Yeah, she look like the way a Father's Day should start...and end! But let's be honest, Father's Day isn't as rah-rah as Mother's Day...Mom's always get the love, way more then dad...Just as Bill Cosby taught us...(And that pile of shit Carlos Mencia stole from him.)
We all know what Father's Day really is...
And being a Father, and a Mother Fucker, there's a story that has pissed me off to no end since it broke...Of course I'm talking about that fucking creep Jerry Sandusky...If there was any question of just how much of a bastard this guy is, it was all cleared up from this past week's testimonies...Without a doubt, the nastiest, creepiest, pile of shit walking...
We found out his hot spot was boys between 10 and 13...He took advantage of their rough upbringing, and threatened to them with sending them back to that harsh life if they didn't do what he wanted...Multiple victims spoke of how he called himself "The Tickle Monster." Fucking Yuck!
The tickling was just a warm up...Next was the shower, where he liked slapping soap on their asses...This was just prep before he got the oral and anal sex on...Then there was the basement bedroom at his house...Where before bed time, he would crack their back, and give them a massage...Again, just prep before he tried to get inside these kids...In his house...With his wife and kids there...This bastard should be strung up, and his stupid wife Dottie should be strung up next to him...How the hell can she deny this shit...One victim even testified to screaming for help while she was in the house...One victim testified that while at a hotel at The Alamo Bowl, Sandusky was in the bathroom with him, and was trying to force the kid to blow him, when Dottie strolled in from the adjoining room...
There was the testimony of one victim who said he was in the showers with Sandusky and his adopted son Matt...Good ole Jerry started splashing the soap around, and Matt hightailed it out of there, almost as he knew what was up...It makes you wonder what the hell else went on in the Sandusky house?
One after another, 8 of 10 victims shared their personal horror stories how how Sandusky had abused them...There were even kids who felt heart-broken after they stopped hearing from Sandusky...Their life had been so bad, that the only idea of love and attention that had, was from how this sick fuck treated them...
Then there was the Testimony of Assistant Coach Mike McQueary...McQueary who had witnessed Sandusky having anal sex with a boy in the PSU showers...Yes, McQueary may have been the one person to speak up,but he didn't do nearly enough...Slamming your locker door and running to call your Dad is not what you do...You knock that old perv out, and you get that kid out of there, and to the police...
Instead he told Joe Patero...Who told AD Tim Curley, and VP Gary Schultz, who oversaw the campus police...They sat down with McQueary and said they'd handle it...They decided not to take it to the real police...Then McQueary's father testified that during a conversation, Schultz said he was suspicious of Sandusky...But not suspicious enough to do anything, since this past week NBC reported that there are emails between former university President Graham Spanier and Schultz trying to keep McQueary's allegation from going further, that have been turned over to the attorney general....
McQueary and Paterno both neglected to follow up with Curley and Schultz...And Paterno, who was so highly regarded, could have easily pressed Spainer to take more action...But they all failed...They were too concerned about their jobs (McQueary's future as head coach), and upholding the lofty image of PSU...Sure Sandusky was removed from the staff, but he was still free to roam the campus...He was free to prey on kids...They all kept his secret, and protected him, instead of protecting the kids...What other dirty secrets do these bastards have? They should all be strung up with Sandusky and his wife...Paterno got off lucky by dying...Shit head!
These are the big names...But there were more people who failed these kids...Putting Penn State and Sandusky's bullshit reputation before the lives of innocent kids...
A PSU janitor failed to tell authorities he allegedly caught Sandusky performing oral sex on a boy in a campus shower a dozen years ago...
A district attorney named Ray Gricar, with a reputation for prosecuting cases involving children and sexual abuse victims declined to charge Sandusky over a 1998 molestation allegation even though the detective who investigated thought it was a solid case...Gricar disappeared in 2005 and was declared legally dead last year...
School district officials were skeptical of abuse claims brought by Victim #1 because, Sandusky was considered to have a "heart of gold."...Victim #1's allegations eventually got the state investigation rolling...
Assistant Coach Tom Bradley walked into the shower when one boy was with Sandusky, but did nothing but wait around until Sandusky and the boy left...
A wrestling coach named Joseph Miller told jurors that he found Victim #1 and Sandusky rolling around on the floor in the high school weight room one evening...Miller said that while he found it odd, he gave the famed coach a pass, thinking "It was Jerry...Jerry Sandusky. He's a saint. What he's doing with kids, it's fantastic, so I didn't think anything of it."
There were also a number of the victims that said things to family members about not liking Sandusky, and and being uncomfortable around him...But it fell on deaf ears...
So many people let these kids down...I hope that the jury will finally do the right thing...I'd also like to see the state go after Curley, Schultz, Spanier, Dottie Sandusky, and fuck it...Maybe McQueary too...Hell dig up Paterno and show the world what a piece of shit he was too...
And that scum-bag defense attorney...The best thing he could do, would be to walk in the court room Monday, and simply say, 'The defense rests.' It could possibly be the best thing a defense attorney has ever done...
I know I'm beating on one subject here, but it's a subject that I think should be beaten on...More so then stupid Rodney King dying Speaking of beating)...How the fuck is that the lead story on the Nightly News...Yeah, 20 years ago he got beat down by the cops, and riots started after the cops got off...But let's not forget the guy was a junkie...Not just that night when he swung on the police, all fucked up on PCP...He's battled with being a junkie his whole life...I can't wait to see what was in his system when he drowned in his pool...Shame on the mainstream media for that shit...
And shame on ESPN for paying dolts like Ian O'Connor, who wrote This shit, swinging on Tiger Woods' balls after he had a couple good rounds at the U.S. Open...I was so happy to see Tiger fall on his face, and O'Conner look like the idiotic gas-bag that he is...The so-called "World Wide Leader" only a leader in bullshit!
I hope all the Dads had a great Father's Day...I did...Fun with the kids...I bought Molly a new sandbox 20% off at Toy-R-Us...Her and the Little Beeze spent a few hours playing in there...And the Mrs. made sure I finished the day with a smile...But here's one last thing for the Dads, from Louis CK...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
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