This may upset some people, but when has that ever stopped me...There has been something that has bothered me for awhile...But this week, I guess it's boiling over...This week we got to see the USS New York...It's a battleship partly built with steel from The World Trade Center... http://www.ussnewyork.com/

I'm not mad about this...I think it's really cool...Way to show our American ingenuity...I'm pissed because, at Ground Zero...Well, there's still a giant hole in the ground...It's taken too long to figure out what's going to be built...It seems the typical, political bullsh!t has the city dragging it's feet...
Yet somehow, this year both the New York Yankees and the New York Mets opened new baseball stadiums in New York...I see...'The Yankees need land on the cheap for a new stadium...Do whatever it takes! Get George his new Stadium...No holdups!' ...'What? The Mets want to build a new Stadium too? Oh, Alright...Make sure it gets taken care of!'
I remember after September 11th all the talk about going on with our lives...Don't stop traveling...Don't stop spending...Keep doing what we do...Don't let them win...So new stadiums may fall in that category of keep on keepin' on...But when I see that hole in the ground, and the fact that there doesn't seem to be a real plan of what to do there...I kinda think, well maybe they won a little...Oh, that and we still haven't caught the c**k sucker responsible for the attacks...
Am I wrong? Maybe...Maybe not...Does it bother anyone else that the powers that be have been dragging their feet on what to do at ground zero?
Personally, I think the best thing that could have been done at ground zero...They should have built the tallest building in the world...Shaped like a c*ck!
What ya think?
Later, The Beeze.
Maybe it should bother more people that taxpayer money was used to fund the new stadiums for both the Mets and Yankees as opposed to used to pour into Ground Zero. George and the Wilpons weren't going to take the teams anywhere, so what was the hurry?!
Priorities in this world are screwed up!
Politics. Wasn't it George Carlin that said "it's a dick waving prick fight"?
Ground zero has become a tourist attraction. Just like in Hawaii. Why fill it in when we can have people come and spend money in old NYC snapping pix of our one of TWO attacks in 60 years?
Why bring closure to all those people and their families?
Isn't it funny how when it doesn't bring in money it's taken care of quickly?
I'll sign a petition for you c**k tower! I think it'lladd a little something that's been missing to the NYC skyline...
I agree with you. They should at least have a plan in place and get going already. I know you have to be respectful because so many died there, but wouldn't it be nice to have a memorial there so people could go grieve their loved ones.
I'm glad I'm not alone...As Frag said, "the priorities in this world are screwed up!"
bro what you said wasn't a rant
it was a dose of reality
thank you
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