SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! If you want to see this movie...If you want to waste your hard earned money on it...If you want to waste your time seeing this movie...DON'T READ ANYMORE OF THIS POST!
Tonight, after one of my two fantasy football drafts this weekend, our sitter came over and we got the hell out of here! We had dinner at Texas Road House...It may be a chain, but damn, it's great every time. After that we stopped at TJ MAXX, grabbed a couple things for the baby...Found a cool birthday gift for the Little Beeze...(gotta find a good hiding place for that) And we got both the kids new Fall coats...
Then we went over to the movie theater to see "The American"...2 tickets for the George Clooney Sleep Aid please! Okay, I didn't say that...How could I? From all the hype and previews, this movie was suppose to be full of suspense, action, and intrigue...Well, not so much gang! The opening credits should have tipped us off...Watching paint dry brings more to the table then the opening...5 minutes in, I felt like I had invested 20 minutes...There was no suspense or intrigue...Seriously, the story was easy to figure out...You knew exactly where it was going...And by the way, the story sucked!
As for action...Not so much...the most action was during a sex scene Clooney has with a prostitute, and even that got drawn out and boring...Bitch could have at least gone ass to mouth!
One hour in, I w felt like we were 2 hours into it...I wanted to leave, but fuck it...I was riding this out, just so I could come home and bash the shit out of it on this blog...The story had so much dead space, they constantly filled it with these dull, slow, overhead scenes of Clooney's stupid car driving from one place to the next...First to this town were he was staying...Then to the pay phone in that town...Then to his place...Then to the whore house...Then to his place...then to the pay phone...Then to woods...Then to his place...Then to the whore house...All this driving is not helping the environment George!
The only good thing that can come from this movie is sleep...Seriously, this one will knock you right out...The only positive thing that happened in the movie...(Remember, SPOILER ALERT) Clooney dies at the end! Too bad nobody shot the writer and director!
Later, The Beeze.
I think you should have seen Machete - a wonderful mexploitation parody flick by Robert Rodriguez. It was priceless and had Chris rolling in the aisles!
I think you should have seen Machete - a wonderful mexploitation parody flick by Robert Rodriguez. It was priceless and had Chris rolling in the aisles!
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