
I consider myself an Independent...I would say I lean to left a bit more, but you can find me on the right in many situations...I think many Americans would consider themselves as being some where in the middle...The biggest reason for this in my opinion is, both parties have let us down...Whether in the White House or Congress...Or even our local city councils...
I vote for President Obama for 3 reasons...1. I agreed with him on more issues then I did with Senator McCain (who I was a big fan of back in 2000 before he stopped be a "maverick" and fell in line with the right on every issue)...2. In my research I found out McCain voted against every bill that would increase benefits for veterans throughout his career...That made me sick! 3. Sarah Palin...I honestly think it would have been a closer race if she wasn't on the ticket...And I won't lie...I kinda liked the "Change" train...Sadly I think the only thing that can make real change, is a true 3rd party that doesn't lean way left or way right...
That all said, I hadn't been happy with the job the President had done so far...But I was given some hope when he went and talked with 140 Republicans a few months ago...The olive branch was extended, and he even took some shots at his own party...He could have fired a few more harder shots at them...
I can't put all the blame on him...The tactics used to get the Health Care bill have been the same tactics that have been used for ever in DC...Something he said he wanted to change...The Republicans not budging on anything is as childish as it gets...My 5 year old pain in the ass son doesn't say NO that much...There are many of their ideas that were put in the bill...He has given in at times, and they say not enough...But When President Bush was in office, they did whatever he wanted, even if they disagreed...Just as Many Democrats over the years have done what they were told to do, instead of doing what is in the best interest of their constituents...Both parties are guilty of this sin...They care more about the money being put in their pockets by corporations, then doing their job...Which is to represent the people...
Does anyone remember, "Of the people, by the people, for the people?" DC doesn't!
Am I spinning out of control yet?
The first Bailouts came under President Bush...The Republicans weren't screaming about that...But they were when the Democrats pushed through more bailouts...For the record, I was against the bailouts both times...Isn't it part of capitalism, that if you screw up and your company goes in the tank, TOUGH SHIT! If the Fish House goes under, the douches in DC aren't gonna write us a check...We don't have lobbyists paying them off!
The deficit was at $5 trillion when President Bush took office...It was at $11.2 trillion when he left...But Republicans want to blame President Obama...And say he's increasing our debt and taxes at an insane rate...Truth be told, federal taxes have not gone up on 98% of the "working class" Americans...Which makes the anti-taxes Tea Party sound a bit like dolts...If your taxes went up, blame your state and city officials...They're bastards too!
The media doesn't help...Most of the people on MSNBC just suckle the left's nuts...Rachel Maddow is the only one fact checking both sites, and willing to engage in debate with anyone, on any side...FOX News loves to swing on the rights nuts...I do like Hannity, because he to likes to debate the issues with whoever...CNN tries to play down the middle, but thy slip up, and often are more like tabloid news...The nightly news on any of the networks has become lacking as well...This all makes things worse, because Joe Average is gonna get most of their info from the TV...And most of the info on TV is crap...
I also noticed, When the last few years of President Bush's term, MCNBC 's rating were up and beating FOX in most cases...Now that President Obama is in office, FOX is on top...Why, because we (generally speaking) love the controversy...We love the guy on top getting bashed...What the hell does that say about us?
Seriously...When the Health Care bill was passed Sunday night, I saw people going nuts online...Too many comments about the U.S. becoming a Communist state...That's insane...1. It's a long way before most if any of the bill gets into action...2. I have ever bit of confidence that the people would not let that happen...BTW it's not happening...Screaming socialism is a great scare tactic, and all politicians love to scare us...3. There are some good things in the bill...My one friend was saying dumb shit, and I asked, Have you read it...What do you know about it...He knew pretty much zip...When I explained some of it to him, he agreed that some of it was good..."But I just don't like that guy." (the President) I don't love the thing, but we clearly need to reform the insurance racket in this country...Then I saw some one comment that "next the government was planning on taking over the student loans"...Um...Almost all student loans are already in the governments hands...
I guess what I'm trying to say, is there is plenty of blame to go around...The Democrats...The Republicans...The Media for giving more opinion then fact...And we the people, for not doing our homework...Not being informed enough...For not holding the politicians and media accountable for continuously f**king us over!
Feel free to comment...Agree or diagree...Debate is a wonderful thing, and there isn't enough of it these days...Lately we get more name calling, and lies then debate...
I'm the Beeze, and I approve this blog...
Beeze, you and I are political twins. The problem isn't the laws or bills that are being passed. It is the politicians passing them. The actual bills are so stagnant and rendered useless by these swinging d*&ks, because of their money grabbing from all the lobbyists and campaign contributors. Something has to give and "We the people" must point the same finger at ourselves. If you don't like it effect change, this is America and you are entitled to your opinion and to have it heard.
All the finger pointing and blame games just makes me sick. I have kids under five that are more mature than all these morons.
I have one thing to say to all these so called Americans that hate the new health care bill, oh so much. If you don't like it then be more active. Get the lobbyists out of DC, hold your Senators and Representatives accountable. If you don't want to do that, go and find a new place to live. This is and always will be the greatest country in the world and if you think differently go and try some other countries for awhile. You'll come running back so very fast.
Like you said even with the bill signed these changes are so far off in the distance and add that to all the political posturing, we most likely won't see a quarter of a change the actual bill has in it.
I was honestly glad the health bill passed, except for one part of it:
I don't like the fact that it includes the provision that I am required by law to purchase health insurance. The last time I checked, I have the right do do whatever I want (within reason of course), and my right of refusal should not be taken away.
But, I am confident that it won't get very far before that part is taken out, because a lot of outrage will come from that provision, and the Democrats will realize that sacrificing that small part of it will be a major step in accomplishing the goal of getting the law to stick.
The biggest problem with the whole ordeal is the conservative media a-holes who keep throwing the "socialism" drivel at Joe Dumbass from Arkansas, and now everyone too ignorant or stupid to check their facts believes that Obama is a socialist tyrant trying to lead us into the pit of utter damnation, when all the man is trying to do is make it to where me, you, and everyone else can actually afford to go to the doctor when we need medical attention, instead of having to give up our car, house, or start selling drugs on the street to pay for a simple procedure that is overpriced and underperformed.
And while I'm ranting - the teabaggers can kiss my ass.
I'm an independent, and I approve this message.
McSpazz and B-Dub, Thanks for dropping in and commenting...I'm glad to see I'm not alone...
There was something else I wanted to say last night and forgot...B-Dub mentioned the people talking about President Obama being a "socialist tyrant"...They always talk about him and big government and having too much power...Where were they When President Bush pushed the Patriot Act down our throats and had the power to tap any phone he wanted...That my friends screams of Big Government having too much power!
Thanks fellas!
The (Un)Patriot Act is the biggest crime in government - but I'm sure FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck have hatched an evil plan to figure out a way to blame it on Obama and the Democrats.
Very well said and written I am going to pass this on to my Friends and on my Facebook page.
I heard someone on the radio that Obama is taking away all our rights and cited her proof THat Obama ordered it. I Did not know that Obama was in his 3rd term as Dictator.
Thanks Nutball!
Nice point too.
Something else most people don't know...The 3 largest tax increases in this country's history came under Presidents named Regan, Bush, and Bush...Just a fun fact!
Well done ... and you are right on with so many counts. Heck, you could have broken this into several posts, but I know that political posts aren't your norm.
You've emphasized so many points that I've weaved throughout various posts. I been for the past several administrations I've been saying there are two problems in Washington ... It was NOT Bill and Hillary ... not GW and Cheney ... not Pelosi and Reid ... not Obama and Biden ... it's the Democrats and the Republicans along with the special interests they represent!
Well done my friend ... and thanks for the link.
Thanks Frank!
I would agree with Bill Mahr thought that we don't really have 2 parties...Just 2 branches of the same party.
There is a good op-ed piece by By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN in March 23 New York Times about a Tea Party without Nuts, It talks about a party of the radical Center, saying that both parties need to not be afraid to against their own base one in a while. Friedman mkes alot of good points.
That was good...I read that earlier today.
I lean to the right and do not consider Fox News, the New York Times, or most leaning news entities worthy of attribution. My issues are the option/lack there of, no definitive "FACTS" of how premiums will react, and the "FACT" that health care is not an unalienable right. Reform is needed, no doubt - but this one was too big to be rushed through on the premise that the votes were there. Too many backroom deals that wreak of Chicago politics and I know a little something about that since I grew up there. On the other side, you have freaked out righties threatening 'ole boy from Michigan with bodily harm. I will end with this - why hurt the banks by removing student loans from them and package it in this deal...how in the hell is that "health care reform"? Regardless if it is guaranteed up to 97% by the government there is no day that student loans are health care related.
Darren you have some good points...But can we all stop saying "Chicago Politics"! The same politics go on in every city in this country and their birth place is DC...And politics will never change there unless we get a real 3rd party...which we won't! Unless a couple of guys like us start it up! LOL!
The nuts on the right making threats just hurt any credibility they may have had...And it hurts the part they support...
There truly needs to be reform of the insurance racket, and of healthcare...This bill may not be right, but maybe if these twats could work together abit, they could make something good out of it...Maybe!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I shudder to think if Bush with a bush and her grandpa had won the election....
my thing is that all politicians lie and use tactics that make them look moronic
not saying anarchy is the better solution
those who call Obama socialist must have just woke up...USA was heading there under GTard already the last 8 years
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