Once again, I must defend Taylor Swift...Well, not so much defend her...More like call out another dolt, for being a giant bag of douche!
Yeah, I'm talking about you, fatty, Wynonna Judd...If you don't know, fatty Judd was all pissy about Taylor Swift winning "Entertainer of the Year" at the CMA's last night...Actually from what I've been reading, she's been JEALOUS of Swift's success for some time before this...Yes fatty, I said JEALOUS...Apparently Fatty said, ""You want my honest comment? It’s too much too soon." I'm sure Wynonna...I mean Fatty, doesn't like seeing some one so young rising to the top...Especially since it took her much longer...
Listen, I'm not a country music fan...I can't stand it...I also can't stand stupid, f**king, fat pigs, who can't stand to see some one else be successful...
I know Taylor Swift isn't gonna be all, 'Mr. Beeze, you mid-30's, out of shape, married with two kids, blogging piece of deliciousness, thank you for calling Kayne West a douche...And thank you for bashing Fatty Judd, after she dissed me...Is there anything I can do for you?'
First, Yes there is!!!!
Second, I'm still gonna stickup for the girl...What the hell did she do...Let some group of Nashville suits give her some awards...The music business can be evil...And country music has started doing what pop music has been doing for years...Find the young, hot talent, and pump out a ton of stuff, until they're all used up...If Fatty wants to bitch, don't dog Swift...Dog the system...
What this comes down to is Fatty Judd, is jealous of the young, attractive, talented, up and coming stars...She misses being young...She was never attractive...And I couldn't tell you if she was ever talented...I never listened to her and Chunky Judd's (her mother Naomi) crap...
Yep, I just dragged mom into it...Why? Because apparently she likes to treat young, talented, singers like crap too...According to the twins singers, Kate and Kacey, who were on CMT's "Can You Duet, Naomi Judd, who was one of the judges was such a pain in the ass to the sisters...They wrote a song about her called "You're Not My Judge."
Listen, in my opinion, the system sucks...The music business has become crap...It's been heading there a long time...Fatty and Chunky Judd have seen this...They should be trying to offer support and guidance to these young stars...To help them have some staying power...Because until I heard, and read about this...I had no idea these slobs were still alive!
Mix in a salad Fatty...
Later, The Beeze.
First, I agree with you -- Taylor Swift is a smokin hottie.
Second, "fatty and chunky" need to STFU. (fatty's sister Ashley is hot though)
Third, unlike most teenage music stars today, Taylor Swift actually writes her own music and lyrics. She doesn't spit out the hokey pokey shit like Miley Cyrus and some of these other "stars" -- she is real, and she deserved the awards.
Mix in a salad Fatty -- classic!
I'd like to toss Taylor's salad!
But seriously...I would...I mean, she really is talented, and doesn't seem like a flavor of the week...
F those pigs!
I'd like to toss Taylor's salad!
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