Well, it's the night before Thanksgiving...I worked all day...Came home and started working more...I got the dry rub on the Turkey...I roasted off Spaghetti Squash, cooled it down, then scraped it out...Tomorrow it will tossed in a saute pan with butter, brown sugar and salt & pepper...I also roasted the sweet potatoes...Again, brown sugar and butter were a big part of this...The Mrs. has a sweet tooth!
The house is mostly clean for our guests, but I'm sure the boy will trash it twice before everyone gets here...Now, everyone is asleep, and I was just pondering the things I'm thankful for...Which let to me pondering the things I'm not s thankful for...So here's a couple of lists all mixed up together like roasted garlic mashed potatoes...
Thanks: For my amazing, smart, sexy, loving, wonderful, hard working, wife...Who for some reason fell for me, and puts up with my crap...Especially all the crap I write about, that most people wouldn't their spouse to share...
No Thanks: sports fans who act like total and complete douche bags...You may have heard that Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen was punched outside a South Bend bar/restaurant...By who? I loyal Notre Dame fan...I've heard and read a few different versions of the story, but what I get from all of them is this...A "FAN" gave a young lady Clausen was with, some sh!t...Clausen stepped in...Shoved the douche, and got punched in the eye...Listen, I understand Irish fans being pissed...I am...But not at Clausen...The kid has been great this year...He's busted his ass for the team...And you sure as hell don't start sh!t with a girl he's with...You're not a fan...You're an asshole!
Thanks: My daughter...She talks almost constantly...But I'll take it...She's almost 8 and still wants to talk to me...I'm okay with that...She's wicked smart...Like her mom...And honestly, she's the closest thing to an angel, that I'll most likely ever get to know...
No Thanks: The Davey O'Brien Award committe...I don't want to seem like Jimmy Clausen's PR guy, but what the f**k? I couldn't stand the kid when he got to South Bend...And he had a couple of crap seasons...And he's always had a bit of a douche bag swagger...But the award is about this year...And he's been outstanding...Yet he wasn't named a finalist... http://blog.daveyobrien.org/2009/11/23/2009-o’brien-quarterback-award-finalists-announced/
Here's his stats this season...266 completions on 395 attempts...3382 yards...67.3 completion percentage...23 touchdowns and 4 interceptions...
Stupid Tim Tebow's stats...(in the same order) 145 out of 223...For 1945 yards...65%...14 TD...4INT...
Colt McCoy...286 out of 392 for 3024...73%...23TD...9INT...
Casey Keenum...387 out of 553 for 4599...70%...36TD...6INT...
Unreal...Why is Tebow included? Don't give me the "he's a running threat also" crap...he rushed for 706 yards and 11 TD's...Clausen rushed for 3 so he's still got more TD's...And if you add Tebow's rushing yards, it still doesn't come close to Clausen or the other two...F**k Tim Tebow, and all the media dolts swinging on his nuts! No Thanks to him too!
Thanks: My son...He's a pain in the ass...But he gives me good material to write about...He also gives me something else...A glimpse of myself, when I was young...Which leads to him getting a glimpse of my father when he was younger...Via the way I respond to how he acts...We often grow up saying we aren't going to be like our parents...My son has shown me that being like my old man, isn't a bad thing...
No Thanks: Disgustingly fat people making videos, they think are funny, about being disgustingly fat...
Feel free to drop dead now, you fattastic, fatty, pig, fatty!
Thanks: Funny Thanksgiving videos...Okay, it's kinda dumb, but I laughed...Beastiality does that!
Thanks: Everyone who reads this nonsense I post, and keeps coming back for more...I appreciate it...Have a Happy and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Later, The Beeze.
Happy T-Day :)
Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my Daughter for the same reason you are thankful for yours and my husband for being with me this year and for having you as a friend once again. No thanks to work, bills and cancer. Hope it's a great day for you and the family.
Happy Thanksgiving!
aking, right back at ya!
Happy Thanksgiving, Beeze.
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