I guess I didn't get everything else off my chest...I never did recap St. Patrick's Day...You see watching the local news on the evening of St. Patrick's Day, I got really pissed off...The lead was a brawl down at the parade, of about 15-20 black males...Some females mixed in too...But there wasn't only one brawl...This merry band of fellas trying to be Irish kept mixing it up...Then they kept it classy, by pissing on the front windows of some of Cleveland's finest restaurants...
Now, I'm not trying to be racist here...Hell I hope some one gets a kick out of this, but I'm pissed...Us Irish pricks are suppose to be the ones throwing punches and pissing all over the place on St. Patrick's Day...This is bullshit! So fuck it...I'm gonna fix this problem...Next year on MLK Day, I'm getting drunk as fuck, and gonna start punchin' mother fuckers...Oh, and I'm pissing all over the Barber Shop's front window...Fuck it, two can play this game...
You wanna play Irish guy for a day, then I'm gonna play Black guy for a day...
Now maybe all this was the news feeding us just what they want...Trying to feed the black guys are trouble stereotype to us...But stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason...'Cause enough of this shit happens to put on the news...Then of course my daughter asks why are people fighting at the parade? The wife doesn't like when I say things like, 'because they're dumb, drunk, fucking, assholes.' So instead I just said, they drank too much, and they're making Irish pricks like me look a lot better!
If that rant offended you, sorry...Tough shit...Fuck off!
Next, the United Nations....
The U.N. decided to put the smack down on Libya...Whenever the U.N. makes a call like this, what happens...The U.S. has to do there dirty work...Now our military is being thrown into a third theater of war...France and England were all big and bad, flexing their nuts, and now they need us to rain down the cruise missiles...
The U.N. is a bunch of pussies, who like to act tough, but need the U.S. to do the hard stuff...Have us do the killing...Then of course they never repay all the money we burn policing the world, thanks to their policies...And they sure as shit don't stick up for us, when so much of the world is saying what assholes we are...
How about this...Fuck the world, and let's start taking care of our own house...We have plenty of our own issues to worry about...The Middle East has been going crazy for months, and it's not going to calm down just because we blow up more shit there...Those people want to over-throw their governments...They have a long hard road ahead of them...It's their road...Not ours!
Okay, that's it for now...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
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