My 12 years of Catholic schooling taught me many things...Including that God or a Higher Power does not picks sides in sporting events...I have attended mass at The Basilica at Notre Dame, and gone to the Grotto countless times, and not only did I not pray for a victory, I'm pretty sure if I did, it wouldn't have mattered...It's not God's fault the Irish couldn't stop NAVY's option attack...
We often hear athletes thank God after a big victory...How they couldn't have done it without him...Hell I saw that JET dude from the Mavericks do it...(Yeah I don't really follow basketball)...And then LeBron James tweeted how God wasn't ready for him to win a championship yet...Ummm guys, I highly doubt that the Almighty was really focused on your Basketball game!
The NBA Draft was Thursday night...The NHL Draft started Friday night...There have been guys drafted in both, who got in front of a mic and thanked, "The Lord Jesus Christ." He didn't get you drafted! You coaches over the years...Your parents...The quality competition you faced...Hard work and determination....These things got you drafted...
We've seen entertainers thank God when they win awards...Really? God enjoyed your movie so much more, that he snapped his fingers and said, 'YOU WIN!' Grow up people!
I'm not hating on people for being religious...I'm not shitting on them for having a strong commitment to their Faith...Whatever gets you through your days...If it helps you sleep at night, great...But I think there needs to be a bit of common sense involved...The idea of God, or an all-powerful being, that is in charge of this crazy world, is big...That's serious shit...And to think this higher power really gives a shit about who wins and loses the "Super Bowl" just seems silly to me...
I mean isn't he busy right now, with the drought, the wild-fires, the flooding, raining out Tee-Ball games...Japan being radioactive from 3 meltdowns, and still having small quakes...Alaska has had Quakes all week...Wars around the world...Genocide in Africa...Seems like there are some things ahead of who wins and loses on the big guy's to-do list...
Oh, and by the way Kurt Warner and LeBron James...All that bad stuff I mentioned...You know, the wars, genocide, floods, earthquakes, droughts, blah, blah, blah, all that...Now is God causing that? Or is he suppose to fix that stuff...Just wondering!
Sorry if I got too heavy...Here's where I boosted the title from...
Later, The Beeze.
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