Don't be confused by the title too much...This isn't all about Ronald Reagan...But don't worry, he's going to get plenty of blame...
As the news broke tonight about the vote in Wisconsin, I see something coming true that I predicted awhile ago...You see, living in Ohio, it always seems the first jobs to get cut when the city, or state has mis-managed their money, are Police and Firefighters...And yes, Ohio's new governor is trying to stick it to them and teachers, just as the guy in Wisconsin...Michigan, Indiana and other states are worried about this too...
Toledo Firefighters have made a number of concession over the last few years...Akron Police have been battling with pay cuts, and layoffs for a number of years...Cleveland has laid off Police, Fire and EMT's over and over again...A bunch of police officers just got back on the street, and now the city is saying the funding may be gone soon...
Now the governor and his Republicans pals want to stick it to the Public Employee Unions...They want to break the unions...Just like their idol Ronald Reagan wanted to...Over and over again, every Republican who runs for office lately, seems to invoke the name of the Great Ronald Reagan...Oh, and plenty of Democrats do it too...The want those "Reagan Democrats" bad! But if people paid attention to history, they'd see Ron wasn't all that swell...
He had been the head of the Screen Actors Union...Then he fucked them...He became a FBI informant, and rolled over on people who were thought to possibly be Communists...Often with no real proof...Then when he became Governor of California, he was always enraged when people exercised their Constitutional right to march and protest...
Then when he was President, he went after unions, and took down the Air Traffic Controllers...
Oh, and his "Star Wars" Program that he was obsessed with, was a horrible idea, stolen from a shitty movie he did in the late '40's...
The biggest tax increases in this country's history came under Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Bush...Yet we constantly hear about tax and spend Democrats...
So I have to ask, why are people surprised by what is happening around the country...Reagan has become the patron saint of the Republican party, and all of these jokers run on his name...By today's standards, Eisenhower and Nixon would be considered liberal Republicans...
Now all over the State of Ohio, and Wisconsin, and Michigan, and Indiana, and who else knows where...Police Officers, Firefighters, and Teachers are up in arms over what Republicans want to do to them and their Unions...Let me ask, how many of you dopes voted for these guys...Believe me, I know plenty who voted Republican...So first, you don't get to bitch...If you didn't know what these guys were about, then you're a dolt! Next, I'm not saying Democrats would have everything straightened out, but I know the wouldn't have gone after the unions...WHY? Because they unions have been lining their pockets for years!
Lastly, as to what I predicted awhile ago...This is just the beginning...These clowns want to privatize everything...Not just Medicare, and Social Security...Police and Fire and trash collection, and schooling...They're going to want to keep taxing the hell out us, and make us pay separately for our Fire Departments, and Police Departments...Our Trash collection...And our Schools...
Thing is, all these assholes are loaded...They can afford to send their kids to private school...They already have a killer Government pension, and health-care plans...Funded by our tax dollars...So why would they care about us...People keep saying the Middle-Class is dying...No, the Middle-Class is being murdered.
Later, The Beeze.
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