Mmmm...Yeah, I don't follow Tennis...I did when I was a kid, and I use to like to play, but that was a long time ago...But Saturday morning I was laying in bed, flipping around on the TV, and I saw Maria Sharapova playing at The French Open...If you don't know, every time she swings her racket, she lets out a powerful, grunt, groan, or even scream...
Hot chick, skimpy outfit, making those noises...What better way to kill time than leave this on the tube, and tug on my cock for a few minutes!?!
Then the idiot commentators (two women, one man) start bitching about her noises...Like it's something new...Even a casual fan like me knows how noisy this bitch is...And shit, Tennis should be pushing women to play like this...Wear less, and make hot noises... Ratings would be up...At least among male viewers...
-Moving on...This past week Little Beeze's Baseball practices started...If you've followed this blog, you know I've coached his Tee-Ball teams the last two years...Now we are in 7-8 year old Coach Pitch...(They added in a few 9 year old girls because they didn't have enough sign up for 9-10 girls softball)
The first year the guy that was suppose to be coaching with me, bailed...Dropped his kid off and left...Fucking douchebag...The next year, one of the girls mom signed up to help...But she was also coaching her other daughter's team, so she was in and out, and it was mostly on me...But that was okay with me, at least she was trying, and trying with two kids...Better then the first year...
So then this year I find out at the coaches meeting, that they have paired me up with another dad...And he was actually at the meeting...But it was clear he didn't want to be there, and he quickly passed off everything to me, knowing I has been in the program for a couple years...
So Tuesday was the first practice, and this shit-dick and his kid don't show up...Here we go again...Thursday we have our second practice, and he shows...I re-introduce myself, tell him what we did Tuesday, and what I was planning on for that day...All he says is, "Okay." Nothing else...I get the kids on the field to get started, including getting his kid right into the mix, and he's not around...He's over in the bleachers shooting the shit with some other douchebags...The whole practice he's MIA...Looks like I've got another fucking asshole...
I could use some help with this team...There are a couple boys along with Little Beeze who are good...And my one 9 year old girl is going to be a beast...But then there are a few kids who have barely played, including a couple who didn't do Tee-Ball at all...3 of my 7 year olds, are very young 7 year olds...And one girl's parents are both Mentally Handicapped...Is that the nice way to say retarded these days...She isn't, but it's clear that she's been held back by them...This is her first time in an activity like this...So already I have had to put in a good amount of time with just her...But in two practices, she's throwing well, and is starting to catch the ball...And once she made contact swinging the bat, she didn't want to stop...
That shit makes me feel so good about this damn, "not keeping score" program, and this other douchebag doesn't get it all, and doesn't want to get it...The thought of kicking him in the dick next time a see him has crossed my mind a few times...Hopefully things go well this week...
-This weekend the kids and I were all about hitting some parks...Saturday I took Molly and Little Beeze to one of our favorites...Here they are catching a view of the lake...

Then Sunday morning I took all 3 kids further west, to a really cool park...Lots of stuff for them to do...Molls rocked the swings for awhile, and then got into a community sand pit and got some digging done...They all had fun...Here's the boy rocking his new hair-cut he got just an hour before we hit the park...

He's been asking for a Mohawk for 2 years, and even though Mom was against it, I let him go for it...Now he's ready for a big Baseball season!
Now the last thing I want to talk about is the media...The mainstream, U.S. media to be exact...All week long, during every nightly news cast...And on every major media outlet, they all keep talking about Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee...Ummm, I'm sorry, I thought I lived in the United States of America...Why the fuck are you ass-hats covering this bullshit!?!
Look at this...This picture shows all the territories that are or were under British rule at one time...

Yes, my ancestors are from Ireland, so right out of the gate, I hate the royal family...But shit, I'm an American...Born in America...That pesky country that fought the British for our independence...So why the fuck is our media so fucking in love with these people...Most of the land the Royal Family owns, they stole...Rape, Pillage and Plunder was their business...So again, Why is the U.S. media so fucking in love with these dolts...
I don't give a shit how old that bag is...Or how long she has been a figure head for that Island...She comes from a long line of assholes, and I'm sure she's an asshole too...Her country is in the same economic shitter that we are, yet they are throwing an insane amount of money around to celebrate the fact that this bitch just won't die...
NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and all you other idiot media outlets wasting any time covering this shit, need to wake the fuck up, and realize that there is more important "NEWS" to cover...Oh, and that old bag isn't our Queen, because we called bullshit on that shit along time ago...The Queen, and her whole shitty family, along with you media ass-hats, can all kiss my American Ass!
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
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