"Dads are the Best. Dads cook for you. they take care of you. I love you Dad Your the Best."
My little girl is the sh!t....
Then they gave me my presents...She gave me a new, nice, big, green, travel coffee mug...She knows how I love my coffee...The little Beeze gave me a new pair of tongs...For those of you who don't know...I cook for a living and I do all the cooking at home...Mrs. Beeze...Not so good at it...She has burned water...
Speaking of Mrs. Beeze...Earlier in the week she gave me a $100 gift card to spend at Lids...I love my baseball hats...Imelda Marcos set the standard for woman being addicted to buying shoes...Well I'm working on being the man setting the standard for buying caps...I've been at it since I was 13...I could cover whole walls with caps!
In case you wondering what I picked up this time...I got a University of New Hampshire Wildcats cap...A Boston Bruins cap...Another Notre Dame cap, because I could never have too many of those...I got an old school Milwaukee Brewers cap...and a Chicago Cubs cap...The one I have is shot...
Speaking of the Cubs...It's a good thing I got it...I put that bad boy on right away after they just spent the weekend f**king up the Indians...In case you missed it I went off on the Tribes manager Friday....http://yougabsports.com/?cmd=blog&nid=350605&ptitle=Eric-Wedge...Worst-Manager-in-Baseball?
Then I went off a little more after they shit the bed again Saturday...
Then I went off a little more after they shit the bed again Saturday...
Well They lost to the Cubbies again Sunday...Luckily I was at work, (that sounds f**ked up) so I didn't have to see it happen again...Yes I had to work on Father's Day...Yeah it blew...But hey...Somebody's gotta work right...God knows it ain't gonna be my fat lazy piece of $h!t boss...He spent the weekend doing what he does best...Calling off sick...Guy always seems to have a case of the Brown Bottle Flu on the weekends...
Saturday night the Mrs. and I saw The Taking of Pelham 123...
It was really good...Both, Denzel Washington and John Travolta were really good...I was really surprised by how well Travolta played his role...Check it out...I DVRed the original a couple days ago...I can't wait to watch it and compare the two...I heard it was also really good...
After that we stopped by Applebee's (you're welcome free plug) for a couple apps and drinks...The server sucked...The manager was a dolt...And the food was below the average standards Applebee's has set over the years...This was the last time I'll be going into that place...(Not liking that free plug anymore are ya!?!)
Then it was on to the good part of the night...Pay the sitter...Get her out the door...And move in for some sex...Just to have the wife say...I gotta poop!
Thanks Applebee's! You Mother F**kers!
One last thing...Last week I mentioned how I was going to post the first class of the Skull F**k Hall of Fame...Well I got sidetracked...But it will be posted this week...
Have a good week...
Enjoy some Louis CK on the way out...
Later, The Beeze.
man i dig any movie denzel is in......i can't wait to see his new one!
glad to hear you had a solid weekend beeze, not too much moaning for a monday-that's a sweet thing-no?
No, not too much moaning today...I could have used more Saturday though! LOL
Thanks for the movie tip ... actually the second recommendation we've gotten for that movie this weekend.
Glad to hear the kids we good to you!
Congrats on the new caps and becoming an Applebee's spokesperson.
Yeah Frank...I'm sure Applebee's loves me...Hope you enjoy the flick.
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