"Not Once, Not Never!"
Later, The Beeze.
Alright, enough of this sports stuff...I'm kinda of happy, yet a little sad to report, The Little Beeze was pretty damn well behaved again this week...He still has his moments where he puts up a fight about something stupid...But he's been really good...So Sunday I treated him to a bit of a reward...He loves going to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History...Dude loves the Dinosaur bones!
It was time to drown my sorrows... That's right...A six pack of Peroni and a Chicken Club Pizza from Dina's.... Don't worry, I finished it all...Extra 20 minutes added to the workout tomorrow...
I had Saturday off from The Fish House...So what did I do? Took the kids to the grocery store and prepared a dinner for the wife and a few of her friends...They were trying to have a special night without spending too much cash, so I offered to feed them...This also meant getting the kids to behave and leave their mother alone for the evening...The kids were great...Now I have to take them out, so they can pick a reward for themselves...Yes, I bribe them...
Here's what we made for the ladies... Strawberry Gazpacho with sauteed shrimp...Those are pita chips on the side...The Mrs. likes to eat it like salsa...
Have a good week...
Later, The Beeze.
What isn't shocking?
The NFL keeping itself in the news as Major League Baseball opens it's season with ESPN's favorite two teams to show...Yankees at the Red Sox...Boom! Yankees take a lead in the 2nd as they start knocking around Beckett! Wait...What's that? McNabb traded to Redskins!
I'm not saying it's a conspiracy...I'm just saying, the NFL always finds ways to stay on the front page...
But hey, the Red Sox just came from behind, and now they got Neil Diamond's old ass out there singing "Sweet Caroline."
And since I mentioned the Baseball game...Let me say this...I can't stand Joe Morgan...The guy has a wealth of Baseball knowledge...But he's an ass...He often likes to point out that he thinks there are no better players then him and his boys from the "Big Red Machine." I'm not saying they weren't great players...But dude needs to check the ego a bit...But what pissed me off Sunday night was him swinging on A-Roid's nuts again...He was just going on, on about the guys numbers, and what a great player he is...How quickly we forget the douche bag was on steroids! A-Roid, and Morgan can both suckle me!
Since I'm talking about douche-bags in the sports world...Here's a video of Comedian Jim Norton and Opie from O & A (Opie is holding the camera) on the Brother Wease Show in Rochester, talking about shitty athletes, and why people can get turned off by them...
Speaking of sports, and being turned on/off...The non-stop Tiger Woods at The Masters talk has started...I'm already over it...I hope some crazy waitress he threw it in charges him on the first tee, and bites his dick off....
Next, we have some sad news...Not just for Notre Dame fans like me...It's just sad...Incoming Freshman Matt James fell to his death while on vacation in Florida...He was 17 years old...James was one of Coach Brian Kelly's top recruits and was in the 'national top 100." James played his high school football at Cincinnati St. Xavier High School...The St. X, and Notre Dame communities heart broken over this loss...Not the loss of a football player, but the loss of a young life...
How do I follow that...Well hopefully this will give you the chuckle it gave me...I just recently found out that Jesus has a twitter account...And if you check out he last few days...He's a funny dude...http://twitter.com/jesus
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter...The Easter Bunny was ready to leave nothing but a lump of shit in the little Beeze's basket after a stunt he pulled Saturday...
My wife had ordered some chocolate covered pretzels from a co-worker...When I say some, I mean a shit-ton...I was in the kitchen Saturday evening, doing my duties...The wife came in for a few pretzels...Where are they?" she asks..."What?"..."The Pretzels" she says...I responded, "Ask the boy." She then realized she saw him carrying this large container of them...She asked where he put them...In his typical fashion he said, "I don't know." after some searching and more asking, which let to him saying, "I don't remember" I saw this little door slightly open...The door is to a crawl space that goes to the plumbing in the kitchen...He has been told countless time to not open, and especially don't go in there...So I look in...There are the pretzels...Dumped out in the crawl space...Cobwebs and dust and dirt and who knows what all over...What a dick!
We all know, I'm not a basketball fan...But I'm sure Monday night I'll find myself watching the National Championship game...Why? Well, I think it would just be great to see Butler beat Duke...Who's with me? F**k Duke, Go Butler!
Last thing...It looks like the Beeze will be winning the YouGab Fantasy Hockey League...After playing slightly above average...Then squeaking into the playoffs, the Killer Beeze got hot and rolled threw the playoffs...How about that for a happy ending to the weekend!?!
Have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.