Often I take those silly quizzes on Facebook, and then re-post them here...Well tonight I'm writing my own quiz, and I'll be posting it there later...I hope you all will take part in it...Although, I know not everyone is as willing as I to share some personal sh!t...But what the hell...
Some questions will need to be specific to a man or a woman...In those cases I'll do the question twice...Example #5a. for the male and #5b. for the female...Just answer the one that pertains to you...Ready...Too bad...Here we go...
1. What type of underwear do you prefer you partner(s) to wear? (none is not an option...too easy) THONG
2. Lights...On or Off? ON
3. What's your favorite position? REVERSE COWGIRL
4a. Do you prefer to cum in or on your partner(s)? IN
4b. Do you prefer your partner(s) to cum in or on you?
5. How often do you masturbate? EVERY DAY
6. Have you ever used toys in bed? NO
7. Have you ever gotten food involved in the process? YES
8. Have you ever had sex in public? YES
9. Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? YES
10. Have you ever had sex in front of other people? (sure they were sleeping) NO
11. Have you ever been part of a threesome? YES
12. If #11's answer is yes...Was it 2 girls 1 guy? 2 guys 1 girl? or 3 girls!?! (please say three girls) FINGER CUFFS
13. Have you ever bumped uglies with a total stranger? NO
14. Have you ever accidentally shit yourself while having sex? ALMOST
15. Have you ever intentionally shit while having sex? NO
16. Have you ever been pissed on during sex? YES
17. Have you ever pissed on someone during sex? NO
18. Have you ever given or received a blumpy? (Blumpy=a blow job while taking a sh!t) RECEIVED
19. Have you ever had sex with a hooker? YES
20. How about a stripper? YES
21. Have you ever covered you gash or crack with peanut butter, and had a dog lick it out for you? NO
22. How about a person? NO
23. Do you like to be spanked? NO
24a. Do you like receiving anal?
24b. Do you like giving anal? YES
25a. Have you ever performed ATM (ass to mouth)?
25b. Have you ever been on the receiving end of ATM? NO
Okay have at it...
Later, The Beeze.
1. What type of underwear do you prefer you partner(s) to wear? bikini
2. Lights...On or Off? dimmed
3. What's your favorite position? from behind
4a. Do you prefer to cum in or on your partner(s)? i'm a girl, so how am i gonna answer this? well hubby is snipped so it's all in ;0
4b. Do you prefer your partner(s) to cum in or on you? In
5. How often do you masturbate? no need to, that's what my hubby is for!
6. Have you ever used toys in bed? YA, they are fun!
7. Have you ever gotten food involved in the process? a few times, but not the normal whipped cream nonsense, besides that gives me a rash LMAO!
8. Have you ever had sex in public? yea, got busted once for it too!
9. Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? No way, my daddy found something like that out, he'd boot my ass into the next lifetime......i was daddy's little girl!
10. Have you ever had sex in front of other people? nopers!
11. Have you ever been part of a threesome? nah, i like just my man!
12. If #11's answer is yes...Was it 2 girls 1 guy? 2 guys 1 girl? or 3 girls!?! (please say three girls) sorry kids, nadda
13. Have you ever bumped uglies with a total stranger? YA a dumb drunk ass night, woke up in the sheraton with some guy singing in the shower, boy did i run like hell LMAO!
14. Have you ever accidentally shit yourself while having sex? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww NO!
15. Have you ever intentionally shit while having sex? ewwwwwww, dammit i'm gonna puke now, c'mon, why would someone take a dump while having sex? EEEWWWWWWW
16. Have you ever been pissed on during sex? BLECK, i just threw up a little.NO!!!!!!
17. Have you ever pissed on someone during sex?c'mon,hell no!
18. Have you ever given or received a blumpy? (Blumpy=a blow job while taking a sh!t) FK NO! sorry i don't wanna smell poop, while giving head thank u LMAO!
19. Have you ever had sex with a hooker? nope! LMAO!
20. How about a stripper? again NOPE lmao!
21. Have you ever covered you gash or crack with peanut butter, and had a dog lick it out for you? who the fuk made this quiz up LMAO! HELL NO!
22. How about a person? i can't stand peanut butter, NO!
23. Do you like to be spanked? sure! not to hard though!
24a. Do you like receiving anal?-beeze no answer to this? LMAO!
Yes i've done that, but not my fave thing!
24b. Do you like giving anal? i can't unless i wear a strap on & i think my ole man would run for the hills LMAO!
25a. Have you ever performed ATM (ass to mouth)? WTF? no!! lmoooooooooo
25b. Have you ever been on the receiving end of ATM? NOPE!
Thanks for playing CK!
like a bad train wreck, i just gotta peak at your blogs, once i do....i gotta answer ;0
now stay off the potty, stop pooping on Mrs. Beeze, before she puts a strap on, on & chases your ass all over the house!
That was the best answer yet...I hope she doesn't read yhis one!
-A...I love you even more now!
Thanks for playing...And yes you and others should worry about me...LOL!
LOL! Kinda makes you wonder if they bled something in the water when we were kids... don't it?
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