Shortly after 10:00 PM tonight, The New York Times tweeted this...
"NYT NEWS ALERT: Sandusky Is Found Guilty on 45 of 48 Counts in Child Sexual Abuse Case"
The media in Pennsylvania are all pissed that the Times broke it on Twitter before court was adjourned...Well Pennsyltucky, with all the screw ups and cover ups that have gone on there that let this sick bastard run loose, and molest kids, all I have to say is, fuck you!
A guy I follow on Twitter named Ben Jones, who is a reporter for Football and basketball at Penn State, tweeted this..."Tonight is the start of a new chapter, but the story is not over. Here is to closure, but more importantly strength."
Now I normally like Ben...He hasn't been blinded by Penn State loyalty, but I had to take exception to this...This isn't closure...There are more people who need to be taken down for this...For years PSU officials kept this quiet...They covered it up, and let Sandusky roam free for years...Yes, I'm happy he's going to jail, and I hope he takes a bad fall or two...But Graham Spanier needs to go down...Tim Curley needs to go down...Gary Schultz needs to go down...And any and all staff, coaches, and other administrators that knew anything, and kept quiet...
This is far from over, especially for Penn State University...Civil suits will be coming for them, as well as Sandusky...Closure is overrated...I don't want closure, I want people to remember what happened, and not be satisfied until everyone involved in keeping Sandusky free for so long, is locked up or dead...
Oh, and Dottie Sandusky, that bitch knew what was going on...She needs to burn...And Sandusky's attorney, who admitted that he didn't have a chance to win with the states "over-whelming evidence"...Yet he said he thinks his client is innocent...Yeah, he needs to be shot too!
I also want to take issue with Jason Whitlock...He tweeted this..."I'm so weird about prison. Wanted Sandusky convicted. Now I feel nothing but sadness watching him carted off to hell on earth"
Hey Jason, fuck you! You feel sadness for a scum-bag who abused kids...You're a fucking asshole...You know what I feel...I feel joy...Joy that we have actually seen a tiny taste of justice in this country...The only thing that will make me feel better, is when I hear that he is dead...He is the lowest form of life on this Earth...I honestly don't know why people consider Whitlock intelligent!
Lastly, is now the time that the NCAA may get involved in investigating PSU for this cover up, and who knows what else they have been hiding? So often the NCAA tries to flex their nuts, I think this may be a time to actually do something with that power they like to flex...
That's it for now...But I'm sure I'll have more...
Later, The Beeze.
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