It's time for the next installment IWB...Paying attention to the world, news, and politics, and letting it eat at me, instead of the good old days when Ignorance Was Bliss...
This post was partially written last week, but Playoff Hockey, and kids, and beer, and life got in the way a bit...So After the events of this past weekend, I have had to change it a bit, and add to it...It was originally about our military action in Afghanistan, and an amazing movie...But before we get into that, I guess I should get into the killing of Osama Bin Laden...
Yes, I am thrilled that U.S. Special Forces went in and drained that fucking bastard...I'd also like to say hell ya to the troops who put a couple in the females that were there...Some men would hesitate, but not these guys, and I think that's great...Listen bitches, you lay down with murderous fucking assholes, you're gonna get filled with lead...
But now I have to take issue with the people who are pissed that we respected Islamic beliefs and saw to Bin Laden's body being treated within their customs...I saw and heard may comments asking why we should do this, or care...I'll tell you why...Because we're Americans...That's what we do...We always say we're better than other people, well then we better live up to that...This country was founded on respecting other's beliefs, and saying it isn't enough...We do it...We're Americans...
And his body was dumped in the sea so his asshole followers wouldn't have gathering place to prop up his mystique...So stop bitching about that too...It was a smart move...
Apparently we also take to the streets and celebrate, and not just for winning the National Championship...I have to say, and I know this isn't popular, but when did I ever care about that? I didn't like seeing people celebrating in the streets...Now in New York City, I could take that...A lot of people there have some pent up feeling over 9/11...We all have strong feelings about it, but seeing students at Ohio State, and Penn State, and other campuses celebrating just seemed odd...Yes, he was an evil, murderous fucking piece of shit, so the fact that we murdered him, I'm okay with...But again aren't we better then them?
On 9/11, when I saw people in the Middle East celebrating what had happened here, I wanted the whole damn place blown to hell...So I didn't like seeing Americans acting the same way...Yes, they had killed innocent people here, and we killed a guy who was as far from innocent as you can get...But we love our moral high horse, so shouldn't we stay on it? Shouldn't we win with class? We're better than them...We're Americans...And did we really win? Is this going to stop terrorist? No...This fight is far from over, and I won't call it a win, or justice, until all of Bin Laden's followers have bullets in their heads...
Which leads us to where this post originally started...Afghanistan...Many are asking does killing Bin Laden mean we're going to get our troops out of there ASAP...I wish it did, but I doubt it...I was all for going in and blowing that place to hell...Unfortunately we didn't send the full force of our military in there, and that's the only way to win there...Oh, and a willingness to kill innocent people...Because the Taliban is more than willing to put innocent people in the line of fire...
To understand this a bit better, I suggest you watch the documentary "Restrepo"...A U.S. platoon parked in the Korengal Valley to take on the Taliban that surrounds the valley...These guys averaged 4-5 fire fights a day, for 15 months...This movie should be required viewing for high school History classes...And actually, all government officials should be required to watch it...To actually get a sense of what our troops go through when they are sent to war...
In the course of the film you hear the soldiers talk about winning the people's "hearts and minds"...You later hear said sarcastically...There is no winning their "hearts and minds"...There is no winning there, unless we are willing obliterate the entire country...And we won't do that...We do anything we can to not kill innocent people, because we're Americans, and we're better than them...
Sadly, Tim Hetherington, one of the two men that made the documentary, was killed a couple weeks ago, while he was covering the combat in Libya...
Later, The Beeze.
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