That's right...I said it...
If you know me, and this blog, you know I'm a fan of the Opie & Anthony show...I'm also a fan of honesty...Even if it's brutal...Their show has been getting some notice for something that happened last week...But I thought I'd share it here, in case you don't have Satellite Radio...
Last week Sharon Osbourne stopped by the show...During her time there, she ripped on many people...She was funny as hell...One of those people was Susan Boyle...You know, the fat, ugly, British woman, who "shocked" millions with her incredible singing voice...We'll get back to the "shocked in a minute...First, here's what Sharon Osbourne said....
So after this, all the beautiful people on the entertainment news shows, are attacking Sharon...You know the shows..."Showbiz Tonight" and "Access Hollywood" and all those crap shows...Those shows, that would never have anyone who looked like Susan Boyle be a host...Why? Because she's ugly...Only good looking people aloud on those shows...
But here they are slamming Sharon Osbourne for being funny, on a comedy show...Was it harsh...Yes...But these talking heads that are blasting her...What do they do...Every day, they sling gossip...Who's f**king who...How did Kristy Alley get so fat again...50% of those shows are celebrities getting their personal lives dragged through the mud...The other 50% is mindless drivel about celebrities...So how is what Sharon did any worse...F**k those dolts!
Now, back to the "shocked." Does anyone remember when we first learned about Susan Boyle...It was on Britain's Got Talent...She came out on stage, and was laughed at...People rolled their eyes...Why? Because she was unattractive...And as people, we often judge the book by it's cover...That's why there aren't ugly people hosting "Access Hollywood" and "Showbiz Tonight."
The producers of the show knew what they had...They knew she could sing like a mother f**ker...They knew people would get one look at her and be like, 'b!tch please.' Just to turn around and be shocked, and go crazy for this mess on stage that sang so beautifully...
If you know me, and this blog, you know I'm a fan of the Opie & Anthony show...I'm also a fan of honesty...Even if it's brutal...Their show has been getting some notice for something that happened last week...But I thought I'd share it here, in case you don't have Satellite Radio...
Last week Sharon Osbourne stopped by the show...During her time there, she ripped on many people...She was funny as hell...One of those people was Susan Boyle...You know, the fat, ugly, British woman, who "shocked" millions with her incredible singing voice...We'll get back to the "shocked in a minute...First, here's what Sharon Osbourne said....
So after this, all the beautiful people on the entertainment news shows, are attacking Sharon...You know the shows..."Showbiz Tonight" and "Access Hollywood" and all those crap shows...Those shows, that would never have anyone who looked like Susan Boyle be a host...Why? Because she's ugly...Only good looking people aloud on those shows...
But here they are slamming Sharon Osbourne for being funny, on a comedy show...Was it harsh...Yes...But these talking heads that are blasting her...What do they do...Every day, they sling gossip...Who's f**king who...How did Kristy Alley get so fat again...50% of those shows are celebrities getting their personal lives dragged through the mud...The other 50% is mindless drivel about celebrities...So how is what Sharon did any worse...F**k those dolts!
Now, back to the "shocked." Does anyone remember when we first learned about Susan Boyle...It was on Britain's Got Talent...She came out on stage, and was laughed at...People rolled their eyes...Why? Because she was unattractive...And as people, we often judge the book by it's cover...That's why there aren't ugly people hosting "Access Hollywood" and "Showbiz Tonight."
The producers of the show knew what they had...They knew she could sing like a mother f**ker...They knew people would get one look at her and be like, 'b!tch please.' Just to turn around and be shocked, and go crazy for this mess on stage that sang so beautifully...
Pot, meet Kettle...
Osbourne may have been harsh...But at least she was two other things...Funny, and Honest...
Later, The Beeze.
OK, she is....but...would you bang her...even sober? :)
1st - I love Sharon Osbourne.
2nd - Sharon's exactly right. No need in calling a lump of coal a diamond. It's a waste of everyone's time.
3rd - The people who run Access Hollywood, TMZ, and all the other shit-shows can suck a fatty.
That is all.
B-Dub...I agree on all 3 points!
CCC - it would take a hell of a lot of Jager before I would even consider it, and then I would still say no.
The funny thing is half the people hosting those shows are not really that attractive. My favorites are the 40-50 somethings dressing like their 25.
Build a bridge. Gravity has kicked it - move on.
They'll all be out of a job in 5 years, especially the woman, but Sharon Osbourne has all ready proven that she can come back from completely obscurity. I'm pretty sure in 30 years no ones gonna remember half the jack a$$es on those "celeb" shows.
Plus it's a well documented fact that outside of Elizabeth Hurley, Rachel Weisz & Saffron Burrows most Brits aren't what American's perceive as hot.
-A, all very good points!
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