Yes, she has nothing to do with this post, except she looks great, and with the world going to hell in a hand basket, we can always use some great ass!
So my week began with the little Beeze getting a cold...Then mid-week I had to take a day off from the Fish House to take the Mrs. to the ER...Her left knee was swollen, and she couldn't walk...It turns out some asshole doctor gave her two prescriptions for two different things, that when they are in your system at the same time, they can cause your tendons get inflamed and weakened...She had ruptured a tendon...So now she's gimped up and kept me from seeing "Kill the Irishman"...If it was released in your town, check it out...Some true Cleveland mob shit there!
We limped into the weekend with my oldest daughter getting the Flu...But it could be worse...A lot worse...As I saw the news of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan I realized how lucky I am, and how trivial so much of what I blog about is...
Now am I going to stop blogging about sports, politics, chicks, and douche-baggery? Of course not!
So let's get to the NFL Lockout...Heaven forbid they be upstaged by Earthquake and Tsunami, and possible Nuclear Meltdown...They had to get into the news cycle...My view on this whole thing...I don't give a shit! Really! I've always liked College Football more...I'll be fine without these rich fuckers who are bitching over billions of dollars...
Seriously, I have a friend who is a teacher in Wisconsin...He's having his right to collective bargaining stripped from him...But the NFL Players Union and NFL owners can't agree on a CBA because they're billions of dollars apart...
Last week I got into the topic of Wisconsin and Ohio politics more...You can read it HERE...
My friend talked about the crap he was taking from people for being a teacher, and being Liberal...The people who would describe themselves as not only conservatives, but also as religious...He pointed out a good point..."Jesus was an activist and an organizer"...But then again, I've often seen a great number of people who consider themselves Christian, are the least compassionate, caring, understanding, and loving people around...All shit their God stood for!
Now, quickly to Baseball...I signed up for Fantasy Baseball this past week...I'm looking forward to this league...Lots of good guys...Good smack...And plenty of Baseball smarts...Then I heard an inning of an Indians Spring Training game, and I realized I'm not ready for Baseball yet! I need to get studying before the draft...The Indians have made me forget about Baseball...Time to hit the books...
Now if you want some good Hockey talk, check out my buddy Hotch's last POST...
Big news in Ohio last week...Ohio State Head Football Coach Jim Tressel got busted for covering up his players stupidity...In case you missed that, he was Talking_In_Circles...
What has really pissed me off about this, is all the Tressel lovers...The "In Tressel we trust" people...The lovers of the vest! Many people are just giving this an 'aw shucks' kind of attitude...They're believing his lies, and chalking it up as a mistake...None have come up with a quality defense for his actions...One of the biggest Tressel loyalists I know of, gave a very weak defense..."Even with Sanctions, We're Still Going to Kick Meeeeeeeeechigan Arse!"
That was it...One sentence and picture posted improperly, so it couldn't be viewed...That's the best she could come up with...Ms. Cleveland/Ohio State, that's the best she could do...She's always saying how great this city and state are...
Why don't you write something of substance...Write about how the city is trying build a casino, and has many development plans, yet they want to layoff more police officers...How about the disgrace that is the Cleveland Public Schools...And the fact that people are moving out of the city and county in droves...Why would you? When all you can muster up for one of your heroes is that one line of bullshit!
"You make me want to Smoke!"
One last thing...As the world is falling apart, I want to make something clear to McDonald's...Why are you putting whipped cream and a cherry on my milkshakes...You're copying Steak and Shake...I don't want a faggot cherry on my Shamrock Shake...Don't get mad my gay friends...You know you love me!
That's it for now...Look for my Hump Day post, where I'll be digging into the end of the world...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
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