So Sunday was Father's Day...A classic "holiday" they say is for us, but really, it's all about them...When I say them, I'm talking about the kids...It's odd how different Mother's Day is from Father's Day...Yet so much the same...You see here at the Beeze house, on Mother's Day we let my wife sleep in...Sleeping in means sleeping past 8:00AM...9 if you're really lucky...Then we make her a nice breakfast...Then I give her the card and presents I got for her...The kids give their very specially made gifts...Then It is my job to keep them out of her hair all day...I take them out and spend some real good quality Dad time with them, letting my do whatever she wishes...
Now here's how Father's Day went...I got to sleep in...Past 10:00AM...Nice start...The wife made me breakfast...There's a reason why she never cooks besides the fact that I'm a trained professional...She stinks at it...She can burn water...The food was bad...Luckily she said it first and threw hers away...But at least she didn't f**k up the coffee! Then I got a card from the kids...It was an old Valentines Day card I gave my wife...They scratched out what I wrote, and threw their names on it...Then my wife said, "Order yourself cap from LIDS, 'cause I didn't get you anything." But the promise of sex later in the evening was offered up...Then I spent some quality Dad time with the kids...We went to see "Toy Story 3"...It was okay, but then the water works started...They really pulled the heart strings in this one, and both my kids were crying...These two are a couple of emotional nightmares!
After that we went to a Greek Festival I mentioned in THIS_BLOG last week...The kids jumped around in one of those giant inflatable castles...I bought my daughter a bracelet she liked...And when I got in line for some delicious lamb shank, these two start complaining about being tired, and hot, and wanting to go home...I couldn't take the sound of their voices, and gave up on the grub...When we got home they fought over who was going to watch what on TV and about which of their favorite dishes I was gonna make for dinner...I can't believe I'm adding another one of these to my life...
This is how Father's Day should be...Just like the good ole days.....
Just drop and gobble ladies!
Now normally I find a way to mix some sports in to this post, but I'll be honest, I haven't paid any attention to sports this past week...Yeah, the Lakers beat the Celtics for the NBA Championship, but that's old news...Some guys were playing golf this weekend...Haven't a clue what happened...World Cup...Again, haven't a clue...I heard on the radio, that the Pirates drew almost a 100,000 fans to their weekend series with the Indians...I have to laugh...It took the Indians going to Pittsburgh to get some fans in that beautiful park...From what I heard there was a good number of Tribe fans there...Can't get them go to downtown Cleveland, but they'll go to Pittsburgh! I've been watching the Red Sox and Dodgers...Not that we have much of a choice...Can we hype Manny going back to Boston anymore? Let's get back to that lack of choice topic there...
I've brought this up before, but hell, it needs to be talked about more...Every week on the MLB Network, ESPN, and FOX, there a very select few teams that get games shown...1. The Yankees 2. The Red Sox 3. The Mets 4. The Phillies 5. The Cubs 6. The Cardinals...Sometimes the Twins, Angels and Dodgers get mixed in...If the Red Sox are playing the Yankees, the whole series gets on the air...If the Cubs and Cardinals are playing, they get a couple on...Then it comes down to who are the Yankees, Red Sox, and Mets playing...This week, the Yankees are on ESPN Monday night...The Mets are slated in on both ESPN and MLB...The Red Sox also are slated for a couple on MLB...I understand they are major markets, and that they have huge fan bases...But how the hell is baseball going to get more viewers, more people excited, and interested, if they never see their team...Now in the last couple weeks we've seen The Nationals, and whoever they were playing, only because of Strasburg...I have to say, it's nice to see some of the smaller markets on TV...These are major leaguers...There are good players on every team...
Baseball die hard fans everywhere...But I think there are fewer and fewer of those people around every year...If baseball wants to keep selling their product, with it's overpriced tickets, and apparel, they need to stop selling just a handful of teams...Sell us the whole damn league...
Now let's get to this weeks, tweets of the week...
First from a blogging friend...
nutballgazette “I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it”
I feel the same way!
Now my best tweet of the week...This was brought on by a friend asking about my weight loss challenge...
TheBeeze34 "Weight loss not going so well. Pregnancy has killed the mood for the wife, so here I sit at the PC with a bag of Oreos watching porn!"
Guess who didn't get any for Father's Day?
And if you're on twitter, and looking for some good laughs, I get a kick out of this gal...SARKASTICKUNT
Now a Father's Day message from Louis CK...
Watch CBS News Videos Online
And now, I'll close this thing out with Bill Burr...After the Father's Day I've had, I agree with Bill...
That's it for now, have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.
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