Congrats to Navy...And my best wishes to Charlie Weis in all of his future endeavors...Because his days in South Bend are numbered now! If you missed it, you stop by The Irish Buzz...
Or you can checkout WeeManExtras take on the game...
Now lets move onto a topic that I normally would get involved in...Soccer...Womens College Soccer actually...I'm not a soccer fan...I don't follow it at any level, and I just don't care...I'd rather watch Gummy Bears f**k!

Stay Classy New Mexico!
Next up, more College Football...Notre Dame weren't the only ones to sh!t the bed this week...Oregon lost to Stanford...Typical PAC-10...Whenever a team in that conference looks like they've got the upper hand...They lose! Iowa lost to Northwestern...Penn State lost to Ohio State...Typical Big Ten...A whole conference full of average teams...
TCU, Cincinnati, and Boise State are all still hanging around...Waiting to f**k with the BCS!
I love college football...I prefer it over the NFL...I'll say again, what many of us have said before...There needs to be a playoff...I hope things get so screwed up this year, that maybe...Just maybe...There will be enough of an uproar to do something about it...
Baseball season is done...Thank God! The stupid Yankees won the World Series in a battle of the lesser of two evils...And the most evil f**kers won...If you're wondering what my beef is with Philly...Well, You clearly haven't read all my blogs...So I'll sum it up...That city, that calls itself "The City of Brotherly Love," is full of a bunch a$$holes...They sh!t on their teams constantly...They sh!t on the greats from their town...They give more praise to Rocky, then they do Joe Frazier...They're dolts...But yet, I was pulling for them over the evil empire...Why? Because I was born hating the Yankees...That's just the way it is...I hate them more then I hate Paris Hilton...And I really hate that b!tch...But at least she made a porn!
Moving on...You ever have some one ask you a really stupid question...You know, those silly games...'If you were a tree, what type of tree would you be?' That sh!t...It's just stupid...Unless one of your kids ask you something like that...Then you gotta go along with it...Right?
This weekend, my boy asked me what type of animal would I want to be...My answer...This snake!
Of course that's not what I actually told him...And no I didn't tell him I wanted to be a purple headed yogurt slinger...Already am! I with being a hawk or an eagle..."Why that," he says in his inquisitive voice...So I could fly all over the place, and see whatever I want...And swoop down and snack a fish right out of the water...Then die from mercury poisoning...
He plans on being a mix between a Stegosaurus, and a T-Rex...That can drive a train...That'll be a one hell of a train...But I gotta say, I love his imagination...I miss being that creative...All I can muster up is a snake wrapped around Rachel Weisz...Not that being wrapped around Rachel Weisz would be a bad thing...Maybe get Isla Fisher in there tossing my salad...Okay, my imagination isn't that bad...Now I gotta run and finish that thought elsewhere...
But first, lets end with some music...My buddy B-Dub is a big Pearl Jam fan...And a Panthers fan...He's having a rough season...So this is for him...I thought it was cool...Even if the sign language chick seems to be a show off!
Later, The Beeze.
Thanks for the mention -- the Panthers are going to drive me to daily heavy drinking before the season's over -- I can feel it.
Being wrapped around Rachel Weisz would be great.
That New Mexico girl is bad ass -- they should put her in MMA against that hot chick that was on American Gladiators (Gina Carano).
I'm pulling for Boise, TCU, and Cincinnati to go undefeated. I want to see the BCS explain how they picked a 1-loss team over all 3 of the undefeated "non big name" schools, and then get sued for anti-trust, and then be forced to incorporate a playoff system.
Great ranting as always Beeze.
Thanks B-Dub...Hey, at least the Panthers aren't the Browns!
That chick from New Mexico knows how to make a game more lively!
Thanks for dropping in!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Jeff Davidson used to be the OC for the Browns? I think I read somewhere that he was, and if I'm right -- Cleveland can have him back at any time.
Yes he worked here...But we don't want him back!
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