1. I ask my wife for sex every day.
2. Sex or no sex I rub one out almost every day.
3. I blog too much.
4. I don't blog enough.
5. I seek the approval of strangers...(get it...I blog)
6. I like to read, but I hate to read out loud.
7. I've written countless thing that I haven't shared with anyone but myself.
8. I'm afraid of exposing too much of myself...(yet here I sit talking about my masturbation habits)
9. I love porn...LOVE IT!!!
10. After 33 years on Earth, and 12 years of Catholic school, I'm still all fucked up about religion.
11. I liked Van Halen more with Sammy Hagar...Now Eddie is just a douche.
12. I'm not afraid of heights...I'm afraid of hitting the ground.
13. I knew my wife was THE ONE the first time we went out.
14. The time from our first date to the time we got married was about 4 months.
15. I want to have one more baby.
16. I don't want to have another baby.
17. I wanted to name my son Theoren....Everybody else shot it down.
18. Some say FACEBOOK is gay...I love it.
19. I love to cook.....But I hate My job.
20. I want to open my own restaurant...Maybe just a bar with some good food...Whatever...I'm just tired of helping other f*ckers get rich while I'm scraping by.
21. I sometimes lose control of my anger, and say mean shit...or throw shit...(F*cking Child)
22. I want to see You Gab Sports take off and become the top sports Blogging site.
23. I've seen a shrink, and I realized I'm better at his job then he is...
24. I can find something to laugh about, or at in any situation.
25. Laughter is one of the greatest things in the world...So I say.
26.(26 because I wanted to do 26) If you can't laugh at yourself...Punch yourself in the face.
That's it...Next time I'm doing 30.
Later the Beeze.
PS: To the a$$hole who has been f*ckin' around here...You have until tomorrow...Yeah, My sh!t is still back linking on other peoples site...Knock it off...
AHAH I like.
11. I liked Van Halen more with Sammy Hagar...
me 2, always have..i srgue all the time with the hubby about which era of VH is better, Van Halen or Van Hagar! fkin sammy's got the hair of a rock god!! love that guy....eddie, has cancer & still smokes, guy looks like a skeleton in sneakers. scary up close! Michael Anthony is a stone cold trip & Alex is MEAN plain mean. we went backstage @ a show here in philly & my girlfriend asked him to sign her shirt, he took her sharpie pen & walked away....i was like EXCUSE ME! get back here LOL!
total dickie!!
awesome look into the Beeze!!!
Van Hagar Ruled...I saw them 9 times...Once was with Gary Cherone...What a bust...
glad you stopped by.
i srgue
what da hell did i type there?
I used to argue, is what it should say...YOW i fked that up solid now didn't i!
HA, the verification word i have to type is, ya ready
i kid u not!
EEEEEEWWWWW no gary cherone, yucky.....now NUNO was the sht!
STRAPON...I wish I could say I set that up...Thanks for making me laugh tonight.
one of my fellow linked bloggers sent me a screen shot of a verification word that a guy had to type under a reply i left, the word was HYMEN
i said, blog it, but he never did....funny as all hell!
this word i have to type now is cleetus.....who comes up with this crap on blogger LMAO!
Love it man. Funny stuff.
Thanks Lester...It's all about the laughs.
I'm not afraid of heights...I'm afraid of hitting the ground.
I have the same problem man. I avoid heights at all costs because of it. The only time I don't care about heights is if I will be dead when I hit the ground -- like in an airplane or something, then I don't really care -- but I will not get on a ladder for anything.
Sex or no sex I rub one out almost every day.
LMAO!!!! Classic!
I do not believe that you didn't set up CK to type strapon. You will never convince me that you had nothing to do with it LOL.
I swear it wasn't me!!!
You crack me up tcp.
LOL! No. 2 had me laughing for the remainder of the entry. This is classic BEEZE lines for sure. And of course, you throwing in an extra thing isn't surprising either. That was a good one to end with.
I totally hear ya on No. 20 and agree completely.
Nice post!
he did, TCP, ....cuz that's how he rolls~LMAO~
it's kewl i dig him anyway & find these words hella funny!
is da word now....lol
It wasn't me....i swear.
LMAO ... I don't know where to start on this ... thanks BEEZE!
Nice list, some of the ones on Facebook are turrible.
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