I'm guessing that this isn't the type of "Horse Play" Jerry Sandusky was into...Well, I'm sure he'll be able to find some new friends to play with in the showers now...Yes, thankfully there is still some Justice in this country, as Friday night word came down, JERRY_SANDUSKY_IS_GUILTY...I think I said all I have to for now about that bastard, and hopefully more heads will roll...Wouldn't it be great to see Justice rear it's head a few more times!?!
-Now, If you read my first post on Friday, you saw that Cleveland didn't burn after LeBron and company won the NBA Title...But some people still had trouble with it, like this local Weather guy, Mark Johnson...
Poor bastard...Let's just stop caring so much...It's Basketball, and Basketball sucks!
-As for Baseball, it doesn't suck...But there is some news in Baseball that I think sucks...After 9 years and 2 World Series wins, the Boston Red Sox traded Kevin Youkilis to the Chicago White Sox...Now, some Red Sox fans may be happy their team is making a commitment to the kid Middlebrooks...Some may be upset, because Youk was such a big deal to that team over the last 9 years...Personally I think it will be good for both him, and the team...It was time...
The sad thing is that over the next week the Boston media will be getting shit leaked to them from "Un-named sources" and the classic 'trash the guy we just traded' campaign will begin...I hate when teams do that, and the Red Sox are great at it...
Then there is the fact that Youk would have been perfect for the Indians...He'd be great at first base for the Tribe instead of that slug Casey Kotchman...So when I saw the White Sox, a AL Central rival got him, I was pissed...Then I saw they only gave up a utility player, Brett Lillibridge, and a 25 year old right-handed reliever, Zach Stewart....Wow, now I'm really pissed...I'm sure the Indians could have offered better than that...But I'm not surprised...The Indians are often gun-shy, and cheap when it comes to wheeling and dealing...
-Honestly, when I stared to try and post this, I had nothing...Just a blank...After the Sandusky verdict came down, I pretty much checked out on keeping up with things for the weekend...So what did I do? Well shit, I'm a father of three, so it was all kids time this weekend...I'm not an asshole who is going to blast a child rapist, and turn around ignore my kids...
Saturday I took the kids to a park...We were there for a couple hours...The older two running around and climbing, and Molly rocking the swings and slides...Then we grabbed some McDonalds, and ate at another park...After eating, the kids got back to playing...

There's the boy doing his thing...
And Molly just loves her swings...

While she was swinging, I kept watching this pick-up Basketball game that was going on...They were playing 5 on 5...They weren't that great, but there were a few guys who thought they were...But one hack stood out above the rest...He was about 6-3, white, tats on one arm, black shirt, and red shorts...This fucker never passed...All he did was shoot...Shoot, and miss...He acted like he was the shit...Thought he was the best guy out there...And all he did was shoot and miss...He missed every shot...But these other ass-hats kept giving him the ball...It makes me wonder how bad they were...
So finally the kids and I are leaving...I slowly roll by the court...Stop...Roll down the window...And wait for him to miss again...I didn't wait long...Ass soon as he threw up his brick, I yelled, "Stop giving it to the guy in red shorts, all he does is miss." They all stopped and looked, and I finished my drive-by insult by yelling, "FUCKING HACK!"
The kids cracked up as I took off, my oldest spitting out water through her nose...I'm so happy my kids get my sense of humor...I can tell Little Beeze is just dying to call some one a fucking hack!
That's it for now...Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
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