Yes people, the Hump Day Hits are back, and back with a vengeance...
The first topic I'm hitting on is this Ray Lewis interview with Sal Palintonio (Don't care if I spelled it right) from ESPN...I love the fact that ESPN does this interview, then a number of their Radio talking heads take one small clip, and beat to death...(You know, like those guys Ray Lewis and his boys murdered)
They keep playing the clip where Lewis talks about how crime will be on the rise if there is no NFL season...When I first hear this snip it, I thought, "What a fucking asshole!" Which is what these dolts want us to think...They made it out like Lewis was saying, NFL players would be robbing, and killing people, because of the lockout...But what Lewis was talking about was all the people who "live through us"...Huh...Who the fuck lives through you...But Sal guided him into talking about the people who work at stadiums and shit like that...Ray, said "There's nothing else to do Sal!"
Hey Ray, the Fish House is looking for a dishwasher...Maybe a part-time cook...Also Ray, could you stop acting like the NFL is the savior of the world...It isn't, and you aren't John the Baptist either...Shut the fuck up...
That said, fuck ESPN's Radio douchebags for only playing that little bit...Play the rest, so people get the full context...You fuckers are from reporting sports news...You're fucking spin-doctors just like most of the media...Here's the interview, not just one soundbite...
Oh, but I'm not done with ESPN yet...Last night I went after "The World Wide Leader's" Linda Cohn, via Twitter...
You see last night's San Jose, Vancouver game had a kind of fluke, ending to it...In the second overtime, Canucks defenseman, Elder, went to dump the puck into the corner...He put it up on the glass, everyone was looking for it to go around the boards, but it hit one of the stanchions between the glass, and kiccked back out to the blue line...Everyone was looking for the puck as it ended up of Canucks defenseman, Kevin Bieska's stick...He shot immediately, and before anyone knew it, it was in the goal...Game over...
So afterwards Linda Cohn tweeted this..."Play to you hear the whistle. The #Sharks forgot. #Canucks did not. On to the Finals first time since '94. Luongo 56 saves. #welldone"
Okay, first I think it's play till you hear the whistle, not "Play to you hear the whistle."
I felt it was my duty to reply..."@lindcohn The Sharks didn't forget, they just didn't see the puck, you dummy...What the hell do any of you ESPN dolts know about Hockey."
"@lindacohn it was 54 saves you dummy!"
Seriously, the playoffs have been great, and ESPN gives them 2 minutes late in the show, and most of the time they sound stupid...And Cohn clearly looked at the stats and saw SA: 56...SA= Shots Against whore! SV= Saves...Which it was 54, you stupid gash!
Fuck I hate ESPN!
Now for the important part...The Hump Day Hotties, inspired by the best Hockey blog out there...HOCKEY_HOT_CHICKS and Somewhere in Between...
On this stormy Hump Day, which of these Lovely Ladies would you most like to ride the storm out with?
A. Paris Nicole

B. Sarah Jackson

C. Holly Peers

Oh, and if you enjoyed this ranting, you may enjoy the beating I gave BEYONCE last night...
Later, The Beeze.
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