Now, today I chaperoned my son's class trip to the Cleveland Metro-parks Zoo...Monday the Zoo is free with your ID showing you live in the county...So we knew going in that it would be crowded...We got there right at opening so we had an early start before it got busy...After lunch the crowd picked up...Us chaperones had to be on our toes...
At one point a group black men pushed through our group of kids while chatting with each other...Every other word out of their mouths was nigger or nigga...Some say there is a difference...I say they're full of shit...So first off, fuck you for pushing through a group of 5 and 6 year olds, you fucking assholes...Second, fuck you for spitting out the word nigger, rapid fire, like a fucking machine gun...
At this moment I'm in a no win situation...If I stop them and ask them to watch it with that word around the kids, I'm willing to bet they get pissed at me, for being offended by them using a word that would offend them if I used it...
If one of these kids stops and asks me what is a nigger, I'm willing to bet these black men get pissed off about a kid under my supervision using that word...A word they just heard come out of his mouth...(our group was mixed with white, blacks, Hispanics and Arabs, but mostly white)
I'm also willing to bet, that no matter how I answer that question, this group of men will not be happy with what I say...(before you accuse me of being racist, fuck you...I've seen shit like this happen before...I have known, work, and like plenty of black people...And to be honest, I hate plenty of people from any and every race...I'm a dick like that...)
So I kept my eyes on the kids, and rounded them up...and we went on our way...And then to make things worse, one of the other chaperones leaned towards me and said, "fuckin' niggers"...And all I was thinking was, 'okay white trash.'
What am I getting at...I'm sick of the n-word debate...People say that the over-use of nigga/nigger in rap music, and Tarantino movies have taken the power out of the word...They're all fucking liars...Because if those black guys would have heard that white trash guy say "fuckin' niggers" they would have beaten the living shit out of him in front of a bunch of little kids...
Here, you want to take the sting and power out of the word, first lead...Lead by not saying it all the time...Stop using it the same way I use fuck...Second, ignore it when a backwards-ass dolt says it...I know these sound like shocking ideas...Shocking ideas that have been suggested by people wiser than I...But what the fuck did Martin Luther King know?
I know this may be an uncomfortable topic, so let's get a awkward laugh in here before I go...
Later, The Beeze.
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