It seems Cleveland Indians outfielder Grady Sizemore likes to take pictures of himself...Pictures of himself playing with his junk...And yes, some of himself naked...

But this isn't about me...It's about Grady...I'm not a fan of people saying athletes are role models...But I do realize, and know that a lot of kids in this town look up to Sizemore...So why the hell would he put these out on the Internet...What is he thinking...Never mind that he looks gay...No offense to the gay community...It just a bit of a rumor that's bounced around...And after seeing these, it popped back up...
I just don't get why he would do it...It doesn't make sense to me...But most people in this world don't make sense to me...
Three things are clear...Grady really love himself...He's a dolt...And he ain't packin' that much!
And since I'm here talking about nonsense, and sh!t that doesn't make sense to me...I was watching "The Empire Strikes Back" last night...I started wondering...Why the hell do the Stormtroopers have to wear those stupid white armor uniforms...They do no good...One laser blast from Han Solo and that dumb clone bastard is dead...So why the stupid high-priced white armor uniform...I don't get it!
Tomorrow I'm going to be putting up Christmas lights and crap...Not because I want to...For the kids...I'm thinking of trying something different...What ya think of this idea?
(thanks EK)
Later, The Beeze.
Why the hell is my bathroom bigger than Grady Sizemore's?
Nice lights. Uh (here come's the nerd in me thanks to my husband) with out the white uniform, which by the way shows the difference in the type of trooper, you would lose the effect of the clone. They are all the same guy. They all look exactly the same and they obviously couldn't do that for the move without just putting them in something that covered their entire body. Oh you should get one for sizemore.
Should we call him Gaydy Sizemore now? As you said he is looking more ASSHAT than role model which really no athlete should be, but sadly are.
The X-Mas lights are spot on.
aking, my big pronlem is the useless armor...Stormtroopers look cool...But the armor does no good...
Fensterblau, I was wondering about that too...
Evan, glad some one else feels the same excitement about the holidays as me.
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