Sidney Crosby Had Sex with the Stanley Cup
There are certain things you shouldn't do with the Stanley Cup...Like taking a $h!t in it would be bad! But if you do something that would make you look like a douche...Don't let people snap a picture of it...
Here is Sid the kid after he finally got some action...Too bad his first time was with Lord Stanley's Cup...And in Mario Lemieux's bed...What a dirty little boy you are Sidney!

Later, The Beeze.
he is the biggest cry baby......what a picture!! props beeze for postin it!
I saw this and thought What a douche!
He probably cries every time he cums! LOL!
now that would be a sight, would it not LMAO! wonder if he humps that cup?
How many loads does it take to fill the Stanley Cup? LMAO!
well, i dunno.........i don't squirt....maybe email cry baby, you want me to hook u up with his gmail?
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