weekend...But I've got some stuff for ya...
First, for those who don't know...My time blogging at Sporting News has come to an end...Unless they want to offer me a job and get rid of some of those hack staff writers they have...Last week I posted another edition of (what has become a weekly event) my list of people deserving of a good Skull F**k...I had posted one there before...But last weeks apparently offended some people, and the "top men" at SN changed the title...This sent me flying off the handle and I posted my final blog there....
Well a friend of mine posted a great piece Sunday on the topic...Check it out...
Now to the Beeze's weekend....I'll say the weekend began Thursday when the wife and I went down to the "Q" for the BIG Dane Cook show...http://thebeezewax.blogspot.com/2009/05/beezes-thoughts-on-isolated-incident.html
Afterwards, I got home just in time to watch the Overtime of the Bruins, Hurricanes game...There is nothing more intense then overtime hockey...I, having picked the Bruins to win it all, ended up on the losing side...as that cheap shot, sucker punching bastard Scott Walker scored the game winning goal...The worst thing about that is, I thought if the 'Canes were going to win...it was going to be him that was gonna do it...He was there best player throughout the OT...
Now the 'Canes face the Penguins...I don't know who I'm rooting for...To be honest I just don't think I can bring myself to cheer for the Pens...
The other Conference final has an "original Six" match up, with the Red Wings and Blackhawks...I'm pulling for the young guns from Chicago...But I think the Red Wings with all their experience and talent will take them...
So moving on to Friday...The Beeze pulled out his green thumb...(If you drink too much grape soda your sh!t turns green) Too much info?
Yes, the Beeze and the little Beeze spent Friday at Lowes (your welcome for the plug) and then working in the yard...We planted Basil, Cukes, Zucchini, Tomatoes, and some Zinnias to add a little color...I'm not gay...I just love fresh basil, and some good veggies...Now I have to get ready for battle with all the bunnies that run around this neighborhood...
Little Beeze had to point out that the top soil smelt like poop...He made sure to tell everyone we saw all day...Then he asked if he could poop in the garden...I wanted to say...'Why not...You shit everywhere else!' But instead I just said no...The bitchy neighbors wouldn't like that...
Saturday I had to go work and feed the "Lunch Bunch" ...You don't know about them? Here ya go... http://thebeezestalesfromthefishhouse.blogspot.com/2009/01/chicken-mushroom-rice-soup.html
After feeding those douche bags, it was time to watch the Preakness...I love horse racing...I love gambling even more...I was very happy it was such a good race...
Not so happy that both my kids have been better at picking horses this year, then me...Like I don't get enough ball busting...Now I gotta payout these two little sh!ts...WTF! I'm taking them out at the Belmont!
Saturday night Mrs. Beeze and I watched "Get Smart" (the new movie version)...We both loved the show, and thought Steve Carell would be a perfect fit....I liked it...How abouty that for a f**king review....And I'll be honest with ya...Anne Hathaway is f**king hot...She'd look great with me inside her...

Then came Sunday...The kids and I played outside a little and I did a little more yard work...Then Mrs. Beeze and I took them to hell...When I say hell, I mean Chuck E Cheese...(yet another free plug...although they may not like this one)...It was a little reward we promised little Beeze for not shitting all over the place...
First...Just because you and your kids now have a glow in the dark stamp on your hand...Doesn't mean you now get to ignore your child...There were kids just laying in the middle of the floor being a$$holes and their parents doing nothing about it...There was one little girl just crying at a table for 8 minutes, because mom and dad were too busy playing a game...They did bother to do anything until my wife and another mother went to check on her...My wife feared she got ditched...I guess in a way she did...It's been said here before...You should have to take a test before you have kids...Hell there are some people who should just be offed when they first show signs that they are useless to this world...
Then there was the staff...What a bunch of dolts...I went to order some drinks and Pizza...I f**cking stood there for 20 minutes while 6 staff members were bullshitting and trying about one customers question...Really it took 6 if you to figure out they needed one more goody bag for a birthday party...Drop dead!
Then...At least half the games and/or rides didn't work...What a sh!t hole...And of course there is the best part...That little Chuck E Cheese surprise...Sometimes you have to wait a day or two...But it always comes...At least one of these two kids is gonna be sick...Can't f**king wait!
Alright...That's all for now...I'm feeling a little tickle in my throat....Maybe I'll get the plague first...Have a good week...
Later, The Beeze.
I posted my "I quit" blog on SN too man ... can't take the crap anymore.
Rewarding the little one for not crapping all over the place ... nice.
As always ... enjoyed the blog!
Thanks TCP...We're dropping like flies over there...It's really gone down hill.
chuckie cheeses' LOL i remember those days.....cootie land is more like it. i hated those places, fricken germ pits for the kids!
that SN thing...doesn't florio blog over there........HA nuff said from me ;0 can't stand him, hey u can use him in your next installment of skull fkery!
LMAO...I've got a big list for this week!
YO u cock knocker, how bout u answer a girl?
can u PUHLEASE skull fk my feed? it hasn't updated in 10 fricken hours *thud* and i'm on like 25 blogs later ...........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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