I was going to get into this in my Hump Day post, but I want that to have a lighter tone possibly...So here goes...
With all that is going on in Japan, I started thinking about the world, and God, and us...Us pompous human beings...I never believed in the 2012 hype, but with multiple volcanoes in recent months...Earthquakes in New Zealand, and this monster in Japan, followed by the Tsunami, and now possible Nuclear devastation...Maybe this shit is real...
Why wouldn't it be...The Earth is an ever-changing thing...I believe there is "Climate Change" going on...But I also believe it's always been going on, and there isn't a thing us humans can do about it...We think we are so special, but we're so small...Compared to the Earth, we are small...
The Earth has always been evolving, and it will continue to...And when it wants to, it's going to shake us off, like a sticky booger...We can't stop it, we can't change it...We think we are so important...I said how small we are compared to the Earth...And the Earth is so small in the universe...And we need to realize it, and realize we have no control over any of it...
So what do we do? Many people have their faith...Faith is hard for me...I went to Catholic school for 12 years...I've read the Bible...I don't believe it to be true...I believe the truth is intended by the author...The message is the important part...But even sometimes the message is garbage...
Last night I was looking at Genesis...The whole Adam and Eve story really bothers me...Why would God give them a Tree of Life, and a Tree of Knowledge...Oh, and he gave man Freewill...But they aren't allowed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge...Why is knowledge so bad? Then of course Eve is tempting Adam...Pushing him to eat the Apple from the Tree of Knowledge...Right of the bat the Bible is putting women in a bad light...
My theory: That knowledge they speak of, is carnal knowledge...That apple they speak of, was Eve's apple bottom...That's right, Adam got some ass, and then we were all sinners, and we all blame the broad...Seems fucking ridiculous to me!
What am I going to do? I'm going to keep riding this ride, and remember that we are just a small part, of a "Pale Blue Dot"
Later, The Beeze.
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