Okay, early on during the early stages of Charlie Sheen being nuts, or high, or both, I was all in...He was wacky...Talking about having Tiger Blood, and being a Vatican Ninja Assassin, Warlock...I was getting a kick out of it...I thought he was either high as fuck, or losing his mind, live and in living color, for all of us to enjoy...
Sadly, he's just doing his job...He's acting...It's a scam...I'm not giving out the links to all the crap he's trying to sell us...Fuck that, he pays me then I'll link his crap...Why am I saying this?
Well, one evening a tweeted that his U-Stream show was going on live in "58 minutes"...About 20 minutes after that tweet I went to his U-Stream channel...The camera was on, and a mic was on...Sheen and he group of hanger-ons/losers were plotting out, and scripting that evening's show, that was suppose to start in 38 minutes...
Sheen's voice was normal..He wasn't being wacky, or saying his new catch-phrases...Just scripting when to say them, and taking suggestions on how he should act at certain points...What should be tweeted was also disgust...Maybe he's still using drugs...Maybe his is nuts...But everything he's doing is totally planned out...
Now he has a live show in the works...Tour dates are set in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, New York, and Boston...Sheen keeps tweeting his updates starting with #Fastball and talking about his violent #Torpedo of truth...And of course, he's still #WINNING...All of this drives me crazy, but the #Fastball is really pissing me off...You pretended to be a pitcher in a movie...I doubt your #Fastball gets higher than 70 mph douchebag...
What the show will be isn't really said...I'm not sure he knows yet...But I just checked the prices for the show here in the Cleve...$49.50 - $79.50...Are you fucking kidding me!?! If Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger were coming with him, and going to do a stage production I've Platoon, maybe I'd consider it...Fuck it, I got the DVD...He must be high!
Seriously, Anyone who drops their money on this nonsense, is a ass-hat!
Speaking of douchebags...A local Radio host named Benjamin Bornstein, AKA: Maxwell, was also going off on the douche-baggery that is Charlie Sheen...But his big problem is that sheen is a junkie...Bornstein repeatedly called Sheen a crackhead, and kept bringing up Sheen's kids while judging him...His points weren't all bad, but it's his high and mighty attitude that pissed me off...
Bornstein has always been open about his drug abuse and sexual abuse on his shows...So much so, that most of us are just sick of hearing about it...But now that he is clean and sober, when he gets all uppity, and judgemental about drug abuse, I get pissed...This fat slob, use to smoke, snort, and shoot anything he could get his hands on...
Listen Fatty, once an addict, always an addict...You may be clean now, but you have to fight that fight everyday...You may not be using Heroin now, but that doesn't mean you're not one bad day away from being a junkie again...Oh, and I believe you were a father when you were a junkie...Look in the mirror and shut the fuck up! You don't get the right to be a judgemental prick, when you can fall off the wagon any minute...I do, because I was never a piece of shit junkie!
Ahhhh, so may douches, so little time...
Later, The Beeze.
Dang ... until I read this, the idea hadn't come to me. Brilliant Beeze ... you are absolutely brilliant. Hope all is well.
Thanks Frank...Hope things are going well for you!
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