Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Moaning

Gate - "A gate or gateway is a point of entry to a space enclosed by walls, or a moderately sized opening in some sort of fence."

Yes people, that is the definition of "Gate"....It doesn't mean, 'lets add it to the end of every possible conspiracy ever'....Back in the tricky Dick Nixon days Watergate became a big thing...A big crime...a big story...But it was called Watergate, because that was the name of the damn building where it happened....

So when you talk about the New England Patriots underinflated footballs and call it "Deflate-Gate," you sound like a fucking idiotic asshole! Just as you did when you called the Patriots spying shit "Spy-gate"...Or the Saints bounty plan being called "Bounty-gate"...Or every other conspiracy over the last 4 decades...Seriously people, read a dictionary...But while I'm at it, why didn't they call that Ray Rice mess, "Woman Beating-Gate?"

Stop with the "Gate Bullshit"!

And no, Ballgazi isn't any better...Sure it hasn't been beaten to death for 4 decades, but it really has the idiotic political overtone of trying to blame President Obama for it...Anything he does gets a "gazi" thrown on it now, he doesn't need the Patriots balls on his head too...

And yes, I said President Obama...I'm not sure when it started but I'm sick of hearing and reading people referring to the President as juts "Obama"....At first, it seemed like it was just a Republicans?Conservative way of disrespecting him...But I have heard it on the left too...Some of the President's biggest supporters regularly, simply refer to him as "Obama"...I don't care if you like him or not...Agree or not...I was always taught, and believe you respect the office...Even if you are opposed to the man...Average Joe doing it doesn't surprise me...But so-called journalist doing it makes me sick...Truly respectable journalism is dying away at a frighteningly rapid pace...

-Okay, Let me get into a little sports...Saturday the NHL had it's All-Star Skills competition...Sunday was the game, but that's always a joke...The skills competition is all about the players having fun, and the fans getting a look in at not just the fun, but some skills as well...Columbus, Ohio has become a good hockey town, as was pumped for this weekend...And Columbus Bluejackets Center Ryan Johansen made the place go crazy during the Breakaway Challenge...It's become their version of the Slam Dunk contest, where the guys like to get creative...Here's his first shot....

The fans in Columbus ate that shit up...But I was really impressed with his second effort...

The kid is  the son of one of the Bluejackets trainers...Just an awesome moment...Former Bluejacket Jakub Voracek didn't want to be out done, so he tried the same move with his own little guy...

But in the end Johansen won...The other big story from the Skills Competition was Shea Weber winning the hardest shot contest with 108.5 miles per hour...It was a bit easier for Weber this year, without Chara being there, who holds the record with 108.8 mph...

Now, as I said the All-Star game is a joke...No Defense, no hitting...Goalies getting hung out to dry...I was at work and didn't see the game...Luckily, the NHL broke down the tape...Here's all 29 goals in a minute and a half...

If you can watch more clips of the skills competition, do it...Then watch some hockey...Any hockey...Junior, AHL, high school, NHL...It's better then basketball...And the week of bullshit leading up to the "Super Bowl" is just that...Don't waste your time...Tune it all out until Kickoff on Sunday...Fill that time with hockey...

That's this week's public service message...Now, one last video....The Mrs. and I took Molls out with us to eat Saturday evening...The other two didn't want to come, and the oldest had a friend over...So it was just the three of us...And the little girl was cracking me up...I hope you enjoy this as much as I do...

Have a week...

The Beeze.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Moaning

So, I took Monday off and saved my moaning for today...I sat at home Thursday night, just after dinner, and turned on the Nightly News on NBC...They lead off with the New England Patriots and their under-inflated footballs...Annoyed quickly I switched to ABC...They too were talking about the balls in New England, so I went to CBS, which honestly, I never watch...And yes, their lead story was also the soft balls in New England...What the fuck has this country become!?!

There are wars going on...Terrorists lopping off heads in the Mid-East...Murders going on every day, in every state of this country...Scientific breakthroughs and entire city (Washington DC) full of liars, cheaters, and thieves...There is important news going on everywhere, but the TV execs all decided to lead with footballs that were under-inflated...I was having a pretty good day until I realized just how stupid we are, that we let our news outlets get away with this shit...

So, while I have an opinion or two on this topic, I'm not going to write about it...I was actually thinking, this would be a great "Super Bowl"...Now, I don't give a shit...And while my wife is originally from Boston, and I have shown some slight allegiance to that town, I did sign my fandom over to the Seahawks a couple years ago....So I will be rooting for the Seahawks...Sorry Bostonians...

Okay, just one more thing on the soft footballs...Does anyone think that Bill and Brady were having fun talking to the media Thursday?

'Okay Bill, lets see how many times we can get away with saying balls, and make it sound dirty!'

Fucking Balls!

-So, while the media is talking about nonsense for another week before the "Super Bowl," the NHL has another one of their showcase events this weekend...Friday night they have their All-Star draft...the team captains draft their teams of those who were picked for the All-Star game...Saturday is the Skills Competition, which is almost always better then the actual game which will be Sunday...The game is much less physical and lacks defense...Goalies are just hung out to dry...

-One of the things we've been dealing with here is that our son has been diagnosed with a form of attention deficit...In second grade they said he was borderline...But it has gotten worse this year...Especially at school...Last year he had all A's and B's with an occasional C...This year it's been a struggle to keep his grades up...We've talked to the doctor a few times, and have tried a couple different meds...We're also trying to change his diet, which he wants no part of...But eating healthier could help a bit...

The only time he is locked in, and focused, and not distracted by anything is when he is drawing, working with clay, or playing games like Minecraft where he is building things...It's amazing how he can visualize things and just make it...Thursday he made this out of clay...

This character is called Foxy the Pirate...I am totally amazed by his talent...

I've been reading a lot about dealing with what he's going through...One description of it is like have six TV's on and not being able to focus on one...He has little quirks that honestly, I find annoying...But he can't control them, and some of them are his way of working through things...So what I've been discovering is what I need to do, (and it's not easy) is work on me...How I deal with him...How I except his quirks and not say, "knock it off, pay attention!"  It's also good that he knew he was having a problem...He was more then willing to go and talk to the doctor and try the meds...Which he never is...

It's a work in progress but I feel like we can get through it, and hopefully get to a point where he won't need meds...And I'm thrilled they haven't hindered his artistic ability...

The kid is amazing!

That's all I've got right now...

Have a weekend!

the Beeze.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Moaning

Well that's one way to start off a cold Monday Moaning!

I wonder how news man Brian Williams feels about this scene featuring his daughter!  I don't know, but I saw this snip-it along with a video 10-20 seconds longer....Its from the show "Girls"...I've never seen it, mainly because the chick that is the lead in it, and I believe she write the shit too, annoys the hell out of me...

My prediction of a New England vs. Seattle "Super Bowl" is one step closer...I didn't see the Patriots game...I took the kids skating...It was Molly's first time out...

She did well...Didn't fall, but it helps when you're holding dad's hand the whole time...Big brother was there giving his support too!

It was fun, and pumped up her excitement to go see Frozen on Ice, which was her big Christmas present from my folks...Next week she'll be going with them and having a sleep-over...We love her, but her gone for a night will bring a little peace for an evening...With our kids, it's never been terrible 2's...The oldest was 3, and the boy was 3-5...Molls devil kicked in at 4...She's trying to fight growing up, and testing limits all at once...And driving Mrs. Beeze crazy...

After skating, I made dinner...A special request from the wife...Then I started printing off work kids needed too do for school...They had Thursday and Friday off because it was cold...I still can't get over that...But even worse, their school does a thing called "Blizzard Bag"....Which is school work for each class, for each day that they are closed...So, instead of enjoying a snow day, they have school work...School work that is only accessible via a website for the parents...So, the teachers get the day off, and we have to pick up that slack, while we have to still go to work, and figure out who is going to watch our kids...What the Fuck!  This world is getting really soft...Days off because its cold, and I have to play teacher on top of everything else I have to do...Eat my ass!  (Huh, nice call back to that opening pic!)

I saw a bit of the Seattle vs. Carolina game, but I had no doubt in my prediction...So, we sent Molly off to play with her big sister, and the Mrs. and I watched "Guardians of the Galaxy"...I've been dying to see, and was very happy with it.

A mentioned this world getting soft...Then I think of how I watched a video of those cock-sucking, nut-job, terrorist fucks in France, as they ran up to a Police officer and blew his brains out on the sidewalk...I watched it, and didn't even blink...This is not me saying, I'm not soft...It's me saying FUCK!  We (some of us) have become desensitized to some seriously awful shit...And I'm not saying that we shouldn't see some of this stuff...We should know just how awful some fuck-heads are...And these twats panties were in such a bunch, that they killed 12 people, because of a cartoon...A comic strip...Really! Yes, we may keep kids home from school because the wind chill makes it feel like -9 degrees outside...But these cunts killed people because a religious idol was mocked by a cartoonist...Get thicker skin assholes...There's no 72 virgins waiting for you...Fuck, there aren't 72 virgins Cleveland!

I have a strong urge to dig up my old art supplies and start publishing cartoons that mock everything...EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Your religion, my religion, the rich, the poor, black, white, brown, Indians, dots and feathers...Fucking everything!

Laughing is good...Expression is good...Different points of view are good...Getting you ass eaten is good....Killing people because your pussy hurts isn't good...It just shows me how fucking soft you are!

Have a week....And Eat my Ass!

The Beeze.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Moaning

Well, I guess that's one way to start the weeks off....

I'll be honest, I've sat here for an hour wondering what to write...I took a break, popped on some spank-vision and rubbed one out...then I thought about what to write some more...I didn't see any sports all weekend, I worked...I haven't seen any of the exciting Hockey going on at the World Junior Championship...There are things I want to write about, but I can't...I want them off my chest, but they are on the no write list in my house...One topic is on my personal "don't write, because she'll never fuck you again" list...So here I sit...



Okay, so full disclosure here...I wrote a few paragraphs about a topic in the news right now...But it was awfully harsh...It was my honest thoughts, but it was brutal, and today is not the right time for that post...So I sat here blankly again...

Where am I going to go? I started thinking about recapping 2014...Maybe a best of...Personally 2014 sucked in my book...But I started looking at lists of the best songs, and movies and all that goofy shit...Best blah, blah, blah of 2014....Holy shit...First, the music on these lists was crap...I happy to realize I missed out so much garbage...I looked at Movies...Wow! The Mrs. and I need to get out more...BUT WE'E FUCKING BROKE!  There were a lot of movies I remember saying, "I ant to see that!"  So, We're going to have to do some serious catching up On Netflix...Sad, I can't even scrape out a bullshit list, because the year flew past me...

The Music lists were garbage...The best stuff released in 2014 that made it on my iphone, were Billy the Kid's "Horseshoes & Hand Grenades"...

The Gaslight Anthem's "Get Hurt"....Mean Creek's "Local Losers"...Foo Fighters "Sonic Highways"...And Ryan Adams self-titled album is phenomenal....Letterman's reaction says it all...

I started this process at 11:15 PM...It's now 2:15 AM....I apologize...I love writing...I love getting shit out of head, and off my chest...But all that's in there is crap I can't write about at this time, as much as I'd like to...I'm really trying to get things on track...

Best I can do sports-wise...Oregon will beat Ohio State...I don't care what the line is...I'm just calling it straight up...

And here's my bold "Super Bowl" prediction, from a guy who has watched about a total of 37 minutes of NFL football this season...New England and Seattle...

Sorry for this train-wreck...

The Beeze.

Friday, January 2, 2015

In Other News...

So, we're looking at a battle of the O's....

Oregon vs. Ohio State for College Football's new and improved National Championship...Go ahead and guess who I'm rooting for....Well shit, when these final four teams were picked I said then I was going with the Ducks....I hate FSU and Winston...Wow did he look like a fool! I hate Alabama and SEC country, which put me in the odd spot of rooting for Ohio State Thursday night...But you won't see me doing that again...Gotta strap on some green, or whatever damn color scheme the Ducks will be wearing for the big game!  I'm all in...Deep down inside I was meant to live in the Pacific Northwest!

-Earlier in the day I popped on the Cotton Bowl...But I quickly turned it off...1. ESPN has decided to change their in-game scoreboard graphic, which was taking up an eighth of the screen...2. They were playing the Cotton Bowl...But they weren't playing in the Cotton Bowl...It just didn't look right...I know this isn't the first time, but I'm old-school...You play the damn Cotton Bowl in the Cotton Bowl....

-Luckily there was something much better on TV to watch...The Winter Classic...

I had no rooting interest...Ok, slightly...Caps Goalie Braden Holtby is on my fantasy team, so I was glad to see him get the win...Also, the jerseys the Caps wore were the best looking ones they've ever had....The Blackhawks Jersey just had slight changes to their classic style...

The Winter Classic has become one of something the NHL has done well over the last few years...

I know they added extra outdoor games last year, and I feared it would be over-kill, but they haven't ruined it yet....Yet, is always a key word with the NHL...

-Earlier this week the Notre Dame Fighting Irish did their best to salvage their Football season...It started well, but the wheels fell off after the loss the FSU....But they managed to beat LSU...I hate LSU, LSU fans, and the SEC gasbags that will tell you a 4 loss SEC team should be in the National Championship over an undefeated team from anywhere else...So, while not thoroughly impressed with my Irish, I was still very pleased to beat those ass-hats...A win is a win...A win over a SEC team is even sweeter!

-So, it is 2015...Still feels a lot like 2014...2014 sucked for the most part in my own little world...I have hopes that 2015 is much better...The Holidays blew past me...It was a blur...For the first time in my life, I really didn't enjoy the Christmas season...I hate that feeling...Christmas Eve and morning I enjoyed seeing the kids enjoyment...but when it was all over, and Christmas night when everyone was in bed, I sat in my chair depressed...Not wanting it t o end, because I felt like I missed most of it...I stayed up late watching the last glimpses of Christmas movies...Sadly the last thing playing on TV was Christmas with the Kranks...Wow did that blow...

So, while I never make New Year's resolutions, this year I will...One, to get healthier...Two, no matter how, busy, tired, frustrated, and whatever else, I will get into, and enjoy the Christmas season of 2015 and not just get it done...Three, I'll win the fucking Lotto!

I hope you all had a great New Years...At least better then this fool's...

And I hope by now, you aren't still feeling like this...

Have a week...

Have a great 2015...

The Beeze.