...The Spiders was Cleveland's professional baseball team name from 1887-1899...There are a shitload of logos and uniforms mocked up already.... 


Buzzards...One of Cleveland's biggest radio stations was WMMS, "Home of the Buzzard!" Clevelanders love their pride and history and Rock and Roll and this reaching for that again...Seems like there would be serious legal wrangling's for this one... 

Crows...This one surprised me...There are plenty of Crows throughout Northeast Ohio...There is an ominous feel with crows...Then you have the movie "The Crow"...Dead dude taking out his vengeance on people...

Honestly, right now Crows is my frontrunner...Maybe because I'm in a dark mood and want to watch an old movie with a dead guy killing a bunch of evil mother fuckers from Detroit....

Whatever The Cleveland Indians do...Don't fuck up this decision!