Well another weekend has come to an end, and it's back to the grind...But before we get back to the grind...Have a cup of coffee and check out the moaning...
There has to be plenty of moaning going on in Pittsburgh after this past week...First the Pirates traded one of their best players for 3 prospects...Sounds like something the Indians would do...Oh wait...Your GM learned his trade here in Cleveland, under Mark Shapiro....Well, don't worry...You get use to it...Based on what I know about the Pirates GM, Neil Huntington...He was always a good talent evaluator...So hopefully the prospects do well...So he can trade them in a few years for more prospects!

Then on Saturday night the Pittsburgh Penguins got the living sh!t beat out of them by the Detroit Red Wings...The Wings now lead the series 3-2...Honestly I'm not even sure why the Pens came out for the 3rd period...This series has been tight and exciting...But Saturday Pittsburgh looked...Well they looked like the freshmen playing the varsity...I hope they get back on track...I want to see 7 games!
So this weekend at the Beeze house was consumed by couple things...First...Movies...The Beeze family is a movie family...Friday night we had a sitter...Mrs. Beeze and I went to see Angels and Demons...I liked the book, just as I liked The DaVinci Code...I don't want to hear any of your religious/political views...I know some people have trouble with make-believe...They are books and movies...Get past it!
It was good...I mean really...How often do Ron Howard and Tom Hanks f**k something up? The ending was slightly different from the book, but that's Hollywood...
After that we went to Borders Books...Then hit a Fridays (you're welcome...free plug)...We had a few drinks, and a couple apps...Went home...Paid the sitter...And bumped uglies...Yes, the cleaning was a little more gentle after last weekend...
Late Saturday Night I made myself watch Righteous Kill...You know, De Niro...Pacino...A bunch of hype...Well the script wasn't that good...The twists weren't surprising, and I miss the time when these two guys were really great actors...Especially Pacino...He's been playing the same character for years now...
I'm also tired of movies with old f**ks like these two, and they're banging hot, much younger chicks...De Niro...Your tired ass couldn't handle this chick anymore...

Then Sunday night the Mrs. and I watched Tropic Thunder...That's right I didn't watch the basketball game...Why the hell would I? The movie was funny...But I heard alot of people raving about this..It was okay...I thought there were parts that dragged...And to be honest I was hoping Jack Black would die...I can't stand him...And while I'm hating on people...I'm starting to get tired of Ben Stiller too...Robert Downey Jr. cracked me up...And Tom Cruise was great...Seriously...Dude needs to do more comedic asshole roles!
The other thing consuming the Beeze family...Well mainly me...They just got to enjoy the fruits of my labor...GRILLING! It's that time of year when I'm looking for any excuse to fire up the grill...Sunday we feasted...BBQ beef tenderloin...Corn on the cob...grilled zucchini...roasted potatoes...But TCP didn't make the trip north with his magic mushrooms...Maybe next time!
I'm so into cooking out...I made a little quiz about it...Right here....http://thebeezestalesfromthefishhouse.blogspot.com/2009/06/beezes-cookout-quiz.html
I started a Twitter account this past week...I didn't want to...But the guys at You Gab Sports started one and I thought well, just check it out...I have to be honest...I don't really like it...I'm a Facebook guy...But it has a certain creepiness about it...It's kinda like legalized stalking...I mean you're only seeing what these people want you to see...But still...We really have become a voyeuristic society....And yes...You can bet your sweet ass I'm following Isla Fisher...
Worst thing about my twitter updates...I believe people call them tweets....(That sound so lame)...Half of them are about my masturbation habits...The other half are just pimping blogs...
The last thing I'm gonna ramble on about is this....My friends just had their first child...A beautiful baby girl...She was born 4 weeks early and due to some medical term I don't know how to explain...Her organs are all jumbled up...Monday she has to have a major surgery to fix this...Her Heart is strong...And her lungs have been doing well, so they feel confident she will be okay...But none the less...I'm asking for anyone out there to say a prayer, if you do that...Or have a good thought for this little girl...Hell, have a good thought for all the sick kids out there....
Have a good week...
Later, The Beeze.
i sincerely hope your friends little girl will be ok beeze & i hope that you will keep us updated on her.
Pirate franchise is a sad example of what baseball has become. Sad ... very sad.
On the Red Wings, what a run! To me, unquestionably the best franchise in sports ... yes, they blow away the Patriots.
Angels and Demons ... haven't seen it yet, but look will. When in Rome a few years ago, the tour guide didn't care for Dan Brown ... It's fiction!
CK...Thanks...As soon as I hear something I'll post it.
Frank...It is sad to see what has become of the Pirates...I would agree with you on the Red Wings...They are great at finding talent...Developing it...and keeping it.
My thoughts go out to the baby girl and her family.
The Pirates will never win again ... it's the same old crap every year. At least the city of Pittsburgh has the Steelers and the Penguins.
Can't wait to see Angels and Demons ... loved the Da Vinci Code and loved the books ... it's been on my to-do list since it came out.
I love me some grilling too ... best time of the year is when it's warm enough to fire up the grill.
Sorry I didn't make it with the shrooms ... I got a little "sidetracked" ... some weird looking guy dressed up like Barney came over and stole what was left ... I swear someone stole them ... I swear.
Just heard from a friend...
"Just got home from the hospital. The surgery went so well! The surgeon said he can't believe an 11 day old is looking so good so soon after surgery. Today was definately a good day! Can't wait for Natasha to come home."
Very good news...Thanks gang!
Thank you everyone so much for your good thoughts and to you Beeze for asking for them. We couldn't have had a better day yesterday and my little girl really is a fighter.
I'm a little late since its tuesday but anyway, I felt the same way about Tropic Thunder. It was alright but nothing to go raving about, not like it was Anchorman or anything. I totally agree about DeNiro hittin' up Carla Gugino, she was hot even in "Son in Law" with Paulie Shore. Her talents could be better served on somebody else...
Congrats to your friend and his new baby girl.
If you and TCP are makin mushroom runs, how do I get down??
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