Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hump Day Hits

I have no real reason for this picture, other then it cracks me up...I mean, damn! You women and your vagina hold all the power, and us men, we just have to take it...Think again!

Not in Seattle...A big news story I caught wind of last night via twitter, was a Seattle Police Officer punching a woman in the face...I'm sure some people are screaming racism...He was white, and she was black...The tweet I saw said, "Seattle Cop punches woman for jaywalking."

First, the woman he punched wasn't the one he was trying to deal with...She was resisting, and another woman stepped in...A man tried to pull her back, but she pulled away and got between the Cop and the first woman...When he had enough of this bullshit, he blasted her in the face...

You know, what? I'm on his side...Hell the woman he was first trying to deal with, was lucky she didn't get popped in the mouth too...Of course there were about 10 people there with their camera phones out, and people are yelling at the Cop...Hey, why not yell at the dolts trying to fight the cop...Believe me, the police are a little easier on you, when you don't start shit with them...Welcome to equal rights bitch...You swing on a cop, he swings back!

Now, since it's hump day...You can only choose one...Which of these sexy school girls would you most like to hump?



Later, The Beeze.

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